The Flame That Began Everything

There was a time before it began. [shuffling of recorder]  Before the doomed days of human evolution, but that was just a big term for a small beginning. Now, there was a time when I was beautiful. When I had innocence, and freedom. A time where ignorance was the bliss I had not been aware of. 
[a pause] 
This was the time when Suho was a student council secretary that had loved and learned all at once, before his tattered soul was ruined. No, this was the time when he had normals dreams and peaceful slumber. 
A time when Sehun was a budding poet, the silent eyes that scribbled on  a thick leathered notebook that always seemed to have thoughts falling out. [a shuddered breath] When he had tucked  his long limbs away into the corner and saw the world in his cursive words. 
That blissful time when Kai was dancer whose money didn't follow his mind. When his tattered jeans and shoes couldn't provide more joy than a good dance. Or when a warm meal and pitying gaze could mean less that nothing without his music. 
This was before DO had met his salvation in cooking, when his eyes saw nothing but printed little words on his textbooks. When his only freedom was to choose the colours of his suit for the morn, but sometimes, even that right was violated. 
[an almost hysterical chuckle
That time when Chanyeol was a true lover of music, with his ratted guitar and casual shoulder bag that always fell to the right when he would toss it on the streets before his open guitar case. When his melodies could pay more in his mind than the meagre dollars that brought a meal. 
Before it all happened, Baekhyun was a coward with realistic dreams. Before he had finally found motivation, this time was when he had been lost - like many of our generation - amongst the hopes and dreams of others.
There was a time before it began. When the words 'movers' meant jobs, and 'creators' were investors and designers. When I had been normal. [a scoff]
This is it.


One thing I've learned about sports, is that you get to know you role on a team. My team just took one look at me and smiled, "She's the doctor." 
"It's obvious, they're going to aim for her. She can be fake doctor." 
I had stood, unsure of pride or duty, I had wanted to play offence. But I shrugged, it was doctor dodgeball, who cares? In the end, I had ended winning, as the doctor. 
Perhaps that was the universe's sign, a signal for things to begin. I had always known that I was good at the middle procedure, editing, defence, support and reliance. I was good at making other people better, it was a gift. 
That day, the hot summer sun had beat down on our shoulders as I walked home with the darkly clad bodyguard. By the street, pedestrians and onlookers had eyed me curiously, I could feel it. My uniform was well known, the bodyguard did little than to stand protectively by, and my name echoed through their mouths. 
"Miss," she murmured, "Let's get the car when at the intersection." 
"Sunmi-sshi," I chided, "I have paperwork at home, I'm in no hurry. It's a nice day today, don't you think." 
I paused, the music had made it's way past the people. Somehow, I felt like fate was making fun of me. The melody comforting and yet, I felt intrusive. I met eyes with the huge musician across the street, his long lanky limbs rested around the guitar, his eyes closed. A preteen snuck by, and reached to pick a handful of coins from the man's open hat. His eyes opened, I had almost thought he was going to snap and chase the kid. He only shrugged easily and continued playing. How young, I had thought. 
"Such a pity," Sunmi murmured beside me, I didn't realize I had voiced my thoughts, "Runaways are getting younger and younger." 
I stared at the twenty four year old woman beside me, I stopped. My bag fell against my legs, I crossed the street. The cars honked and jerked to a stop, angry drivers jutted out of their cars to swear, but their destination kept them brief. 
I stopped in front of him, he played on without a care. A large stained sweater with a dark logo and casual jeans, I spotted a tattered bag that leant against the store. No music sheets in sight, I peeked into his open case. It was empty except for a few coins and a dollar bill. Sunmi caught up to me, her hands latched onto my shoulder. "Please, don't run off. I don't know what's up with you today -"
The boy opened his eyes. I was fairly tall, towering over many of the skittering shoppers and males alike. But the male had inches on me, he smiled. But he kept on playing that melody, prettily and casually. Without a fault and without a care. 
"Hello," he said, a low voice warm with use. "My name is Park Chanyeol." 
"Miss," Sunmi's hand warm on my shoulder. "We should go." 
I turned to stare evenly at her, she then turned silent and nodded. I stuck out a hand, "Hi Chanyeol-sshi, I'm Jae." 
"Park Jaesun, huh." He said, the music finally stopped. I had almost expected a recording but it had only been him. He gripped my hand firmly, a sudden weariness in his eyes. As if the music kept him happy, I found myself staring. His hand was warm, very much so. A sudden spark ran between our hands, like static electricity, it flowed down my arm. 
"Miss!" I was then thrown backwards, Sunmi's arm and body hovering before me. I stared over her shoulder, half leant on the park car behind me. Chanyeol's body was on fire, flames his clothes and smoke filled the air. He was ready to run off when an elderly woman appeared from the shop and doused him in dirty water, I stared as the woman left a lashing on him, throwing his seared bag and burn guitar on the ground. She pointed to the burns on her shop, I stared at the blank look in his eyes. 
He was unharmed. His clothes burnt and darkened, Chanyeol tugged on a tee shirt the woman threw at him pitifully. 
"The car is ready." Sunmi murmured to me, her intercom cackled from her shoulder. She gazed at me patronizingly, I could almost hear the I told you so. "What a dangerous lunatic, you could have been killed." 
Chanyeol met eyes with me across the street. You did this, they seem to say. You did this to me, they stared. He grabbed the remains of his bag, and the neck of what was left of his guitar gingerly. He stalked away, past the numb onlookers that gazed amazingly at the show. 
"Sunmi," I turned to her, "Go find him."
"Go and get him into a car, I want to talk to him." 
"Miss, you could have died. And you want to t-"
"Sunmi." She pressed her lips into a thin line and hustled me into the waiting vehicle by the road. My right hand still tingled, like a thin veil of numbness when I had shook hands with him. I watched Sunmi sprint off towards Chanyeol, his long strides kept him ahead. The driver turned to me, I said, "Go to the next intersection, turn right and wait for Sunmi and a guest." 
The car pulled before the intersection, I saw Chanyeol stalk this way. His eyes blank as his fingers the wooden remainder of his guitar, I pushed the door of the car opened. Sunmi met eyes with me behind him. "Chanyeol, come." 
You, you did this. His eyes seem to say. 
He got in numbly. I could smell the faint scent of soot and the lingering warmth of a fire. Sunmi rushed to slip into the passenger seat as the car shot off. 
"So, Chanyeol." I began, my hands placed diplomatically before me. Like the meetings, I wanted to laugh, it felt like another business deal. "You can create fire?" I asked softly.  
He swallowed, "Yes." 
Music drowned our answers from the two in the front, I leant against the window. Smelling the scent of soot and such, "This is weird, Chanyeol. I think I can do things too. Would you like to stay with me?" 
He said nothing, jazzy blues blasted from the speakers. 
"I think," I swallowed, "I can make things bigger." 
It was so odd, to admit it truly. An absurd conclusion of a series of events that have convinced me, I wanted to laugh and say something witty. Nothing came out.
He stared at me wordlessly, he leant on his legs. Holding out his hand, a small flame lit on his fingertips. Sunmi turned, I met eyes with him, he grinned. His hand had nothing but soot, Sunmi eyed us curiously. "Miss, where do we drop him off?"
"My house." She dared not question me.
Chanyeol lit his finger up again, I ignored his curious eyes as I touched his warm palm with my fingertips. The flame grew in size, it was the size of his fists, burning blue and yellow. 
"What's that smell?" Sunmi turned again, I slammed my hand down on the flame, a brief flash of pain as it popped. A faint trail of smoke was left in its remains, the centre of my hand burnt painfully. 
"Nothing." Chanyeol grinned, his hands between both of mine. Blood seeped from my hand, I drew it away. "Just fooling around, right, JJ?" 
"Right," I blew on my hand, envisioning the aloe at home. "Just getting to know my new housemate." 
"I'm eighteen," he said abruptly, the music stopped. We pulled into my large estate. "No criminal record, no illegal activities, just a musician." 
I looked amusingly at him, "Why?"
He shrugged, "Because, I'd rather tell you then you read off the information from some file." He grinned, "Plus, we will find others." 
"Others," I echoed. I wasn't going to deny what he said, there will be a file with Park Chanyeol's name on my desk tonight. "Finding others." 
"Yeah," he slipped out the door, murmuring a thanks to Sunmi, who scowled in return. "Sure, there's obviously more people out there in the world." 
"Miss, I'll get the first aid kit." She shot a withering look at Chanyeol after I unlocked the door. 
"Maybe." I mused, the idea was interesting. Still, I didn't know what possessed me to invite him, was it just the feeling of belonging? How selfish. The idea that I'm not special, but just unique. I wanted to giggle, my life had been comprised of people telling me that I was special, beautiful, unique
"Hey," Chanyeol turned to me, he lit flames on his fingers, "I doubt that there aren't other people in the world like us, you - you might be unique, I mean, you enhance right? I haven't lost control in like seven years," I stared at him. 
"Aren't you eighteen?" 
"Yeah, and?" 
"Do you go to school?" I queried, changing the obviously tender subject, Sunmi hustled back to wrap my hand, a second degree burn, I confirmed. 
"Nope." He was too playful to show shame, I nodded in understanding, "I've missed only two years -"
"Come to school with me, then." I said easily. Sunmi snapped her head up, her eyes wide and disbelief. She opened and closed it, pressing her lips together from saying harsh words that I knew she deemed necessary for me to hear. 
"Nah," Chanyeol padded around the dining room in his socks, his hands trailed down the wooden clock, leaving a dark burn in it's wake. I narrowed my eyes at him, he chuckled apologetically, raising his hands from the wooden products. "Rich kids, nope. I don't have the money to -"
"Work for me, then." Sunmi bowed from the room, she signed the check out on the wall and left. Not before sending me another pointed look, my dogs hustled down the stairs. The trio barked at Chanyeol loudly, he collapsed on the floor to reach for one. They growled. "Be my body guard or something, just go to school with me, now, show me the uh, fire." 
"This?" His hand lit alight. I could feel the warmth from across the room, it burnt brilliantly. "I can't make it blue or yellow, the orange's the best I've got." 
Bae growled, he readied himself to pounce on Chanyeol. I barked out an order, "Sit." 
"Nice dogs, JJ." JJ tilted towards him, I laughed. 
"My dog's name is JJ." 
He played with the flames on his hands, growing and shrinking, the room suddenly felt warm and homelike. A feeling I haven't felt in here for a while. Silence ensued as I watched the amber dance. 
"I, uh, I don't have any money to go to your school, Jae-sshi." He stated, "I'll be your bodyguard to repay you but I can't stay here. I - "
"Where would you go, Chanyeol?" My mind was made, he is a good man. Such things like money shouldn't burden people like this, but then again, I wanted to snort. I've never been burdened with lack of money. How arrogant of me. "You can be my bodyguard, to pay for your room here, and there is no tuition needed. My grandfather made a hefty contribution for the school." 
"Just because we can do similar things doesn't mean you have to be - I'm not charity," his eyes suddenly lit up like his hands, they burned into mind. "I don't have money but at least I have my -" he softened, he bowed lowly, "Jaesun-sshi, thank you for this opportunity and chance but I - I can't take it, okay? I like -"
"You like where you are? In life?" 
He exploded, "Stop interrupting me!" He whined. 
I laughed, we both broke into laughter. Bae whined at my feet. "Chanyeol, just seriously, stay here. I'm an heir, Kay? One, I'm lonely, no family so you're doing me a favour. You're a nice guy, I know it. Two, we, uh, we're alike. And didn't you say you wanted to find other people, like us?" I waved my hand casually, "and work for me, you can pay me back for the room, I'm not letting you live here for free." 
Somehow, I could feel that he knew that sentence was for his benefit. He smiled at me, he suddenly looked so tired, his shoulders rested from his tense front. As if years of burden had been set upon his mind, he smiled weakly. "Are you sure you're a rich brat and not a lawyer?" 
"Thanks, giant." I sniffed, "Now go pick a room and shower." 
I was suddenly enveloped in a hug. The kind that felt like you were loved, I was picked up and spun twice around. Chanyeol mumbled into my hair, "Thank you.
I squeezed back just as tightly. I knew, that at that moment, it was a right choice. Because Park Chanyeol would be the start to a whole new beginning of my life. One thing that I had not known till years later. That one choice, a random and questionable invitation, began it.
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Chapter 1: nice story & keep it up - Yuki
Chapter 1: Holy freaking this is great.