Out in the green field

He's my village boy



Oppa held onto the back seat again and finally let go. I was balancing well and was about 15m away when i turned back. Being the smart me, i waved both my hands in the air as a sign of success. In 5 seconds i was already on the ground and i cut my knee pretty deep that it was bleeding.

Byung Hun oppa rushed over. "~~~~! ~~~~! You ok? I told you to be careful right?" He looked into my eyes with full concern.

I just bit my lip and stared at my scraped knee. He placed the bike upright and slipped his hands inder my waist to help me up.

"Let's get back and get your knee treated" he said as he placed me at the back seat. I just sat and nodded.

"Hold on tight!"he said as he started cycling fast making my hands automatically wrap around his waist. He chuckled as i hit his back playfully. And so we headed back home to get my knees treated.


-Your POV-

We went back home and get my knees treated by Grandma. Bomi was again nagging like my umma except that my real umma don't nag at me since she's always on business trips with my appa... Minwoo and Janey weren't back yet. Byung Hun oppa was standing by the door looking at me being treated. And because of that, i didn't dare to look at him so i just looked down.

After getting my knees treated we hung around in the house watching the television together. Grandma didn't join us as she wanted to have a nap. Bomi was sprawling on the floor with a cushion under her head. I was sitting on the sofa with Byung Hun oppa beside me. We watched silently and laughed when there's a funny scene. I was getting tired and sleepy every passing second that i didn't realise that i fell asleep.


-Bomi POV-

It was a kissing scene on the television and a tsk escaped my mouth as i turned to see if there was any sign of awkwardness between ~~~~ and byeongari. To my surprise, ~~~~ was asleep... ... ...on byeongari's shoulder! And Byung Hun was staring at her pretty face as a smile appeared on his lips.

"Tsk! Byeongari! You shouldn't stare at her for too long you know, you might just poke through her." I teased Byung Hun who instantly came back to reality. 

"Who says i was staring huh? I felt weight on my shoulder and turned to see her asleep..." He replied as i smirked at him.

"AISH this girl! I wasn't staring ok!" he sounded annoyed. I just laughed at hime as he rolled his eyes.

"EVERYONE! WE'RE BACK!" shouted Janey and Minwoo who just came in the door.

"Where have you two been just now?"Byung Hun asked.

"We went cycling around the village of course." Minwoo replied.

"Yeahhh like duh!"Janey continued.

I just laughed. I didn't notice it was too loud that it woke ~~~~ up.

"Errr, good morning princess! Did you dream about your prince charming?"I greeted ~~~~ and nodded my head towards Byung Hun who was now really red, either angry or embarrassed. 



-Your POV- 

I woke up from my short sweet nap when i heard a booming laughter. It was Bomi. She greeted me when i was still half-concious. Just as i was about to reply, Janey went up to me and shook me.

"Unni! Let's play kite now! It's perfect timing!" She was bouncing up and down like a spring now.

"Oh errr hi Janey, you're back... Really? Now? Ok let'sgo" I said to her.

She pulled everyone out and we walked casually to the big open green field. I admired the beauty of nature. The grass was healthy green desite being stepped by people many times. The sky was blue with white clouds that looks like cotton wool. The weather was cloudy and windy  thus it was a perfect kite-flying day. 

There were only 2 kites so that means we have to share. The guys were sharing one and the girls were sharing the other one. I didn't really know how to fly kites because I didn't have much leisure time back in the city. It's always packed with schedule. So i will learn how to fly a kite today. Or perhaps just fly it when it's already up. tee-hee.

"How about we see who flies the kite the highest!" Minwoo exclaimed.

"DEAL! "Janey said without hesitation while I had my jawdropped because I'm confident I will vring the girls' team down due to my lack of knowledge in kite-flying. Byung Hun and Bomi just laughed.

So we started to prepare for the kite take off. I was holding onto the kite while Bomi and Janey was holding onto the end of the string.

"~~~~ when i say 1,2,3 you run okay? We will run too. Then when it's fast enough you  let go of the kite," Bomi shouted from across the field and i just nodded.

And so the game begins. I ran as the wind was blowing against my skin then i let go, not forgetting to jump first. The kite went up but i went down. Yea i fell on the ground thanks to my awesome jumping.

"Pwahahahahahahaha!" Byung Hun oppa laughed like crazy! I just pouted and stuck out my tongue at him who was busy helping Minwoo to rise their kite up.

Later, Bomi rushed over laughing too, "Yah ~~~~-ah, you are clumsy, aren't you? Haha are you okay? Come let me help you up. Be careful next time," She offerred her hands and i stood up, i think i sprained my ankle but it wasn't so bad so i was still able to stand up straight.

"Wait! Wait! Why did you leave the kite! Oh man now I have to run and jump and fall again" I whined.

"Haha ~~~~ you're so silly! It's already up!" Bomi pointed at the kite that was soaring up in the sky.

I watched in awe, "Wow, it's so high! Will it clash the aeroplanes?"

"PWAHAHAHA! You're so silly! Of course not! The aeroplanes fly higher!" Byung Hun oppa said as he came from our backs and stood beside me giving me his mesmerizing smile as i just stared and admired his handsomesmiling face but quickly wake up from it.

We continued looking at the kite fighting against the wind. Now we see the two kites battling. 

That is how a couple is. Fighting against obstacles, to rise up to the top. 

Without realising, tears streamed down my cheeks as i recalled what happened back in city. Junsu, I loved him so much but he broke my heart. 

Bomi shook me, "~~~~, are you okay?"

Before i was able to reply, Byung Hun oppa turned me to face him and wiped the tears. 

"Can I get home first?" I turned and asked Bomi.

"Ok, let's go then. KIDS LE-"

Before she could call upon the two kids i told her, "Nevermind i will go home alone, just let them play and accompany them. I'm fine."

Bomi was about to say something again but i just told her to go and play with the kids. She sighed and nodded.

I totally forget that Byung Hun oppa was behind me until he spoke, " Errr, then do you want me to accompany you walk back?"

I shook my head, "Thanks oppa but you should join the others."

I didn't wait for his reply and just walked off as tears started streaming down my face again. I just wanted to be alone. I didn't want to go home... I just want a place to calm down.


Hello fellow people!

I'm so very sorry for not updating for quite sometime now. 

I was sick and having my Common Test 2.

I will try my very best to update as soon as possible.

Oh and a note to all,

Please mind my spelling and grammatical errors as I don't actually re-edit.

Once, again sorry yeas~





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MinnieByul #1
Chapter 34: Author-nim update already Im dying to know everything already!!...UPDATE!!!!!....
Chapter 34: cool story ! hey i just love this ! please update soon :)
don't force yourself :DD
xxDevilxx #3
Update soon please!!!!!! <3
kyeoptamest #4
Hello! @LittleChibiGirl The back will be different! Hehe :)
workinpro #5
Haha, i know which movie you're inspired with. It's CUN right? The first chapter is exactly like the movie well the difference is, the girl hid in a box xD It seems quite familiar to the story plot but kwenchana :D
kyeoptamest #6
@shineyoursun HELLO! lol you is back huh? LOL
kyeoptamest #7
@woojyo hello! Here you go another update. so sorry for keeping you waiting. ;(
shineyoursun #8
HIIII I are back woohooo~ omg *tears* mehhh D:
when will you continue..<br />
i am curious of what will happen to L Joe and the girl next~~<br />
i love your story..<br />
btw can you sub me back?kkkk~~<br />
kyeoptamest #10
LOL. i noticed that i only received comment from shineyoursun and bananamusfirah. since i know them both... HEHE