My Star

My Star - Woohyun

Before the sun could make its appearance in the sky, you and the boys of Infinite were already packed into a van and driving to the Idol Games. The boys wanted you to come along and be their water bottle and towel holder so you had to say yes, just to spend a day with your best friends.

Woohyun sat behind you in the van with Sunggyu and Sungyeol next to him. Dongwoo, Hoya, Myungsoo and you were in the middle row and Sungjong got to sit in the passenger seat. Sleep began to weight you down as you rested your head on Myungsoo’s shoulder. With your eyes closed and a few hour dive to the stadium Myungsoo looked over at you as he smiled at how cute you were, while Woohyun watched you sleep on Myungsoo as jealousy grew inside of him.

Once you arrived at the stadium, the manager handed you a VIP pass and you slipped it around your neck. Walking in the middle of the group of boys, they headed into the changing room as you walked out to see where they would be competing. A large field in the center of a track and several stations of sports were in each corner of the arena as you looked around and took in the sweet smell of freshly cut grass.

Walking over to where you would be sitting for the rest of the day, you made sure that all of the towels were folded and the cooler was filled with ice and water bottles for the boys. Some fans began to sit in the stands behind you as you worked to make sure that the boys had everything that they would need.

Cheering happily erupted behind you as you looked over at the tunnel to see Infinite walk out in their orange sweat pants and jackets as they waved at their fans as Hoya and Dongwoo both danced for their small crowd. Woohyun threw his greasy hearts as the other members showed off their charm as they approached their area.

Soon the games began to start. Following the boys around to where they needed to go, you talked with them as they waited for their event. You laughed and talked with all of the members but Myungsoo always stayed around you more than the other members.

Myungsoo and you were really close, he had told you some secrets as you helped him through hard times, yet you had a crush on Woohyun, yes the greasiest member, you just couldn’t help but smile when he showed you his loving side to the fans you couldn’t help but feel your heart skip a beat.

A hand rested on your shoulder and snapped you out of your daydream as you watched Woohyun give the fans some service.

"Are you ok? You seem a little distracted today." Myungsoo asked as you looked at him with soft eyes.

"I am, just overwhelmed a little at everything and everyone here." You said honestly as you saw all of the members that you saw in the music videos and you were literally feet from them.

"Just remember that they are human too and they are just as scared of you as you are of them." Myungsoo said as he let his arm drape over your shoulder.

"I thought that was bears?" You looked at him with a smile as he poked your smiling cheek.

"So… have you scouted out the competition?" He asked as Myungsoo winked at you as you nodded and told him about the people that he would be going up against.

Woohyun glanced over his shoulder at you as he saw Myungsoo’s arm over your shoulder as you talked to him and he pointed to the right players and intently listened to you. Woohyun’s eyes narrowed and his eye brows knitted together as he wondered what you two could have been talking about.

"Hey Woohyun. Are you ready for your event?" Dongwoo asked as he began to stretch next to Hoya.

"Oh… yeah. What event do I have again?" Woohyun asked as he didn’t dare to take his eyes off of you and Myungsoo.

"You have the relay race with me." Hoya looked up at Woohyun as he tapped Dongwoo’s shoulder and pointed to Woohyun.

"Are you sure you are focused enough, it looks like you are looking at someone you like." Dongwoo said bluntly as Woohyun slapped his hand over Dongwoo’s mouth.

"Keep your voice down, she might hear." Woohyun said as he looked over at you and Myungsoo. Myungsoo moved his arm away from you as he got ready for his event.

"Ah do you have a little crush on _______-ah?" Hoya teased as Woohyun put his other hand on Hoya’s mouth. Moving his hand away, Hoya just smirked and looked over at you and then Woohyun. "You two would make a cute couple." Woohyun’s eyes narrowed at Hoya as Dongwoo nodded his head with Woohyun’s hand still over his mouth.

"Ah what do I do now?" Woohyun sat on the ground as Dongwoo sat next to him and leaned against his shoulder.

"Just be yourself and show off your charm, she will like that." Dongwoo said as he gestured his hearts and all of his greasy actions.

"Just confess to her, girls like the truth." Hoya said as he got up and got a drink of water.

"Ah it is my event next, good luck Woohyun and Hoya." Dongwoo wished them luck as he got up and went over to the archery station to get suited up and to begin warming up.

Woohyun watched you as you cheered for Myungsoo, handing him a water bottle and a towel he walked over to the shaded Infinite area as Woohyun got up and walked around to warm up his leg muscles. Woohyun kept an eye on you as you helped Dongwoo get ready for his event.

Watching you with every member, interacting with them, more and more jealousy grew within him. He wanted you to be called his, he wanted to hug you and to hold you and to shower you with kisses.

When his event came up with Hoya, you gave them a little pep talk as Woohyun smiled at you.

"Good luck, you will do great!" You patted their backs before moving behind the line as they both nodded at you and smiled.

Watching Hoya take off first around the track, made you bite your lip. Clasping your hands together, you bounced up and down as Hoya handed off the baton to Woohyun. Hoya walked to the side as he breathed heavily beside you.

"Come in the shade, it will help you cool down." You said as Hoya limped next to you. Looking back at Hoya, you wrapped your arm around his side as his arm draped over your shoulder and you made him lay down on the shaded grass.

"What is it?" You asked as he put his hand on his stomach as he closed his eyes.

"Cramp." He said as he pointed to his leg. Unscrewing a water bottle you put a straw in it as you handed it to him for him to drink. Taking your hands you carefully massaged the area as he slightly whined in pain, you massaged a little lighter as he drank his water slowly.

Glancing up, you saw Woohyun had won and you smiled brightly as you glanced over at your patient. The medical personnel came over quickly and took over your job as you just dried Hoya’s sweat from his face and held his hand.

Helping him to his feet, you acted as his crutch as you helped him over to the Infinite tent. Setting him in a chair, you grabbed him another water bottle as he took it easy and put a towel over his eyes.

Woohyun saw you help Hoya over to the tent as he rolled his eyes and began to walk around to calm his racing heartbeat.

"What happened _______-ah?" Sunggyu demanded to know as Dongwoo took a seat by Hoya as the members gathered around.

"He just got a cramp, it is ok. He will be fine. I just need to get him some pain medicine and it will go away." You walked over to the small first aid kit that each team had and you found the pain killers and ripped open a package and cradled the pills in your hands as you gave them to Hoya.

"These will help." You said as he took the pills and you pet his hair gently knowing how badly the cramps can hurt. Letting him rest, you heard the next event being called over the intercom. Looking at Hoya, Dongwoo held his hand gently as Dongwoo looked up at you.

"Go, I can take care of him." Dongwoo said as he patted your arm softly.

"Thank you Dongwoo-ssi. I owe you." You called as you ran to the next event. Passing Woohyun he smiled, "Good job with the race." You said quickly as you passed.

Heading over to Sungjong’s, Sungyeol’s and Sunggyu’s events Dongwoo stayed with Hoya as Woohyun just watched you interact with the other members.

The day was coming to a close as the sun began to set and the lights in the arena began to flicker on.

"Can you come with me for a second?" Myungsoo asked you as you got up and followed him to the middle of the arena as he took out his phone and pointed it at the two of you as you made a cute face and took a selca with Myungsoo. Snapping a few more pictures with different poses, Woohyun clenched his fists together as he couldn’t take it any more.

”_______, can we talk for a second?” He held your wrist and pulled you aside as Myungsoo was just so happy as he walked back to the tent and looked at the pictures that you took with him.

"Woohyun, is something the matter? Why are you acting this way?" You questioned him as he took you far away from the members.

”_______ what was with you and Myungsoo taking pictures?” He asked as he folded his arms over his chest.

"H-He just wanted to remember this day since he won his event and he hasn’t had such a supportive coach." You said, "It was a cute gesture from one friend to another." You said softly as he looked at you with truthful eyes.

"So you like Myungsoo?" He questioned as you paused for a minute and shook your head.

"He is just a friend like all of the other members in Infinite." You reasoned as you bit your lip gently.

"You two are so close though." Woohyun began to feel helpless at your answers to his questions.

"We just share a lot, we have many things in common." You said softly as you looked into his eyes as you saw a bit of jealousy behind his eyes.

"Do you like anyone in Infinite more than Myungsoo?" He asked at one final attempt as his arms dropped down by his sides.

"I do." You said as you looked at him with a soft smile. He nodded his head as he began to walk back to the tent. Lunging towards him, you wrapped your hand around his arm as he looked at you.

"Don’t you want to know who I like?" You asked as he turned to you slightly.

"I just hope you love someone as much as I love you. That is all I could ask for, is for you to be happy." Woohyun said with his words lining with love as he gave you a beautiful smile that was different from the ones that you had seen him give his fans many times before.

"Woohyun…" You looked down at your hand that gripped his arm tightly, letting your grip go from his arm, you glanced up at him as he moved to stand directly in front of you. "I am happy. When I am with you." You looked up at him as you became extremely nervous. "I have a crush on you, I like you."

In an instant Woohyun’s expression changed from sad and confused to beaming with joy, he wrapped his arms around your waist and hoisted you into the air as he spun around with you. 

"I was so jealous of you with Myungsoo. I thought you liked him." He said once he put you set you back on the ground. 

"I like him as a friend, I like you as more." You said with blush tinting your cheeks. He let his arms drop from your waist as his hand gently slid into yours. Bringing your hand up to his mouth, he kissed it softly as he looked down at you.

"Did you know that I have wished upon my star for you to say those words to me for years." Woohyun said as his eyes glistened as you just smiled at him.

"I have wished on my star for you to say you liked me back too." You giggled as he smiled from ear to ear at you before swinging your clasped hands together between the two of you as you walked over to the Infinite tent.

"Oh look, here comes the love birds!" Sungjong called sweetly as you blushed and smiled.

"How did you do it?" Sungyeol asked as the members gathered around.

"I just told her the truth…" Woohyun looked over at you as you ducked your head with a bright smile.

"See, I told you that is the best way." Hoya said as he smiled brightly.

"… but I also used my charm and I was myself." Woohyun came back as Dongwoo jumped up and danced around.

"It worked!!!" Dongwoo called into the air as Hoya’s smile soon faded and judged s.

"Let’s go home." You gently pulled on Woohyun’s arm as he smiled down at you.

"Yes Jagiya, let’s go home." He helped you clean everything up as he and s helped carry the things to the car. Everyone got in their seats as Dongwoo fell asleep on Hoya’s shoulder. Sunggyu slept in the passenger seat. Sungyeol slept on Sungjong and Myungsoo on Sungyeol and you and Woohyun.

His arm gently wrapped around your shoulders as your head rested on his shoulder. His head leaned against the window as he smiled down at you before looking up to the stars, thanking his star for the wonderful present that he has in his arms.

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Chapter 1: Awww baby is being jealous, so cute <3333
Different atmosphere to confess, I like such heart fluttering scenes in unexpected places ~

Thank you for writing for Woohyuni, I find him charming in fics more than in reality, but still my No.1 man <333
Chapter 1: Our heart prince! This was so adorable. Or maybe I just like seeing jealous issues being resolved with fluff. >__> Good job once again! <3 Your one shots are beautiful as always. <3 (: