Return of the Hyung-line

Seventh Floor Fairytales

soundtrack:this could be anywhere in the world by alexisonfire

Shock, was the first thing that overwhelmed his mind. Rapidly followed by barely restrained fury.

What did those complete and utter cretins think they were doing? Why the hell was there a random woman, and a foreign one at that sitting in the middle of a pile of food at their dorms kitchen table??

He in a breath, about to demand an explanation as to what exactly was going on when the woman in question, following the maliciously delighted gaze of Howon to the door turned around before jumping out of her seat.

He couldn’t help but take a split second to assess her appearance, long slightly golden legs, slightly messy sandy brown hair with bleached tips and catlike blue eyes. His examination was interrupted by her polite bow and bizarre introduction.

Hello, I am Scarlet the first-place next house living woman. Yoroshi- err… hello.” Despite her attempt to cover it up he had heard the slight slip into Japanese and he couldn’t help but glare slightly. Did this woman even know what a huge faux-pas that was?

Even so he bowed stiffly and the three other men with him followed suit before Dongwoo stepped in to do some much needed explaining. “Sunggyu-Hyung, this is our new neighbour. She’s studying in Korea this year and somehow got put into the apartment next door instead of the dormitories.”

He nodded in understanding,  that made sense he supposed, so presumably she had come to introduce herself. “Why is all the food out though?” Now the new girl spoke up, “Sungyeol-shi et Howon-shi et Dongwoo-shi learning to me the food labels.” She explained. Or thought she explained because Sunggyu, Sungjong, Myungsoo and Woohyun were none the wiser until Sungyeol piped up from where he was poking around in Myungsoo’s shopping that she wasn’t familiar with Korean supermarkets yet so they had been teaching her what was good.

While Myungsoo and Sungyeol started a nonsense conversation over- looking rights into a best friends shopping bags

Sunggyu took the time to introduce himself along with the others who had come in with him. Meanwhile Hoya had sidled over to Sungjong and whispered something to him. He looked up, eyes sparkling with mirth and tugged on his older brother’s sleeve.

“Hyung, look- she’s a fan of yours!” He didn’t realise what he was talking about until with a careless wave of his manicured fingers the eldest attention was drawn to the fox emblazoned on her sweatshirt.

Hoping against hope she wasn’t fluent enough to understand what had just been said he flushed slightly and repeated the well-loved/hated phrase “Yah! Lee Sungjong!”

Woohyun, ever the social butterfly (if a slightly hyperactive one) approached her and began a conversation to distract from Sunggyu attempting to hit both Hoya and Sungjong ‘subtly’. Also he wanted to practice his English- Key could speak it but he was a terrible teacher.

“Hello” He could immediately see her brighten; she must have been trying very hard to keep up with the speech around her.

“Hello! Woohyun right? It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He shook her hand, noting how small it was and that she had unusually long and slender fingers.

“You are student, yes? What is your study?”

“I major in art and art history, and I minored in Japanese for a year and then East Asian history.” He nodded in understanding.

“Your English is very good, have you been learning long?”

“We were abroad time, learned there and with my boy friend.” She wasn’t sure if he had just come out to her or whether he was just being specific about the gender of his teacher.

“Well if you ever want to practice you’re all welcome to visit in the evenings.” He was a little surprised at her generous offer, they had met barely five minutes ago. On the other hand she was hoping they would accept so that she would know more than one person around her own age here.

“Thank you, if you want to improve the Korean we also can help.” She smiled brightly, blue eyes becoming even more catlike.

“Thankyou Woohyun-shi”

She and Woohyun talked a little longer (awkwardly because her Korean was reliant mainly on vocabulary memorisation rather than knowing how to structure a sentence and he had slightly odd pronunciation on a lot of English words) to arrange a time for him to come visit with some of his flatmates (he called them team mates although she wasn’t sure why) the following afternoon. The others joined the conversation and seemed happy about the idea of brushing up on their English they had learnt in school and while abroad. Although Sunggyu still seemed a little wary of the idea he liked the idea of improving his English. He was good at languages as he knew basic Chinese and had always been told by his friend Ailee that he had very good English pronunciation for someone who didn’t actually speak the language.

Eventually she excused herself so they could cook the meal they had evidently been grocery shopping for and they all bid her farewell and she accidentally told them “Au Revoir”. Apparently her French was getting confused with her other non-English languages as well.

She spent the afternoon getting herself ready for her work at the museum and sending emails to her painting tutors at the Art School, before curling up in the armchair of her apartment with a cup of raspberry tea and a textbook she would need to study for that semester.

Eventually she got changed for bed and fell asleep after staring at her ceiling for hours, unable to sleep trying to block the clatter of thoughts still stampeding through her mind.

She had only slept for an hour or so before an urgent knock came at her door, she left her bed quickly and ran to the door to open it, before standing dumbstruck staring at the person on the other side.

A/N: Cliffhanger!!

helloooo so here is the latest chapter! I'm going to replace the banner for the story soon because it makes me cring with its badness :s 

for this chapter korean was italics, french andjapanese were bold and english was normal :)

hope you enjoyed! I have the story planned out for the next few chapters but if you want to see your bias in here let me know and they can make a cameo ;)

it is waay too hard to find this is infinite with subs *pouts* 

have y'all heard about the wookey subunit?? it makes me so saaadddd I like key and i like woohyun but SMs whole takeover of woollim was SO SHADY  not great and woohyun deserves to be a namstar solo

I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this since it seems like although the infinite fandom is generally pretty cool and calm this has been splitting opinions a bit...

It's still cold like the arctic here all my empathies go out to my readers who are also in cold countries :'(

winter is depressing so take this A++++ quote from yeollie for you!



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