
LoveBugs (TaoHun/SeTao)



Sehun loves to bully Tao.

He likes how Tao, who was taller than him (and knows martial arts) ends up teary eyed after a hilarious (for Sehun and sometimes Chanyeol but seriously Yoda laughs at everything so he hardly counts) jokes.

So Sehun decided to put a bug on Tao's head, it wasn’t even a real bug but when Tao saw it he let out a loud shriek that made Sehun know that his mission was accomplished.

Poor Tao run out of the rehearsal room in embarrassment and had Suho following him.

Sehun laughed but when neither Kai or Chanyeol (who usually laughs with him) didn’t laugh... Sehun knew he’d gone too far.

Kris, being protective of his favorite maknae gave Sehun a death glare.

“Sehun, you idiot. Apologize.” Kris said gritting his teeth and it was the first time Sehun has seen him angry but Kris didn’t scare him.

But when Suho got back and has his serious “we have to talk” face, Sehun wanted to walk out of the room.

“Sorry, hyung I was just joking and-“ Sehun was smacked hard on the nape by their leader who was always been patient. But this time he was not and it scared Sehun even though he didn’t want to admit it.

“Save it for Tao.” Suho said in a deep voice he never heard before.

“Everyone, no one talks to him until Tao forgives him.” He announced giving everyone a “follow my orders or you’ll regret it” look.

But Kai didn’t like to obey, not that he was being disrespectful. He just wanted to talk to Sehun for a bit and to make him realize his mistake because Sehun was whining like an idiot.

Bubble Tea always makes Sehun feel better after stress or situations like this, so he brought Kai with him who came alone to his favorite bubble tea shop.

“He will not forgive me.” Sehun whined again as he sipped the drink.

“You still have to apologize.” Kai said smirking at Sehun.

“Aish.” Sehun’s pride has gone unreachably high by each passing seconds and it was bad enough that time was two times faster for him.

“Well, it’s either you apologize or no one will ever talk to you.” Kai encouraged.

“You’ll still talk to me right?” Sehun asked.

“I guess this will be our last meeting, it was nice being your friend.” Kai said standing up and left with his bubble tea leaving Sehun alone, his head buried deep down in the palm of his hands.

Sehun sighed relieving his annoyance and he scolded himself for being so stupid and made a mental note to never prank anyone in the rehearsal room.

It was seriously hard not to bully Tao, because as the author mentioned before, Sehun loves to bully Tao. It has become so addicting to him that he wouldn’t be able to live without pranking or teasing Tao for atleast five times a day. So, next time, for sure, Sehun will be extra careful.

Sehun knows that Tao is probably back at the rehearsal room with Kris or whoever he dragged out of their dorm. So he made his steps slowly thinking of what to say, or how to say it because it was uncomfortable for Sehun to apologize.

He has always been good but when it comes to Tao, he just wants to-


Sehun stopped his train of thoughts when he arrived at the slightly opened door of their rehearsal room, a harsh mandarin curse (surprisingly Sehun knows this XD) echoed above the upbeat music and Sehun was ready to tease his fellow maknae but unfortunately forgets this when he saw how puffy and red Tao’s eyes were.

Tao was having a hard time, Sehun knows this because he was failing every step of their new dubstep and usually it is Sehun who teaches Tao patiently (with a bit teasing and laughing at his fellow maknae), seeing this made Sehun feel the first pain of guilt sinking in his skin.

It was his fault that Tao didn’t get to practice at all.

“Tao hyung.” Sehun’s voice was drowned in the music so he tried again. “Tao hyung!”

Sehun was sure Tao heard it because his voice echoed through the room but Tao didn’t even spare him a glance which left some weird stinging pain in Sehun’s heart and his chest felt heavy with guilt and his head dizzy with pride.

“T- Tao ge!” Sehun shouted with all his heart as his face started warming up in embarrassment.

“Sorry!” Sehun’s poor attempt of Mandarin caught Tao’s attention and Tao looked at Sehun, who bowed his head down.

“Why do you hate me so much?” Tao asked his soft voice full of pain. “I didn’t know what I did to make you hate me so much.”

There was a moment of silence because Tao turned off the music, waiting for Sehun’s reply.

“I don’t hate you.” Sehun said sincerely, it was the most sincere expression he made  and he looked straight to his hyung’s dark eyes, which is still puffy.

“It’s the exact opposite, Tao-ge.” He added.

Tao was frozen for a moment, feeling like his feet just got stuck on the ground. He didn’t know what to feel, because all this time he thought Sehun hated him and he kept his patience, he endured every prank he does because Tao is in love with this bully.

Sehun wanted to run off, but he decided to be brave and was prepared for the worst. He kept his poker face but inside that unshattered expression was a screaming frightened maknae warning him to run as far away as possible because Sehun knows he doesn’t deserve his hyung’s love. Sehun has been very bad to Tao and it wouldn’t make any sense if Tao even feels the same way about him. (Plus, they were both guys)

Tao lessened the distance between himself and Sehun, and Oh Sehun regretted not running away when he had the chance because Tao suddenly leaned close to Sehun’s ear, his breath tickling his nape and sends shivers down his spine. And Sehun remembered that he used to think it was Luhan who has a neck .

“You idiot.” Tao said in his accented Korean. “You have to pay for what you did earlier, Oh Sehun.”

And Tao’s dangerous voice made Sehun’s heart beat faster than usual, his legs feeling weak as they trembled and he didn’t want to look at Tao’s expression right now, especially now he knows that Tao was looking right at him.

To Sehun’s horror, Tao lifted Sehun’s chin up and was looking at whatever godforsaken expression he has now.

What Sehun didn’t know is that Tao enjoyed looking at the embarrassed maknae’s face, how his poker face was replaced by an embarrassed face with red cheeks, teary eyes and his lips shivering so bad Tao wanted to stop it by a kiss.

They almost did kiss.

But Kris, has the best timing when he went barging in the room with a paper bag of foods from the convenient store.

Both Tao and Sehun were startled, and Sehun backed off but unfortunately his feet decided to be clumsy and tripped him. Sehun grabbed Tao’s shirt and they both crashed down with a loud thud.

Tao was the first to laugh and soon, the two maknaes were laughing as they looked stupidly in each other’s faces.

Kris facepalmed seeing the two. “I reckon you two are ok now?”

Tao helped Sehun up, then he intertwined his fingers with Sehun. Showing it off cutely to Kris with a huge grin in his face matched by puffy dark eyes.

“More than ok.” Tao answered and Sehun looked away his face turning in a deeper shade of scarlet.

“Yehet~” Sehun couldn’t help but cheer for himself as he squeezed Tao’s hand and looked at him.

Tao took the opportunity to steal a kiss from Sehun.

So you see? Sehun does love to bully Tao.


That night, Kris sulked in his room because the Chinese leader regretted ever leaving his Tao alone.




Author's Note:

This is inspired by a lot of sehun-bullying-tao photos I just saw and also, It was Chen's fault for telling the whole world of Tao's fright of bugs.

Therefore I conclude, Love + Bugs (literally bugs, sehun's bullying/bugging tao) = LoveBugs



We really don't know what to think of this... but Sehun is just too happy so YEHET! XD OHORAT~

Thanks for reading~

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Chapter 1: I miss Taohun. Thanks for the story
Chapter 1: This was adorable! :D
and the best part was : 'That night, Kris sulked in his room because the Chinese leader regretted ever leaving his Tao alone.' hahaha.... :D
Chapter 1: taohun feeeeelsss! kyaaaa love this ! <3
lemon-deulop #4
Chapter 1: This was so cute and fun- enjoyable too.
Thank you for posting this- yay.
Latte94 #5
Chapter 1: Please make the story longer..i like it!!
Sparkle_Raven101 #6
If there was a sequel, I would so totally read it >.< yehet!
sarang_do #7
Chapter 1: Haha flufffyyyyy oh my taohun feels...
Wiinween #8
Ehehhe ehehhe thabk for writing this author-nim :***
Chapter 1: Oh,really.. This is so cute~ make the sequel please~
Chapter 1: dat yethet hahahaha. poor kris~