Chapter 2 - 3mbarrassing

Stupid Love




“Ti-ti-tit-ti-ti-tit-ti-ti-tit...” I heard the alarm clock go off, disturbing my sweet dream. I searched the clock on the table with my right and made it stop. I let put a big sigh.* SIGH * and trying to get back to sleep again.



Urgghh.. I hate waking up in the morning. I am so tired from yesterday’s work. I can’t be bother to wake up. But how can I go back to sleep, I’m already wake now. Its better to be awake now. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the clock.


“Its already 7:30” I jumped out the bed and made out to the bathroom.  


I came out the bathroom and looked for my new school clothes. I opened the box where there are piles of my clothes and there, I find my new crumbly school clothes.


I didn’t have time to iron this stupid clothes. I wore the school uniform then went downstairs for quick breakfast. No matter I happen to go, whether late or early, I always have something to eat.


In the dinner room, dad was reading the newspaper and Jae min was...

He wasn’t here. I bet fell asleep as well. Maybe he is still asleep.heh. Idiot.


“Dad, where’s Jae min?” I asked as I grabbed a toast from the plate in the middle of table.

“Oh, he’s already gone,” he looks up from his newspaper, then his eyes widened.

“What?” that stupid brother he is already gone!!!

“Why can’t you be like him? Why can’t you dress smart as him?” dad starts his lecture again. I grab my second toast.

“And why is your clothes always crumbled up?” he lets out a big sigh.

“Dad, I need money,” I said.

“For what? Don’t tell you are involved with gangster? Or gambling? Or maybe dru--” I stopped him from going further and making me late in my first day.

“Noo, I don’t that kind of stuff,” I almost yelled at him, and thank god, I didn’t.

“I did it for lunch.” I said and held out my hand in the air for money.

“Dad, hurry up, I’m going be late.” I said and quickly gave me money for lunch and extras.


I quickly rushed out the house and ran for it to school. I saw a bus coming behind me. Dad, gave some extra money, might go to school in bus. I stop running, and the bus stopped in front of me.


*Chushh* the door opens up and I hop in.


“Does this bus go to... Um go to...” , I forget my school name. What was it again!! Think Soo Jin. Thin-

“Seoul secondary school?” how did he know?! I was quite surprised hearing the driver say it. I didn’t even know it.


“Ahh, yeah” I said politely.

“I recognized from your school uniform,” he said

“Can have a ticket to Seoul secondary school please” I smiled.

“Here. So are you new in this city?” he asks and I take the ticket and give him the money.

“yeah.” I turned around and went to sit down at the back.

“Welcome to Seoul” he said as I was walking to the seat.


There were just seven people in the bus, including the bus driver and me. I thought it would be pack of people in the time of rush hours but guess not. There is an old couple, a student sleeping at the very back, a woman with her little kid.


8:50 am


I rushed out the bus and ran towards the school gate. There was no one around. The school was really HUGE. I froze for a second in surprise. Then again, I start running in my full limit. I did came here with my parents last week so I went up to staff room.


*pant* *pant*

The building inside had a very very long corridor. I started to walk slowly, trying to catch my breath.


“Young lady.” A sharp voice came out behind me and slowly twisted my neck to see.


 A man wearing glass and black suit, carrying a book in his hand was walking toward me.



“Shouldn’t you be in class?” he said checking the time in his left hand.

“Yes sir, bu-” I was interrupted by HIM.

“the last bell has already gone” shooing me away with his left hand.

“bu-” he is annoying me now, I know this is my first day but I don’t care no-


“Hurry along then,” he shooing me away again.

“I’m new in this school” I quickly said before he shoo me again.

“Oh, why didn’t you say so?!” he said with a smile on his face.


“Come along then, I’ll take you to staff room” god, this sir is making insane. ARRGHHH…




“So this is your class,” Mr. Chang, said before opening the door.


Mr. Chang is the sir that was shooing me before.


“Ah-huh” I said.


Mr. Chang opens the door and every heads in the class turns toward us.

There were five desks in the front and following behind more. At the first sight, I saw a nerdy guy seating in front near the door. He looked kind of like my little nerdy brother. All the boy who wears glasses looks like my brother for me. Ha-ha-ha-ha. =P


“Sorry to disrupt you, Mr. Kim” he says in smart tone.

“This is your new student” he pushed me inside from the back.

“ah-yes, come in” Mr. Kim says casually.

“I’ll be going then,” says Mr. Chang then closes the door.

“Introduce yourself to everyone,” he says with a smile.


I turn around towards everyone. Everybody was staring me and I stared at them too. They didn’t even blink, no one. This class is weird.


“I’m Kwon Soo Jin,” I said casually. Not a single blink from them. Scary!!

I turn around to the teacher.

“That’s all.” He claps his hand and says again “you can sit at any empty seats”

I turn around to the class again. Still staring at me!!

I see an empty sit near the window at very back.  Yes!! My favourite spot in the class is seat near the window.


I walks toward the seat suddenly a big slam came behind me. That scared me to death, and I am too young to die.


I turn my head around like everyone. A boy stood at the door with a rough, messy black hair looking down…at his shoe?! Anyway, his clothes was all crumble up and shirt not tucked in, tie not done up properly.


So, he is the bad kid the class then. Huh. I know, I’m dressed up like him too, red bow loose, white shirt, black blazer, and black skirt crumble up but I was in a hurry and we just moved in this city yesterday. I have a reason. Tkkshh—


I walk to seat and finally seat down. Just like usual at my last school, I stared outside as if there is something interesting.


“Ji yong, you’re late” I heard Mr. Kim in sharp tone.

“Yea sir, I know,” Ji yong said slowly.

“Hey you, why you seating at my seat?” he shouts but to who I don’t know and I don’t care. I continually stared outside with my head resting on my hand.


“YAHH, ARE YOU DEAF?” his voice was louder this now.


Aishh, why is he shouting again? I turn around again, to see whom he is shouting to…was ME?!

Ji yong stood in front of desk, glaring at me and I glared back at him. He looks quite pretty from close up but the attitude... Urhh... not my type and not that I find him attractive.


“What?” I said staring at him.

“This is MY seat,” he said.

I look at the teacher then to him. Oh yeah, everyone was still staring at me. I kept listened, not that I am afraid of him.


“Get the hell out of my seat” in steady voice.

“AHEM” Mr. Kim clears his throat. I look back to Mr. Kim again, he was rubbing his forehead and letting big sigh.

“Whatever” I said as I stood up with my bag.

*BANGG* the chair fell backwards when I pushed the chair back to stood up, now everyone is staring to whisper whisper. I moved to the empty seat beside this seat.

“Yea, whatever, go on yo-”

“No need for that. Let’s get started with the lesson” again letting out a sigh.


That pretty boy took my best spot but what ever it was his seat at first. No point fighting him, its will just waste my energy.


Mr. Kim is teaching maths. I hate maths, my worst subject. All I hear from his mouth is blah blah blah.


I look people around me, to the left it that guy and to my right a boy.  He had innocent face. Brown-ish black rough hair. And he is…focusing on the lesson.

In my front is girl with black hair, high ponytail from my point of view because I’m sat behind her.




Finally break, some peace and quite. Yess!! I’ll go find eun m- min. I forgot I moved to Seoul yesterday. I miss eun mi and all my friends. Now, I don’t even have a friend and I’m such a loner. =(


I wander around the school; this is really huge inside and outside. In the middle of the school, there was a big field, basketball court in the right. And on the left, there was bench and tables. I think this is the place where students hang out with friend in their own spot. Aishh, I have no one. I don’t belong in here.


I turned around and wander around again by myself. I’m not usually like thi- GRruull.. Now I’m hungry. I walk back from where I came.


Where is that canteen? I thought I just passed a second ago when I ended up in the field. GRRUULL...GURGULL...

This is so embarrassing but thanks Buddha, no one is her-


“Humhumhumhum” please please Buddha don’t tell me there is someone laughing at me. I turn around slowly; I felt my face being hot.


It was that boy,you know the one who was trying to pick a fight with me.

I don’t remember his name, I forgot.


“YOU!!” he stop laughing and his face went serious.

“What?” I asked as if I don’t know what he was talking about.

“You?! The girl who took my seat” he said pointing at me.

I flicked his hand. One thing I hate is people pointing at me.


“YAHH. Who said you can touch me?” he simply said, leaving me confused.

“WHAT?” I asked in puzzled face.

“Is that all you can say” I do not like this guy seriously.

“Say what?” I asked again.

“Saying what” he said and laughs.

“No, I can say what ever I want” I said.

“See again you said what” He cracks up laughing even louder.

“Arghh, what do you want?”

“Again what”


I turned around and walked away. I continue to walk away from his laughter, again not that I’m scared. GRUWLL...GRUWL…See, what I mean its waste of energy. Because of that idiot, I’m more hungry. 


 “YAHH!! YOU”I turned just my face, he had stopped laughing and he was far away from me. I ignored him and continue finding that canteen.


*thap-dhap-thap-dhap* I hear running footstep getting closer and closer. Why is he following me??


“Yah, I said stop” he said quietly.

“Why?” I turn around.

“Why you following me?” said in anger.

“You looking for canteen isn’t it?” he said gently. I calm down my anger and said “ yea-”






He was trying hard not to laugh and said “you’re going wrong way, is that way” he pointed his back.


“Oh” I felt myself turning red in embarrassment even more.

“Come on” he said as he turn around and start shivering.

“Are you cold?” my expression looking at him weirdly.

“Ahum” he clears his throat and quickly says “No”

“Ah-huh” I nod my head.

“Come on I’ll take you there” he turn his face.




1st day of school = embarrassing / talked with that guy

I forgot to ask his name. But I don’t care what his name is, I always forget people’s name, accept someone who is closer. Hehehe..


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Nice ^^ ,3