The Awkward Relationship Of Two Awkward People


We've all had crushes right? Like you know, the awkward type where you can't speak to them no matter how hard you try. Like, some people would say its just a middle school thing, and you have no idea what love is. Well please, like no. Maybe it's true but whatever. ANYWHORE, i have this bad habit of liking guys, and when i say like, maybe its not descriptive enough. Each guy i've liked it was yeaers at a time, for example i liked this Zach kid for 4-5 years or so. It was really awkward but yenno, it was one of those thing where first time you see them is like a to the face, or fist to the . It just blew you away, like holy its them. You're probably wondering, wtf is this story is about well guess what, im getting to it so sit the down. I've wanted to write about this for the longest time, not jsut about zach but all the adventures ive had with friends and everything else. I've also had this thing where i take a blade and put it against my skin and slide it across until blood yenno, squirts out and apperently when i feel like i should just write about it so whatevs. I guess this is what its about. 
This just isn't any ordinary story guys, this story is just 2glam2give1dam. Not really a fanfic but whatever.
-stay cute, Authour.


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Chapter 1: this seems so interesting