How Do You Love Someone When You Don't Belong to Them?


Baekhyun laughed with Chanyeol, linking arms with him. Baekhyun couldn’t ask for anything better than Chanyeol. They were out on a date, well not really. They were just hanging out. Chanyeol checks his phone and looks worried at Baekhyun. “Baek, I have to go now.”

Baekhyun looks sadly at Chanyeol, with sad eyes. “Oh.” Was all Baekhyun said, his disappointed face becoming a sympathetic smile, as if he understood.  He went to go turn off the game console, and he waved at Chanyeol. Chanyeol smiled brightly at Baekhyun’s sad smile, waving back. “Bye Chanyeol.”

“Bye Baekhyun.” Chanyeol said, and just like that, he was gone. Baekhyun sighed, slumping on the couch. Chanyeol was always leaving their hangout time early, especially on Saturday, days like these.

Chanyeol threw his wallet over at the table, and there he encountered the HunHan couple watching TV on the couch at their apartment. He looked at Luhan then Sehun, “I’m home.” Chanyeol muttered. Luhan looked at Sehun, and Sehun nodded. “You can go now.” Sehun said, and Luhan got up and left.

“You’re making Baekhyun and Luhan suffer, you know that, right?” Chanyeol asked. Sehun bobbed his head, zoning off. “Luhan doesn’t know, though.” Sehun said, Chanyeol sat next to Sehun on the couch.

Sehun crashed their lips together, and Chanyeol deepened the kiss. Sehun let their bodies collide, tugging on Chanyeol’s shirt. “Off.” He demanded.

Chanyeol did Sehun’s orders, taking off his shirt. “Are you sure we can do this?” He asked. Sehun nodded, running his hand against Chanyeol’s abs.

Baekhyun looked at his phone, just waiting from a text, or a call, anything. When he saw his phone flicker, he expected to get something from Chanyeol, but got a call from Luhan instead. “Sehun’s been ignoring me recently…” Luhan said. Baekhyun could hear the sadness in Luhan’s tone.

“Well… Do you want to hang out or something?” Baekhyun asked. He could hear a quiet yes from Luhan, and he nodded to himself. “Let’s go watch a movie or something. How about a horror movie?” He asked. Luhan quickly said no, and Baekhyun laughed sourly, in an attempt to lighten up the mood.

“Let’s just watch an action movie then.” Baekhyun said.

“Ok.” Luhan said.

“See you soon.” Baekhyun said, and hung up.

Chanyeol pulled up his jeans, zipping it up and buttoning it. “What should we do now?” He asked Sehun. Sehun pulled his shirt over his body, yawning. “Maybe you should break up with Baekhyun. I mean, technically you’ve been cheating on me the whole time.” Sehun replied, lying on Chanyeol’s lap.

Chanyeol flushed a bright pink in embarrassment. “Yeah, I did… But I can’t really do that.”

Sehun sighed. “Your relationship with Baekhyun is so platonic. All you guys do is hang out. You don’t even go out on dates, not even just a movie date.”

Chanyeol’s eyes brightened. “That’s it! I’ll take Baekhyun out on a movie date and then break up with him. Does that sound like a good idea to you?” Chanyeol asked. Sehun carelessly nodded his head, walking over to his room. “Yeah, sure. I’m going to take a nap.”

Chanyeol took out his phone, dialing Baekhyun. He was so proud of his plan, but…

“What about Luhan?” Chanyeol asked. Sehun’s eyebrow rose up. “I’ll just break up with him, tell him the truth.”

Chanyeol could feel the blood rushing up. But before he could even shout at Sehun, he heard Baekhyun’s voice on the other line. “Chanyeol? What’s up?” Baekhyun asked. Chanyeol gulped, nervous just asking for a movie date. “Do you want to go out? Like, out on a movie date?” Chanyeol asked. He could hear Sehun snort and walk into his bedroom.

There was silence on the other line for a minute before Baekhyun replied. “I’m busy. I’m already on a movie with someone else.” He said quietly but coldly. It slightly sent goose bumps down Chanyeol’s back just by hearing his words.

“Who?” Chanyeol asked.

He could hear a muttered voice in the background. He could identify it as Luhan. “Baekhyun-ah, the movie is about to start. You should hurry up with your call.”

“You’re with Luhan?” Chanyeol said, slightly shocked.

“Yeah. Bye.” Baekhyun quickly said, hanging up.

The next day, Chanyeol calls Baekhyun once more. “How about a movie date today?” He asks. Baekhyun didn’t answer. It took minutes to realize that thirty seconds into the call, Baekhyun had hung up.

Calling Baekhyun wasn’t the best idea, so instead he called Luhan. “Luhan, why is Baekhyun ignoring me?” He asked.

Luhan sighed deeply before answering. “You ing broke his ing heart. You broke the poor boy’s heart, and to top it off, you were ing cheating on Baekhyun with Sehun. I thought I was Sehun’s boyfriend. Why did you let him ing date me when he was dating you?!?” Luhan yelled. With every ‘’ Luhan said, he hissed that word out rather than shouting all the other words. Before Chanyeol could even reply, Luhan hung up.

Chanyeol only knew one person who would know all of this.


“Sehun,” Chanyeol said angrily, slamming the bedroom door open.

“So you heard I told Lu?” Sehun asked Chanyeol, not bothering to look at him. Chanyeol nodded in disgust.

“Well, sorry.” Sehun replied without any sympathy. “But it was for the better, wasn’t it?” Sehun asked.

He wanted to hit Sehun so much, but it was the truth. They couldn’t go on like that forever. “I’m going to apologize then.” Chanyeol said. He grabbed his wallet and ran out of his apartment complex.

His mind pondered about how this ever happened. He felt more happy with Baekhyun, but in the end he was with Sehun first. Chanyeol wanted to be with Baekhyun. But knowing Baekhyun, he would never accept Chanyeol again.

He stood in front of Baekhyun’s door, waiting for Baekhyun to come home. Chanyeol previously knocked on Baekhyun’s door, and he received no answer.

Chanyeol came in the afternoon, and it wasn’t until night when Baekhyun came home. Baekhyun was shocked to see Chanyeol, but he pushed him out of the way to unlock the door. Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s wrist and brunt Baekhyun close to him. “Baekhyun…”

“Let go.” Baekhyun said, and shrugged him off. Chanyeol grabbed him again, this time hugging the shorter male.

“I’m sorry…” He muttered, and then let go.

“I’m not accepting you again.” Baekhyun said, unlocking the door and entering his house quickly, shutting it before Chanyeol could even stop him. In the end, Chanyeol stood there in disbelief. It was hard to accept the truth, but Baekhyun left him.

“You should’ve told me Chanyeol never left. I could’ve gone through the back door.” Baekhyun said. Luhan jumped off of the sofa and greeted him with a kiss. “Sorry, Baek. Next time I’ll do that.” Luhan replied.

Baekhyun smiled at Luhan’s kiss. “I can’t stay mad at you. It’s impossible to believe that we’ve been friends for so damn long.” He stated to Luhan. Luhan laughed, snuggling up against Baekhyun. “I know. I can’t believe it either.”

Sehun woke up to an angered Chanyeol. “Calm down, Chanyeol. Just calm down.” Sehun said, stopping Chanyeol in his tracks.

Chanyeol tried to hit Sehun, but to no avail, he couldn’t. Instead, he fell into the younger’s arms, letting out angry tears. “Sehun…” His voice quivered.

“I sound like a jerk, don’t I? I’m just a jealous boyfriend…” Sehun said, in attempt to cheer Chanyeol up. “Don’t cry.”

Chanyeol sobbed some more, but eventually in his tears. Sehun wiped some tears with his finger, and brought them into a more romantic, a less rough kiss. “Chanyeol, I’m sorry. For everything.”

He gave Sehun a bright smile, slightly bringing the mood up. “It’s ok. Everything happens for a reason.”

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I just read this description and now my brain is too fried to actually read the fic
Zelomato #2
hey btw u should reallt post ur one shots on here
Zelomato #3
omg the description is confusimg af
Chapter 1: OMFG!! my chanhun and lubaek feels!! gdi! baekhan my ultimate otp!! omg! thank you so much for this! chanhun and lubaek <365
Chapter 1: Yay! My Lubaek feels! <33333
Chapter 1: I like chanhun and baekhan ended up together....I love it!
Chapter 1: Sooo, ChanHun and BaekHan ended up together in the end...? OTL
Chapter 1: Wha-- o n o my OTPS OMFG YOU BROKE THEM ; ; /ships Chanhun and BaekHan anyways o u o