Too Much


Random shots. NadTeuk, KyuRin, HaeNa/HeNa, KelChul, ZhouLyn, etc. etc. 

It's by part. About life. About Me. 

and my bias. and my friends. and my friend's bias. 

-insert wonderful and appropriate description-



Yes, we're official. /gets bricked by millions of ELFs/
And yes, we're married. Just me. And my bias. The End.


Posting here because I don't have files to organize my stories lolololol What am I saying xD
I usually fail at fics. And iz sho embarrassing. Uhuhuhuhuhu. 
These are not bad? lol. I made myself smile :>

Dedicated to my lovely frienzeu. I know you love me. kthxbai.


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karinneu #1
d;lkf;slfk;selfesf;ksefp;fkopi KELLY I WILL DIE WATER U DOIN TO KYUHYUN ROFL