
Delivery Boys

                Wonshik doubled over and almost crashed Hongbin’s armful of pizza boxes to the ground in his laughing fit.

                “Hey- Watch it!” the younger kicked him in the ribs, causing him to topple over.

                “Binnie Binnie look,” Wonshik pointed at the screen, still cracking up with laughter.

                Hongbin glanced at the screen, “I don’t get what’s so funny about two Hawaiian pizza orders.”

                “No no look,” he pointed at the special instructions section.

                The brunette’s expression dropped, “Oh no. Don’t show this to Jaehwan-hyung or Hakyeon-hyung.”

                “Don’t show us what?” both boys jumped at Jaehwan’s sudden appearance, who was peering curiously over Hongbin’s shoulder.

                “Send your cutest delivery boy?” Hakyeon had pushed past them and was already reading off the screen before anyone could stop him.

                “That’s me,” both Hakyeon and Jaehwan said at once.

                “Shut up, you’re not,” the eldest huffed, “girls would swoon at the sight of me.”

                “I have big eyes,” the golden haired boy countered.

                “My skin colour is exotic.”

                “My nose is y.”

                “My s are ier.”

                “ you, I have a big .”

                Sanghyuk looked up from kneading the dough with disgust in his eyes, “Hyung, no.”

                “It’s true,” Taekwoon said whilst sprinkling cheese over the uncooked canvases.



                Taekwoon resumed sprinkling cheese. Sanghyuk looked slightly disturbed.

                “If we’re gonna talk about bodies, I vote Wonshik-hyung,” Hongbin said, exasperated, wanted to get the argument over with.

                “It’s not like he’s gonna whip off his shirt when he’s delivering ing pizza,” Jaehwan complained.

                “It’s not like you’re gonna go in there and whip out your ,” Sanghyuk brushed his hands on his apron and made his way over, “If anyone is gonna deliver these pizzas it’s gonna be me.”

                “Excuse me, child? You’re a BABY,” Hakyeon latched himself onto the maknae, “what if they hurt you? Or take you by force? Oh God-”

                His words muffled out when Wonshik pulled the eldest off Sanghyuk with a hand over his mouth.

                “The request says cutest delivery boy,” the youngest grinned cheekily, “I’m young and cute. es love young and cute.”

                “Wash that mouth of yours, Han Sanghyuk!” Hakyeon nearly screeched; Wonshik winced.

                “I could go with Hyukkie since I’m the second youngest,” Hongbin offered.

                “You guys are just gonna make out in the car again,” Jaehwan pointed out, “then you’ll come back like, two hours later.”

                “You’re one to talk! You nearly went on a ing road trip all the way to the next city,” Wonshik pointed.

                “Hey, I got the job done first,” he retorted, “in my defense, it was the last order of the day and Taekwoon was sleeping anyways.”

                “Yeah but who had to bail you out of jail when you assaulted that police officer?!” Hakyeon shook Jaehwan’s shoulders, “THAT. WAS. SO. EXPENSIVE.”

                “I keep telling you it wasn’t me!” Jaehwan wailed, “Taekwoon was drunk and thought he was a serial killer!”

                Wonshik was trying to pry the eldest off the latter. Hongbin snorted with laughter at his hyung’s nearly piercing screaming.

                “Speaking of Taekwoon, where did he go?” Sanghyuk asked.

                The boys stopped their activity and looked around. Sure enough, Taekwoon was nowhere to be seen within the small pizza parlor; two Hawaiian pizzas were missing from the oven.



               The door opened to reveal a girl with a short bob and dainty lips chewing a piece of gum. As cute as her appearance was, her clothing choice was atrocious. The knee length white polo dress hung awkwardly on her frame, complete with a white bow.

                She looked Taekwoon up and down with a raised eyebrow, “You’re the cutest delivery boy?”

                Woah. He wasn’t expecting that. She- or rather… He? Had the raspy voice of a male. Who gave a about cutest delivery boy anyways? He just wanted to get the job over with since the others took too long bickering to do anything.

                “Uhm, that’ll be $28.50.”

                “What a bad boy,” he? She? grinned and leaned against the doorframe, “I like that.”

                “YO ILHOON LEMME HAVE A TURN,” another male voice echoed to the entrance. Aha. He was a guy.

                “YOU DON’T GET A TURN,” he yelled back, “AND ADDRESS YOUR QUEEN BY HER PROPER NAME.”

                “I’m Ilsoon,” he winked.

                “But I’m prettier,” another crossdresser pushed his way into the doorway. If Taekwoon wasn’t so nice- who was he kidding he wasn’t nice- he would have told this stranger that he was the ugliest girl he has ever seen in his life.

                “You are the ugliest girl I’ve seen in my life.”

                Ilsoon burst into laughter, “Yeah Penielope, you’re fugly.”

                Penielope brushed his tangled puffy wig out of his eyes with melodramatic sass, “excuse me!? I have you know I am an idol.”

                “Yeah yeah tell Sungsook to get the money will ya?” Ilsoon was still eyeing Taekwoon, an almost murderous glint in his eyes. Taekwoon gulped, watching Penielope disappear into the corridor.

                “So what’s your name?” the crossdresser asked.

                “Taekwoon,” he managed.

                “Cute,” he blew a bubble into his gum and let it pop, “Single?”

                Before Taekwoon had a chance to respond, another taller shemale pushed Ilsoon aside, “money for the cute delivery boy- DAMN HE’S CUTE. GUYS HE’S REALLY CUTE.”

                Soon, the doorway filled with men in the same attires craning for a look at him. He counted at least six or seven of them. Taekwoon grabbed the money from the tall one and ran. He vowed to himself never would he go on his own to deliver a request such as this again.

                Once in his car, his phone vibrated with a call; it came from the pizza parlor.


                “Done yet?” It was Sanghyuk.

                “Next time, you’re doing this job.”


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leondil #1
Chapter 1: Love it
Omg this is hilarious! Lolol the ending is just too funny ! xD where is the picture from anyway??
ishipyunjae #3
Chapter 1: If Taekwoon wasn’t so nice- who was he kidding he wasn’t nice- he would have told this stranger that he was the ugliest girl he has ever seen in his life.                “You are the ugliest girl I’ve seen in my life.”

hahhahaha and ilsoon just.. XD
KpopWednesdayite #4
Chapter 1: this is so damn funny! i'm loving penielope's name lmao xD <33
Chapter 1: penielope im ing crying good
Jihyun55 #6
nice story ^^
Chapter 1: Almighty sassy queen Ilsoon.
I need more BTOVIXX
--babystar #8
Chapter 1: Omg omg mighty ilsoon XD
Chapter 1: OMG WOW XD That was hilarious! That whole discussion about who was the cutest was really funny! ^^
AriesScorpio18 #10
Chapter 1: O.M.G. I don't know about Ilsoon, but you, author-nim, are queen. This had me laughing my ugly laugh. Something has to be really funny for me to laugh my ugly laugh. I salute you. *salutes* but the parts that got me the most was when Leo confirmed Ken having a big , Leo thinking a cop was a serial killer when drunk, the thought of Ken just...omg...can't even type it out, Leo telling Penielope that (s)he was ugly, and Leo running once he got the money. Basically, I liked the whole thing XD those were just the main parts. Also, I read 'DAMN' as 'DAYYYUUMMM'. I need to distance myself from the people at my school...I could visualize the whole thing. You are awesome.