

Taekwoon likes the snow.


He likes the cold; the way goosebumps appear on his skin, how he has to pull his sleeves down around his hands.


The snow was piled up outside the window he sat at, covering most of the glass panes.


The others (namely Hakyeon) had complained when they'd come out the morning before to find snow packed against the door, leaving them stuck in the lodge, waiting for help. They'd been told it'd be a few days (two, at least) until anyone could get out to where they were, the waiting period longer as they weren't in any real danger.


"But we'll get bored, that's dangerous enough!" Hakyeon had groaned dramatically earlier.


Now Taekwoon sat by the window in the lounge, not having even bothered to turn on the heater, as he gazed out into the darkness, bright moonlight shining down and illuminating his reflection in the frosted glass.


"Aren't you cold, hyung?"


Taekwoon jumped slightly at the soft voice, swivelling around to see Hongbin a few metres away, his arms hugging around his jumper-clad waist in the chilly air, his thick-framed glasses resting on his nose.


"I like the cold," Taekwoon answered, turning his head to look back out the window. He heard footsteps approach, and saw out of the corner of his eye, Hongbin climbing onto the window seat in front of him. The younger knelt close to the glass, resting his fingertips on the cold surface and peering out.


"This weather suits you," he said after a quiet moment. Taekwoon turned to look at him again, tilting his head in confusion and waiting for him to continue. "You're both beautiful."


Hongbin glanced sideways with a smile that showed off his dimples, his eyes crinkling up and forcing Taekwoon to look away, as if that would control the constricting feeling in his heart.


He was back to staring outside again when he heard Hongbin shifting, and felt his sock-covered feet nudging his own gently, moving one of his legs slightly in between Taekwoon's and pressing their knees together.


"This is nice," he said, his voice peaceful.


Taekwoon nodded, his heart beating faster than he'd have liked, trying to concentrate on the lightly falling snow outside, but finding the task rather difficult.


Eventually Hongbin spoke up again. "You're a bit fidgety tonight."


Taekwoon looked over to him cautiously, Hongbin's head tilted slightly, a small smile upon his lips. The older just nodded.


Hongbin crawled off the seat, reaching over and picking up Taekwoon's hand, tugging him up gently to follow him.


Taekwoon did so without question, curious as to what his friend was doing now.


He got his answer when Hongbin dropped down onto one of the soft, squishy couches in the lounge, pulling Taekwoon down beside him and grabbing the blanket that lay over the back of the chair to cover them.


"The snow was nice, but this is better, I think," the brunette said with another smile, dimples showing on his cheeks again and making Taekwoon lose his train of thought.


Hongbin was settled close to him, their legs tangled beneath the warm blanket, their faces inches apart, and Taekwoon could taste hints of the hot chocolate the younger had drunk before bed on his breath.


He focused his gaze on the sleek floorboards, on the loose threads on the blanket, and not on Hongbin's warm hands over his own chilled ones. Taekwoon made the mistake of glancing up to look at the younger to almost choke when he saw that Hongbin was watching him happily.


Hongbin responded to the soft noise of embarrassment Taekwoon was now cursing himself for making by scooting even closer, leaning into the older and pushing him back slightly against the arm of the couch.


"Hongbinnie, what are you doing," Taekwoon said quietly, looking into Hongbin's bright eyes.


"Keeping you warm, hyung," the brunette answered cheerfully. "Your mysterious habit of sitting by cold windows is going to get you sick one day." The words were followed by Hongbin's laughter, soft and almost timid as he shifted to lay down against Taekwoon.


The dark haired man was terrified Hongbin would hear his pounding heart, quite sure he'd at least feel the thumping against his ear that now lay on Taekwoon's chest. The situation didn't get any better for him when arms wrapped around his waist, gently pulling him closer to Hongbin's body.




"W-What, Hongbinnie-ah?" Taekwoon said, calling the younger by the name he often used.


"Your heart is beating really fast."


Taekwoon's head was filled with a thousand swears all of a sudden, all quite colourful and certainly not eloquent in the slightest.


Hongbin just laughed again. "You went stiff when I said that. Am I making you nervous, Taekwoonie?"


Taekwoon's heart faltered at the nickname. "Stop it. You know what you're doing."


"Maybe I do. I don't think it bothers you though. If it did you'd have pushed me away, or told me to go. Instead..." Hongbin paused to look up into Taekwoon's eyes, a knowing smile on his lips and brows raised, "you're lying on a couch under a blanket with me. So I don't think you're bothered," he repeated, laying his head back down comfortably.


Taekwoon wasn't sure if he wanted to slap Hongbin or pin him down and kiss him.


Maybe a little of both right now. 

I am utterly obsessed with all things cold and wintery. On top of seeing Frozen multiple times and happening across winter-themed stories and songs I just am surrounded in all this wintery prettiness and I need to contribute to this genre (winter genre??? ok). The title of the story comes from the Lindsey Stirling song (dat MV. all that ice hnnnng). It greatly pains me that snow is not found in most parts of my country ಥ_ಥ

And this is actually an AU story. The boys are uni students on holiday. I think they're not in Korea, they're off in some other magical place that's constantly cold and snowing, haha. 

I usually post gifs but I really can't be bothered this morning, I am not feeling well. Soz.

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Chapter 1: my heart is beating fast too ^_^ waaaahhhhh Leobin make me froze xD I love winter too :) Chingu this is daebak <3 I'm inlove with your stories keep on writing waaahhhh saranghae ❤️
Kyattchan #2
I really REALLY like this story. As much as I like reading about innocent, cutie Hongbin.. this y, wicked Hongbin is so hot!! ❤
Chapter 2: Unf. At first so sweet, but then... leobin is so hooot nggghhh >////<
LaFey77 #4
Chapter 2: Daebak . So sweet :)
hsh0795 #5
Chapter 2: This was awesome. Don't feel sorry at all.
Thanks for this story. I love the Leobin and I like when Binnie starts the action keke.
KpopLover02_93 #6
Chapter 2: "I'm not sorry for any of this" lol!! I loveeed the story!! It's so sweet and Hongbin is suuch a ert haha and I hope you keep writing LeoBin stories because those two make my heart flutter but I have to get used to a erted Leo because I figure him sooo innocent! lol... (btw sorry for my bad english)
Chapter 2: Don't feel sorry. Bless you for gracing the world with this amazing story!