Touch Of Ice

Touch Of Ice

"AeRi," he said quietly.

"Yes?" you looked at him.

"Do you like me?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Answer me first. Truthfully,"

"I think my feelings for you are somewhere in the middle,"

"That's not an answer. An answer is either a yes or a no. So answer me,"


"Answer me without lying,"

"I like you,"


"Now tell me why you asked me that," you said. He leaned close to you. You bit your lip; your heart was pounding with him so close to you.

"Will you believe me if I told you I loved you?" he whispered in your ear.


"Why not?"

"Because I know it's not true,"

"Well, maybe it is,"

"You have a girlfriend, Kim MyungSoo,"

"I broke up with her,"

"Explains why she's crying,"

"Will you be my girlfriend, AeRi-yah?"



"Wait, what did I just say?"

"You'll be my girlfriend,"

"Oh god,"

"Why? You don't want to?" 


"See you," he smiled and kissed your cheek before walking away. 


"Yah!" he waved a hand in your face. You blinked and looked at him.

"Oh, sorry," you apologized. "I just.... Got a little distracted."


"No. Just thinking,"



"What something?"


"You're so confusing,"

"So are you,"


"Do you really love me, MyungSoo?"

"Do you have to know?"



"You don't act like you love me, for one thing. And two, you're so cold to everyone. Even me, and I'm supposed to be your girlfriend,"

"I'm always cold. You know that already,"

"Even to your girlfriends?"


"Why are you like this, MyungSoo? What happened to you that you became so cold?"


"Tell me,"

"Let me speak for a minute,"

"Talk, then,"

"If I didn't love you, then I wouldn't be beside you right now. I would leave you alone, I wouldn't even bother to talk to you,"

"I'm your tutor, too, you know. So you have to talk to me if you want to pass this subject,"

"I know,"

"Can't you just like..."

"Can't I what?"

"Show me your love. Treat me like I'm really your girlfriend," you said, He stared at you intensely before looking down.

"I can't..."

"Why not?"

"You remind me too much of her,"

"Of who?"

"My first love. She broke my heart and you look so much like her,"

"When was this?"

"When I was thirteen,"

"It's been eight years already,"

"I know. I'm sorry I can't give you what you want,"

"Can you do me a favor, MyungSoo?"

"What favor?"

"Cover your eyes and don't pull away,"


"Just do it," you told him. He closed his eyes and you leaned closer to him until your lips touched. He didn't pull away, you didn't either, so it lasted for about ten seconds maybe before you pulled away and smiled at him. He stared at you. "Thanks, MyungSoo,"

"AeRi," he stared at you.

"Sorry. I just-" you got cut off when he kissed you again. Your eyes widened but you didn't pull back.

"Don't apologize," he told you. "I understand what you feel already. And... I love you. Much more than my first love,"

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aliainfinite #1
Chapter 1: nice story:)