
Arguments & Understandings

They don't exactly know when it started. How every little argument would explode into something much more intense. Luhan would blame every little mishap on Sehun and Sehun would point out every little mistake made by Luhan. It got to the point where the heated arguments would take place anywhere at anytime. Conversations were happening less and less and being replaced with these pointless arguments.

Unlike all the other arguments they've had though, this one would turn out to be the worst.

Their all entering the dorm after a recording one night when it happens. Everyone is heading to their respective rooms and some to take a much needed shower. Luhan being one if them. "Sehun-ah come shower with me." He call out.

"No thank you. Go ask Xiumin hyung." Sehun responds with a frown. "What?" Luhan replies also frowning at being rejected.

"I said..." "No. I know what you said. I'm asking you to. Why are you bringing Xiumin into this?" "You ask him to do everything else with you! Why not ask him to shower with you?!" Sehun raises is voice.

Luhan's frown deepens at this. "Oh Sehun! Don't you dare raise your voice at me! I'm still your hyung, so show some respect! I ask you to do things all the time! What does it matter if I ask Xiumin to hangout he is my best friend you know? Just like Jongin is yours! Everything doesn't revolve around just you!"

By this point all the members have gathered to witness the chaotic scene. Junmyun and Kris are standing at the side not knowing whether or not they should interfere and send the two off to bed and handle everything in the morning. They decide against it though because this isn't just one of their normal fights. It's something much more intense and is hiding something deeper behind it.

Sehun sends him a glare. "Well excuse me hyung," making sure to put emphasis on the word hyung, "but when exactly was the last time you asked me to do anything with you? You never have from what I can remember! Yeah okay? Xiumin hyung's your best friend and Jongin is mine! But what about us!" Sehun is beyond upset now.

When he and Luhan became close, they were inseparable and did everything together. Then Luhan started drifting more towards Xiumin and he became more distant from Sehun. Being the two oldest members in the group Sehun understands why their so close to each other. They have more in common than he and Luhan does. He knows their now best friends, but he can't help but to feel a little jealous that he's loosing his hyung. Jongin has always been Sehun's best friend, even before they debuted. He knows Sehun better than anyone. He also knows how attached Sehun can get, he knows how to handle Sehun though. He went with Sehun to get bubble tea when Luhan wouldn't. He's also held onto Sehun as he cried on nights where EXO-M had to go back to China and Sehun would miss the older.

Sehun's tired of all the fighting and he wants them to fix this. He wants to go back to the way they were before, but he doesn't know how they can fix this when their already to far gone.

"You know what I don't need to listen to your jealous rant right now. I'm going to bed." With that said, Luhan turns and walks away to their shared room with Kyungsoo.

Sehun looks bewildered at Luhan's figure as he walks away. Not believing what he's just heard. How could Luhan say that to him. He obviously doesn't care about Sehun's own feelings.

He feels a hand on his shoulder and looks over at the one person he feels ashamed of seeing right now. "I'm sorry hyung." He let's out guiltily.

Xiumin gives him a sympathetic look. "No. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your guys friendship or come between the two of you. I love you both. I'm sorry Sehun-ah." Xiumin looks at him with soft eyes and Sehun regrets ever blaming anything on his hyung.

"It's not your fault hyung. It never was. I'm sorry for trying to push you away." He let's out.

"Sehun-ah," he looks up to see Junmyun making his way to stand in front of him, "maybe you should go and get some sleep. You look tired and you need some rest. Just talk with Luhan tomorrow and settle everything okay?" Sehun knows it's not a question. Junmyun's telling him. It's his way of saying settle all of this before it interferes with the group. Sehun doesn't want that either.

He nods an okay as everyone sends him looks of pity, which he doesn't need right now. Everyone makes their way back to their rooms and Sehun's left standing there alone. To caught up in his own feelings he doesn't realize the other figure standing a few feet away eyeing him.

"Hey." He looks up at the voice to see Jongin gazing softly at him. "You can sleep in my room tonight if you want to?" Sehun nods his head yet again and follows behind Jongin to his room. He also didn't notice the other figure standing at the hall entrance watching the two from afar with anger, sadness and regret looming around him.


When morning arrives Sehun awakes to an empty room. They have a late schedule today, so he was able to sleep in. Rubbing his eyes he gets up and makes his way out of the room.

When he steps into the kitchen a few of the members are already there eating breakfast. He walks over to the table and sit beside Jongin who is talking intently to Xiumin about something and across from Luhan. As he's reaching for the cereal he sneaks a quick glance at Luhan and sees he's talking with Baekhyun about something there supposed to do today for a schedule today.

Sehun sighs and feels a nudge on his side. He looks over to see both Jongin and Xiumin giving him encouraging looks. He ignores the looks though and begins to eat his cereal in silence.


It's sometime in the afternoon when they get ready to leave for their schedules. Exo-K and Exo-M getting into two separate vans. Sehun would usually sneak into M's van or Luhan would usually sneak into K's, but recently they haven't found any reason too.

Their at an interview and Sehun is forcefully shoved by Chanyeol into the seat beside Luhan. Luhan doesn't even spare a glance and he doesn't seem to want to give Sehun the time of day. Sehun frowns and decides if Luhan wants to ignore him, he'll just give the older what he wants and leave him alone.


At the end of the day, it comes to the others attention that the two have spent the whole day ignoring each other. Their all worried and don't know how to handle the situation, so Kris steps up to the plate and decides to take matters into his own hands. If these two are deciding to live their whole lives ignoring and avoiding each other something has to be done. So he sets up a plan.

Walking into the dorm, Kris decides he wants to take the members out for dinner instead. "Hey guys? How about we go out instead?" Everyone quickly rushes back out the door. "Ah ah ah. You two are staying here." He stops Luhan and Sehun as they were about to make their way out also.

"We don't need your negative energy around while we eat. It'll make the food taste bad." Baekhyun snips out.

"So stay here and kiss and make up okay?" Xiumin adds in with a wink.

As they all leave with the click of the door behind them. Sehun turns around and notices that the other boy is missing. Walking further into the dorm he finds him sitting on the couch watching a movie. He sighs and turns to walk to the kitchen so he can prepare them something to eat.

After cooking them some ramyun, he makes his way to the living room. He ends up hesitating and standing there awkwardly not knowing if it's ok to sit beside Luhan.

Luhan seems to sense his hesitation though and helps him out. "You can sit down you know. I don't bite." He says without even sparing Sehun a glance.

Sehun's wondering if there's a hidden meaning behind those words and that Luhan actually does bite. So he hesitantly walks over and sits on the farthest end of the couch. "Here. I made you some ramyun. Your probably really hungry right now and I doubt the others will bring us anything back. Well Kyungsoo hyung might, but..."



"Shut up."

"Sorry hyung."

Luhan sighs and takes the warm food from Sehun's hands and sets it on the table. Then he turns to look Sehun in the eyes. "What's happened to us? Because I really don't know." He says sadly.

Sehun wants to say his possessiveness happened and his fear of loosing Luhan completely happened. He thinks if they didn't have their little arguments that's exactly what would have happened. But he doesn't say any of this, just replies that he doesn't know either.

Luhan looks away for a minute or so, then turns back to him. "I'm sorry I've been neglecting you."

Sehun bites his lip and looks down avoiding eye contact. "You haven't. I was the one being selfish. Xiumin hyung is your best friend and I just... I rarely get to hangout with you anymore and we don't talk much anymore, because we're always fighting and tired and you guys have been going back to China more recently. I just really miss you and I miss being your little Sehunnie. I want you to tell me I'm your favorite dong-saeng and baby me like you used too." Sehun fuses out all the while looking away extremly embarrassed.

When he's about to get up to run and hide forever, he hears Luhan clicking his tongue and then he's pulling Sehun into a tight embrace.

"Aww my Sehunnie! Why didn't you tell hyung you wanted his love and attention!" He coos at him while squeezing him tightly. Sehun's not complaining though, because now Luhan can't see how red his face is.

"I thought you would have figured it out hyung. I was being pretty obvious." He sighs out happy that their okay now.

Luhan pushes him away and puts his hands on Sehun's shoulders to keep him close. "Sehun-ah, I can't read minds you know?" He let's out with a chuckle. "Tell hyung things like this from now on. Okay? I want to hear it from you." He says with a poke to Sehun's forehead and smirking at the same time.

Sehun doesn't think Luhan will ever let him live this down, but he agrees to be more vocal about his feelings from now on.

"So lets eat this ramyun now. I'm starving. Aren't you Hunnie-ah? We can finish this movie while we eat too." He says while handing Sehun his now cold ramyun. Sehun chuckles out, "Yes hyungie." And recieves a bright smile in return.


A few hours later the other members are walking through the door tired and stomachs full. Their greeted with the sight of the two boys asleep on the small couch. It really is a heart warning site and puts them all at ease.

"Well Kris, your plan actually worked." Junmyun says a bit jealous. "Yeah. I don't think your family meeting would have done them any justice." Kris says with a smug look.

Junmyun huffs. "My family meetings do everyone justice. We wouldn't be so close without them!" He retorts. "Yeah well...."

They continue with their heated discussion and everyone else just groans and heads to their rooms and leave the two leaders there to fuss.

"We'll just have Sehuna and Luhan hyung treat us to dinner tomorrow night." Jongin moans out.

Sorry~ I really didn't know how to end this. Haha. I tried. Comments are appreciated. :)

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Chapter 1: hahaha aww randomly stumbled upon this, cute!
Chapter 1: Aww, this was really cute! You did a good job of making it feel very realistic and the interactions weren't heavy-handed. Very sweet.
Chapter 1: awh sehun was so squishy i-