
Stay close ♡


Chapter 25: Crescendo


Everything was a blur. 


The numbness came swiftly, enveloping her all at once into an abyss. She remembered things in disfigured flashes pieces of memories as she weaved in and out of her consciousness.

Starting from the fall; the cold hard tarmac and the sound of someone frantically shouting along with the crowding shoes around her .

Then her eyes flickered open as a mask was forcefully worn on her, crisp oxygen filling her lungs and the stinging air invading her nostrils like ice crystals. There were two paramedics and a very worried looking Myungsoo who carried her in her arms softly.

The last vague memory she had was of the bright strips of lights on the hospital ceiling as they pushed the stretcher fast through the labyrinthine halls. She was most concious then. The sharp pain was emitting from her abdomen and her head was spinning.

She wanted to cry out or move or scream.

But she was unable to.


The numbness was gone and the pain settled in but she couldn't open .

She felt it. 

The wetness against her dress. Her pale white dress was seeped with crimson blood. 

Her blood.


A tear slipped out of the corner of her eye when she realized she had lost more than her sanity.



In all his life Kim Myungsoo had never thought he'd be waiting outside the emergency ward for the girl he loved.

Seoul Central Hospital was still running late into the night with night-shift doctors and nurses scurrying around and the occasional patient being carted off somewhere.

He sat patiently on the seating outside; his head leaned back on the wall, thoughts scattering madly and his breath shallow. He ran his fingers through his tousled hair nervously and sighed.


He had never stopped loving Son Naeun.
But she didn't even love him.
He was a fool.

A fool in love.


He started laughing slightly. 
He was stupid in love.
Did he really break up a wife and husband?

He went soo far, yet here he is. 
Wallowing in self regret and guilt.

A tear slipped from his left eye but he brushed it away quickly.


An abrupt sound of doors opening made him raise his head up; only to find a dazed Taemin breathing heavily like he had run a mile.

Seeing Myungsoo there enraged him greatly. Clouded by anger the younger grabbed Myungsoo by the collar and pushed him hard against the wall.

Myungsoo seemed to stare at him dumbfounded, whilst Taemin was pissed.


“What the hell did you do to my wife!?” he screeched.

An amused smile spread on the elder's face.

“Shouldn't you ask yourself that question? You're the one that cheated on her with that ” Myungsoo spat back.

“Bastard!” Taemin snapped, punching Myungsoo squarely in the jaw. The older tched and balled his hands into a fist eager to punch him back.

“That's funny, you seem to be the one with the  mistress” Myungsoo laughed and shook his head.

They were embroiled in a fist fight when they were both wrenched away from each other by Suho and a distressed Eunji.


“Stop it ! Stop it both of you!” Eunji screeched as she tried to hold back an enraged Myungsoo.

“Lee Taemin get your senses back” Suho growled lowly only for them two to hear.

“We're in a hospital, please stop” Eunji implored the pair but they wouldn't listen and continued to exchange poisonous words.


Eunji found herself mad and dazed and all together too annoyed to even deal with such imbeciles that when a thought crossed her mind she just had to do it.

The sound of two loud slaps were echoed through the empty hall of the hospital.

She had no patience to deal with these people.



She had slapped both men hoping that it would at least kickstart some guilt or sanity so the two would stop fighting.

They both touched their cheeks that were red from Eunji's slaps, a little bit surprised by her senseless actions.


“Your wife is in there ” she turned towards Taemin.

“And the girl you love  ” she turned to Myungsoo.

“And my best friend is in there so please just stop” she begged the two, her eyes turning glassy as she tried to control her rapid emotions.


“You don't deserve her” Myungsoo shouted at Taemin.

“Stop it Myungsoo! I hired you with trust and full confidence that you wouldn't bring up the past! You went out of line! ” Eunji screamed back at him.

“And your trust him soo much Jung Eunji?! He's the one cheating on Naeun with some ing !”


Suho gasped whilst looking back at Taemin whilst Eunji was lost for words, betrayal and disbelief potrayed vividly on her face.

“Is it true?” She turned and asked Taemin who was still shocked by the whole situation.

“I was not cheating on her! It was a mistake! ”


“And yet you condemned her when Myungsoo kissed her?” Eunji scoffed.

“It was an accident! I didn't mean to kiss her!”

“So you did kiss her?” Suho asked.

“Well… no…yes…”


“Unbelievable! Here I am stuck with the most insufferable morons whilst my best friend, no scrap that. Whilst my sister is in the emergency room! You guys better pray your sorry asses that Naeun is fine because you two will be needing the emergency room yourselves if anything happens to her!”

When Eunji finished her impromptu rant she collapsed onto the floor and burst into tears. Her strong independent-woman facade dropping like a veil.


The doctor came out swiftly and shook his head at the group, well they hardly looked sane.

“Doctor is she okay?” Myungsoo was the first to ask.

“Are you the husband?”

“No, that would be me” Taemin approached the doctor, pushing away Myungsoo slightly.


“She's fine now, but she needs to rest, she is very weak and currently sleeping. I advise that she stay in the hospital for a few days so that we can make sure there is no infection and that she can receive counselling for her grief”

“What? Infection? Counselling? Grief?” Eunji asked confused and slightly disoriented.

“You don't know?” The doctor asked and Taemin shook his head in response.


"Your wife was 6 weeks into pregnancy''

The silence streched dramtically long.



" I'm sorry to say but your wife had a miscarriage"




A/N : 

sorry guys….I'm super busy….

Anyway happy ramadhan to all those fasting~

And thanks for reading… and yes… I know… I'm so mean.

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 30: I still wait for your update..
Chapter 30: Its 2019 and and still waiting for a new chapter and the ending. I hope you dont forget us.
Ydvvfjkch #3
Chapter 30: Author-nim please update it
....we are waiting.....
Anu_Taeun #4
Chapter 30: By any chance can we get an update for this ?
peanutbutter24 #5
Chapter 30: OMG plz update. I’m dying to know what happens next!!!
Icha_Deswita #6
Chapter 30: can you update again please :(
hanjunghye #7
Chapter 30: I read this story again and i still love this story.. Although it's already 2017 but I really hope if you're not busy, you can continue and finish this story.. I will patiently waiting for the final chapter.
kocie923 #8
Chapter 30: Author-nim... I have been really enjoying the chapters and hope you can update the final ending chapter.
Chapter 30: Hi author-nim, i don't think you would read this but..i hope you will update the last chapter......
myria71 #10
Chapter 30: Just hoping that at least u wl update the final closure...