
what are we, really?

i hated him.
from the first moments when we met for the first time as infants, i've hated him, depised him. loathed him and unfortunatly for myself, somethings changed between us. is it me? or was it him? 


we were only 5 years of age when we met.
being as shy as i was, i hid behind my appas leg, clutching close to the jean material. my appa however, was edging me close to the only child my age in the neighbourhood. he stood confidently infront of his appa, a skinny boy wearing a short sleeved t-shirt with dark blue overalls. im guessing his umma dressed him.

he approached me swiftly, peeking his head around my appa's leg. his face only centermeters away from mine.
" appa, why is a boy wearing a dress?" his father scolded him, when i began sobbing.

okay in all fairness my hair was very short at the time, because there were nits going around.
" im a girl! pabo." i shove him. making him fall to the ground.

he grinned, getting up. he brushed off the dirt and smiled.
" your strong, i like you." he grinned cheekily making me flush red.
"im Ahn Daniel." he extended a hand. only to push me over, into a puddle ruining my only dress.
" Stupid pabo, i hate you."

" i dont think my little eun-mi has taken a liking to your Daniel." my father chuckled, amused at us arguing.
" so your name is eun-mi, name so girly for a boy."
" shut up sausage lips." his face dropped as he went red with anger.
" lady boy." he quipped.
" appa!" i yell angrily.


thats what most of our conversations ended like, me screaming for my appa or umma. whoever was in the house at the time.
when we were 6 years old he broke my cuddly toy lay, daniel defended himself by blaming me, saying it was my fault that i didnt let go. i scream for appa that day.

we were aquaintances then until at age 9 he broke my gameboy colour, whilst deleting my save on pokemon yellow, i hit him over the head and screamed appa.

age 11 we end up entering the same middle school, he consists to annoy me and at the same time stick to me like glue.
straight up to age 16 when we went to the same highschool. angel high.

hes found his own friends and i had my one friend, but even then. whenever he was able. he would never cease to aggrivate me. 
the worst part was we were neighbours, yes. living right next to eachother. our rooms only 2 ft away from eachother. with that he would easily sneek into my room. annoying the hell out of me. when we were younger, i would just wake up to the plank of wood laying face down next to me. sleeping the day away as always. neally every day we would see eachother.

to my surprise my parents never complained how Daniel would just be there, eating breakfast with us, first thing in the morning. they never bothered questioning why and how he was in my room.

so fast fowarding to us now, 18 years of age.
i still had short hair, but i had gone through puberty, 'very nicely' according to my umma.
although i was the shortest in my year. especially compared to that infernal wavy haired parasite Ahn Daniel. he was a hell of a lot taller than me, puberty also hit him too.

he was tall, slender and dare i say it. slightly handsome. oh god, even admitting it makes me want to gag.
his lips were still plump and large but not too bad now, since his face had become proportional. his voice was soft, not too deep. but i didnt even notice these changes till recently.

my thoughts were rudely interupted by a ominous pressence.

" whatcha thinking about?" i turn to the voice, only to be greeted by Daniels face. too close to my own.
" nothing." i bluntly remark, collecting my books as the end of school bell echoes through the corridor.
finally i can go home to get away from his annoyance. but to no avail, Ahn Daniel walked besides me. " can we...maybe, walk home together?" 

i dont know why but i felt a soft pang somewhere.
" n-ne, dont you always? why are you asking me now?" my gaze intently follows him.
" honestly? i dont know." he chuckled. now walking by my side, his shoulder bag swaying, brushing against his uniform.
it was a ten minute walk of silence besides the minor chatter, Daniel provided.

" do want to get some coffee before we go home?" he asked lowering his head to look at mine.
" bwoh? like a date?!" i gape , shocked at the offer.
" a-aniyo, just a normal outing lady boy." he grinned.
" shut the up, big lips." i click my tongue as i smirk.
" language eunmi-ssi." he gasps feigning innocence at my bad language.
" says the one who scratched his motorbike, screaming a line of cursewords." i nudged his arm with my shoulder playfully.
this is why, i've been feeling weird. recently we've been like this, getting along. yes, with a few insults and quips here and there. Daniels also been acting out of sorts also.

hes being kind and gentle, not rude and sadistic like he was in his younger days.
we walk past our house to the cafe near by.

although its late february, the weather is bitter cold from the winds brought in by the sea.
so im thankful to be welcomed by the warmth and pleasant smell of coffee beans and chocolate.

" Oh Annyeonghaseyo, eun-mi. Niel." C.a.p or minsoo grins.
" you work here oppa?" i ask with a raised brow.
he nods.

" so what would you two love birds like?" im taken a-back by what minsoo refers us to.
Daniel just argues. " Hyung~" he whines. he whispers into minsoo's ear.
" she still doesnt know? well you got to hurry dongsaeng. before your loves taken away." the rest of Daniels friends nod as they are washing the dishes or serving customers.
love? Ahn Daniel loves someone? bwoyah? 
more importantly. why am i angry? why hasnt he told me.

" nevermind, i'll have a Caramel macciato." Daniel sighs.
" and i'll have-" Daniel cuts in"-she'll have a white hot chocolate with forest berry syrup."  
I look to him, astonished.
" you know my favourite beverage?" i raise a brow.

he smirks. " we've known eachother since we were 5, i know everything about you, silly girl." he smiles again, but this time. somethings different about his gaze. i can't quite put my finger on it, but whatever its is. my chest is clenching with a pleasant pain and im scared that i dont know what it is.

we sit down at a booth at the back. after Minsoo-oppa gives us our prepared drinks.
" So who is the girl? that c.a.p was talking about, your love?" i take a sip from the white chocolaty goodness.

Daniels head couldnt shoot up fast enough, his face red and his eyes wide.
" bwoh?" he fakes that he doesnt understand what i meant...typical.

" im not deaf Daniel. who were you two referring to, is she someone i know?"
he nods." very well actually." is it hana?! my own eyes widen.
" hana?!" he frowns shaking his head. " ani-ani." he clenches his coffee tight. locking his eyes to mine.

he pauses, biting his bottom lip. breathing so hard, his chest keeps rising. why is he so nervous?


" you."


the bomb drops on me, like a pail of ice water. Ahn Daniel, my enemy / friend/ neighbour. has a crush on me. he likes me.
" what." i look to him stonefaced and stern.

"its you-" he repeats. " i like you and i have for a long time."
i cant face this. the look on his face is dead serious, his cheeks and ears red.
his eyes darting to me and back to his drink.


leaving my hot chocolate, i run for my life to reach my house.
i fall flat on my bed realising my face is bright red,my hearts clenching and im breathing heavy like Daniel was not long ago, so does that mean?

i like him too? in a romantic way?

undressing into my pajama bottoms and tank top, switching off the lights as i do so.
laying there, covered up in my bed covers. i sleep for some time when a sound resonates awaking me. i look at the time. 11:45pm

my ears perked at the tapping sound at my window. i reluctantly get up, full well knowing who it was going to be at the other side of the glass. pulling the drapes away, a wild Daniel appears attaching himself to my window frame. using his pout attack and god damnit, its super effective.

" ing idiot!" i exclaim cursing as i do so, rushing to open my window to pull him in. resulting with his weight crushing me to the carpet.
" why did you run away?" he questioned. hovering above me.

a heat crawled up my face. Daniels eyes were half lidded, ready to lean in.
" i don't know if i can see us together, like that." answering truthfully, Daniel stares blankly with his chocolate almond eyes.
he pulls away.

" thats all i needed, an answer." he pulls away, with a pained expression on his face.

propping myself on my shoulders, i fell hypnotised by his lips after so many years. only now hes effecting me in such a way, i cant just lay here and do nothing about this.

I lent up and pecked his plump lips with mine. his eyes neally popped out of his skull.
" wae?" he questioned.
" i wanted to see what it would be like." i shrug.

he picks me up in his arms and laid me down on my bed. " you brought this upon yourself." he warned as he began attacking my lips. nibbling my bottom lip and brushing his tounge over my lips, darting slightly into my mouth.

he brought himself away from me. " i love you." he muttered into my neck.
beginning to place sweet angelic kisses along my jawline. my heart plummets causing me to smile.

" i-i...i love you too." i shamefully admitted,as his arms encircled me in a loving cuddle.
normally it would be me sleeping and him as a plank of sleeping wood, two individuals but now... were together in eachothers embrace.
" so we're together?" i muttered against his chest.
"what did you think we were? ducks?" he chuckled kissing my head.
" shut up pabo." i hit his chest.

*** early that morning

unknown to the two lovers, there parents walk into eun-mi's room in search of the neigbours son, only to be greeted by the sight of the two cuddled together.

" so how long do think till your son asks permission to marry my little eun-mi?" eun-mi's father holds his wife chuckling at the adorable sight

" i'd give it a week." he chuckled as they saw Daniel kissing eun-mi's forehead unknowingly.

they all left the adorable sight, but not before taking a commerative photo of the couple. laughter causing the now lovers to stir, but fall still as they lay in eachothers arms


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Kamsahamnida :3
nielsgirl #2
Chapter 1: I like this one
Chapter 1: And i was going for the sweetheart type :3
I would love to see teen top live honestly :)
mamdalida #5
Chapter 1: cute.... i can imagine Niel as somebody that sweet