

So close...

So close...
Almost there...
"NOOOOO!!!" You screamed.
"Calm down jagi, it's just a game." Your boyfriend said to you.
This really made you mad, I mean, you did tell him to never purposely lose, but this was ridiculous. You hadn't won a game since you two started dating.
"I never win!" You complained.
"What are you talking about!?" He asked looking dumbfounded.
"What do you mean what am I talking about? I am talking about how I have never won a game since we started dating."
"No, you haven't won a game since I first asked you out." He said like that wasn't the thing he was dumbfounded about.
"Yeah!" You said ttying to sound like your urging him to explain his weirdness.
But as usual, your beautiful but clueless boyfriend just started another game. You were so annoyed you stood right up, went right in front of the TV and said, "What on earth were you so surprised about when I said I never win?!"
"I was so surprised because you have been winning ever since our firsts date."
"Now it's my turn, what are you talking about?!"
"Well on our first date you won my heart."
You just stood there, first with an annoying expression then with a stupid grin on your face.
"You're terrible." You said hitting him with a pillow.
"I am, but I know you like it."
You both sat there laughing untill the next game started.
"I'm so gonna beat you this time.
And you did! Although you were sure he let you, you still couldn't hold back the immense pride.
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Chapter 1: Aww it's so cute and sweet!