
Love that has no answer


Before you read.........


Imagine yourself as the girl...... This fic is designed for heartbroken girls who saw Minho's kiss scene and are jealous. Well, imagine yourself as Mee Yon! Enjoy this fic.......though it's going to be a bittersweet oneshot, but hey, that's what oneshots are for! Enjoy the beautiful love story between you and Minho!(for Minho biased people)


Inspired by Pianist, the drama that he(Minho) acted as Oh Je Ro. (Forgive me if there's grammatical mistakes, I'm careless as I typed this in a hurry. I stayed up late to write this.)



Do you want to know who I am? I'm Park Mee Yon, a 19 year old girl. I'm a dancer, that is currently taking ballet lessons. I actually loved hip hop or some kind of modern dance from singers and wanted to learn it, but I fell in love with ballet because of a guy I loved.....


I went to the dance studio and practised ballet. After practising my dance moves, I went out of the room. I passed by another room and saw Minho dancing with a woman about his age through the glass pane on the door. I started to recall......


I was walking in the streets, and went to a convenience store to buy some soft drinks after dancing. I went into the store, and bought some coke. I opened the can and started drinking in big gulps.


"Ahh!" I was contented to quench my thirst with a refreshing drink after the intensive dance that parched my throat.


I took another sip of the cold coke when someone bumped into me, to be precise, a male.


I fell down with a loud thud and the coke can was on the floor. The coke was split and I was wet from the coke that was spilt onto me! The shirt that I was wearing was wet and a bit soaked with sugared water! Argh! I'm so frustrated now!


A tall male turned back and saw me. I guess he was the one who knocked me down. He helped me up.


"Yah!" I shouted in frustration and anger. "Why did you even knock me down? Do you even freaking look?" I was so annoyed.


"Oh mianhae! I was thinking about something important." He apologised profusely. I guess I could let him go. I can't help but stare at him. He's so damn cute! (Watch Pianist???)


"Hello? Hello?" He waved his hands in front of me.


"Huh?" My attention was commanded. I can't help but think........he's y.....


"Keke, you're in a gaze....and to be frank you did look like a freak at that time......" I guess he was a bit uncomfortable by mentioning that. I looked like a freak????? Urgh......


"I guess I should be going now." I made an excuse and left. I thought I would not see him again. It's goodbye.


As I walked, I felt some kind of piercing pain in my tailbone and I couldn't walk properly, I just limped like an idiot. I was about to fall; I shut my eyes tight, preparing for the worse. But I didn't fall. Strange! I opened my eyes slowly and saw the man. I felt his arms wrapped around my waist so I wouldn't fall. He helped me up.


"Gomawo...." I mumbled and started limping away from him, who was standing like a tree. (He's as tall as a tree....or a little shorter than a tree??)


"Wait!" He shouted, getting my attention. I turned back to face him and he came up to me.


"I'll send you back home, since I made your shirt wet and caused you to be injured....."


I didn't really have any excuse to reject, so I accepted his offer. I nodded to signify my approval. He helped me to his van and drove.


"Where do you live?" He asked. I gave him my address and we talked. I looked around his van and found some namecards. 


"Woah, what's that?" I asked.


"Oh, my namecards. I work there, erm.....I teach adults ballet. I also learn ballet there, the advanced course or something like that."


"Woah, can adults learn ballet? You must be busy!" 


"Of course, it's never to late to learn it. I'm not that busy though." 


I took a name card. Choi Minho? His name is Minho?


"Choi Minho......ah.....Your name's Minho?" He nodded.


"What's your name then?" He asked. Me? My name? I was happy to let him know. I somehow felt some kind of closeness between us.


"Oh, my name's Park Mee Yon, just call me Mee Yon." Damn it, do I sound like a complete idiot??


"Ah.....Mee old?"


"I'm 19, turning 20 in a few weeks." He asks for my age?


"Oh.....I'm 21. I expect you to call me oppa, haha." Oppa? Call him oppa?


"Hey, we're just mere strangers that met at the streets! How do you expect me to call you oppa?" I felt bad. After all I did like him.....and I somehow wanted to call him oppa.......but my pride. Oh damn this stupid thing called pride. Why is there such thing???


"But I'm your elder! Call me oppa~" He whined. Oh damn, so cute. Wait, what the heck am I saying??? I guess elders have a naughty side or something.


I ignored him, as I didn't know how to reply. All you have to do is to call him 'Minho oppa'! What's so wrong with that? But......he's a stranger! Urgh I don't care! 


After some time, he broke the silence. "We're here." Leaving? No! I don't wanna leave! I wanna stay........for some reason I wanted to stay......


I went out of the van and closed the door delicately. I waved. "Annyeong Minho oppa......" I was feeling uncomfortable as I didn't want to leave too soon. For some reason I wanted to stay forever. For some reason I seemed to know Minho....oppa.


A strange feeling overwhelmed me as the van drove past me. I closed my eyes and a tear slid down my cheek. There's no reason why I can't say goodbye willingly! Why am I like that?


Maybe......I like him? If that's the case, I have to see him again! I have to know him as a friend and not a mere stranger who tried to help!


I put my head down in disappointment. But something struck me.


My other hand was holding a namecard. My eyes lit up.


Best. Day. Ever!!!!!!!


I smiled as I went into my house. My heart was filled with joy, pure joy and happiness.

(Flashback end)

"Mee Yon, Mee Yon-ah?" Minho said.


I was back into reality, originally in my wonderful flashback. But Minho was in front of me. I meet him. Again. I felt a bit nervous in front of him.


"An-Anyeong Minho....oppa....." I greeted him, a bit unsure. Oppa? Calling a mere stranger oppa? But something in me tells me he's not a mere stranger.


"Woah, what are you doing here?" He asked me.


"Oh, I'm learning ballet here." I replied. Yeah, it's true. I learnt it.....because of him. I wanted to see him again, and there he is, in front of my eyes, talking to me.


"Who's your teacher?"


"Kwon Yuri....she's my teacher." 


"Ah....I see. She's going to quit soon, I guess. Then some of the students might have to be transferred to my class......interesting."


My eyes lit up. I could know him better!


"Ah, what's the time now, I have to go home. Bye Mee Yon!" Minho oppa said. He gave me a wink before he left. I loved it. I would never forget it.


When could I see him again? Soon I guess, even if I will not be transferred to his class. I was happy, thinking of that. I would see him soon!


From then on, I practised ballet everday at the studio, but I didn't see Minho everytime I passed by that particular room. Disappointment. Argh.


Days passed. It was time for my lessons.  Minho was right. Yuri quitted. I was transferred to his class. He taught us basic moves and soon, class was over. People were rushing to get out of the room but I stayed to practise. I wanted to perfect my moves. Since I wanted to impress him.......


But I saw him, not leaving the room, continuing to dance.


"Woah, why are you still here?" He asked. 


"Oh.......I'm just practising dance moves." I replied.


"Do you have a certain dream? Or you won't be practising that hard." He said as he advanced closer towards me.


"Erm......not really........" He was too mean for now.


How bossy!


"What made you want to learn ballet?" He asked suddenly, still advancing forward while I moved back everytime he moved a step forward.


"Because.....because of......" My tailbone hit the handbar behind me. Damn it, the mirror must be behind then. I hate walls. I really hate them at this time. Minho oppa came really close. 


"because of you....." I murmured, wishing that he would not hear.


"Because of me?" He smirked. Damn it. How did he even freaking hear????


" to dance with me?" Dance with him? But I was just a beginner?


"But...but I........" I could not find a valid excuse, argh, but I did not want to dance with him!


"It's okay, just dance." I took his hand, a bit unsure, nervous at the touch of his smooth skin. He's so.....attractive.


He chuckled, I didn't know why, but I was enjoying the dance with him. He was more of a teacher but I didn't care. It was surprising, how could I develop feelings for a person I've met only thrice? Maybe that's love at first sight.


I was smiling all the time, I guess I was happy. After all, it's some private time with Minho. Private time with Minho........


Just then, I fell, and ended up on top of him. My hands were on his chest, it was such an awkward position, we were so close to kissing! I could feel his hot breath as I tried hard not to breathe. Imagine how he would feel if he felt it! Awkward!


I went up and helped him up. "Mianhae......I caused you to fall down." I muttered after a long silence. 


"Ani, gwaenchana, I think I should be going now." He said. He's going? But I don't want him to go!


"Mee Yon-ah...." I turned my head to look at him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him, no, pulled me into a hug. I was shocked by his sudden action. My hands were not wrapped around his waist, as others do. It's a bit weird, but he hugged me really tight.


He my hair with one hand and gripped me tight on the other.


"Minho oppa?" I whispered. It was so sudden, but I liked it. My hands slid down to hug him back, to hug him tight. It stayed like that for some time before he let go.


"Annyeong....." He whispered as he waved. He left the room, closing the door behind him. The moment I heard the door close, I felt empty. It was different from the hotness I felt, now I was cold. I left the room after some time. Mee Yon, you could see him again!


Yes I could. From then on, I was anticipating that day of the week, the times where I get to dance with him privately. The times were so nice, but I was wondering if he enjoyed it. I enjoyed every moment of it. They were always fresh in my mind. 


One particular day, I recieved a call from him. 


"Hello, is this Mee Yon? I was wondering, if you would like to eat jajjangmyeon? I know of a stall which sells delicious jajjangmyeon." I heard Minho over the phone.


"Oh....great! I love jajjangmyeon! Where should we meet?" I was excited. I didn't really like jajjangmyeon but since it's Minho, I guess I have to love it. 


At the store, I ate hungrily, pretending to like the jajjangmyeon, but it did taste delicious, I liked it in a way. 


"Aish, you didn't have to pretend that you liked jajjangmyeon." He smiled.


How did he know?


As if he could read my thoughts, he replied, "Well, I do have my ways. You didn't seem like you liked it. You didn't even swallow the food." Why is he so observant???


I forced myself to swallow the jajjangmyeon, then faced him.


He giggled. 


"What's so funny?"


He pointed to somewhere on my face. "There's some jajjangmyeon there." He took a tissue and wiped it off. I felt attracted to his touch, I could feel myself responding to it. We were still a little awkward. 


He looked around. There was almost no one in sight. Didn't he say the jajjangmyeon there is good? Why the heck is the stall so empty?


He took a spoon and scooped some jajjangmyeon. "Open your mouth." He ordered. I did as he said and he shoved the jajjangmyeon in my mouth. He's feeding me?? I swallowed it awkwardly.


He scooped some more jajjangmyeon. Huh, again? I opened my mouth and let him feed me. This time, it felt good. It was as if we were a couple. Are we one? I guess so?


We went for a stroll after we finished our meal. He held my hand. For the first time, he freaking held my hand. The moment he touched me, a feeling, a pleasant feeling overwhelmed me. I wasn't sure what that was. Is Fondness? Joy? Bliss?


I looked around and spotted a couple holding hands. I guess we weren't the only one. Wait, are we a couple?


He turned around to face me and we smiled. "Let's be like them." He said. Be like them? Are we imitating them or what? Or are we.....a couple now?


I looked at him, confused. What the heck is going on? Maybe we are one. Or maybe not. Aish I don't know, don't ask me!


As we strolled, hand in hand, I could see Minho oppa smiling, I could see people eyeing us enviously. What is there to be envious about? We aren't official! Well, status (as in "Minho oppa's girlfriend") is important isn't it?


He smiled while facing me. When we reached my house, he said something I never forgot. 


"Mee Yon-ah, let's be like the happy couple we saw just now. Let's....go out." He my hair while looking at the ground. Well, could I say no to him? Of course I'll say yes! I nodded, still a bit embarrassed.


He pat my head before bading me to go up. I waved goodbye to him. "Annyeong Minho oppa!" 


When I reached home, my umma talked to me. 


"Mee Yon-ah, your boyfriend?" She asked. I nodded.


"'re turning I won't object. Such a good long have you met him?" 


"Not that long actually.......for a few weeks......" I replied, thinking that it's not a good answer though it's the truth. Who would freaking date someone you know for a few  weeks?


I felt something. Umma might not agreee and object to this beautiful relationship. I felt......something was fishy. But I didn't care and went to my room. 


A few days passed. We met more often. It was time for the ballet classes I was looking forward to. Well, I could see him again! Private dancing time.....


After ballet class, as usual, I had some private time with Minho oppa. While we were dancing, I tripped and fell down on top of him. Woah, that was so close! I was glad I didn't kiss him though I knew him. Maybe we aren't ready. Wait, I'm ready but him? When I was about to get up, he pushed my head closer to his such that our lips were getting closer and closer, ready to touch. 


"Minho op-" Our lips touched. My eyes were wide. He kissed me? Hello, I'm on top of him! His tongue slid in slowly, exploring every corner of my mouth slowly. I could feel his tongue. His tasty lips........erm, am I too greedy?


My eyes were still wide but I learned to relax, feeling his tongue.


Then, he stopped kissing me. After the kiss, he was like "Oh my gosh, what did he do?". You should have seen his confused look, how cute! We stood up.


Wait, he took my first kiss!


"Mee Yon-ah.....mianhae......." It was such an awkward moment, I was sure he thought I wasn't ready for it yet. 


"Ani, did feel.....great........" I mumbled after a long time. He pat my head and pulled me into a hug. Again? Well, at least I liked it.


He rested his head on my shoulder and relaxed himself. I did the same too. I wrapped my arms around his waist, just as he did.


"Does this feel great too?" He asked. He's so possessive, but I did like that side of him.


I nodded, a little embarrassed. "That's good," I heard him mumble. It stayed like this before he left. How I wished he would do that forever, but it's okay, he'll do it again. How silent. It was so empty. I hate this emptiness.


I asked myself, "Is this true? Did he just kiss and hug me?" before leaving the room. I missed him already, cut it out Mee Yon! You can't be obsessed with him to this extent!


Minho called me when I reached home.


"Hello, is this Mee Yon? Have you reached home? I miss you already." 


I was taken aback by his honeyed words. We're together? I'm his girlfriend? Is it right?


"Ne, I miss you too, Minho oppa." I replied, biting my lips because I was embarrassed.


"I miss you more....." I heard him mumble. 


"I wanted to hear your voice.......did you enjoy the dance lesson?" He continued. 


"Of course I did!" I exclaimed. I was excited to hear his voice also. I wanted him to be happy. When he's happy, I am. Well, at least he seemed cheerful?


After talking for a long time, I got to know more about him. His birthday was on 9th December, his favourite colour is blue, he loves to play basketball but learnt ballet because his mum told him to. It made me wonder of his family background. Rich? Average?


As we spent more time together, I got to know more about him. Not just anything, but his personality, his likes and dislikes, his character, almost everything. He knew me well too. But there was something he didn't know. My birthday. He only knew that I was particularly happy on this fateful day I was born, and he would always give me something. But he didn't know that it was such an important day to me.


It has been two years we were together as a couple, igniting jealousy in passers-by with our blissful faces, living in a paradise called "love". That's right. We were madly in love. No one could separate us, no one.


On that day, my birthday, it was time for my dance lessons. He taught me, yes, as usual. But there was something strange about him. He changed. For some reason, he just changed in that instant he received some news I didn't know. After that dance lesson, he danced with me longer than usual. It was as if I couldn't see him again.


He faced me with a solemn look. "Mee Yon-ah, I have to tell you something." Tears were b in his eyes. Something was terribly wrong.


"My umma......and appa...their business.......they're going bankrupt. To save the business, I have to marry a rich girl......Mee Yon-ah, I don't want to. Eottokhae?"


"I knew this a few days ago but I couldn't tell you.........mianhae......I really didn't know this would happen........" 


I mustered up courage to begin my speech. "Minho oppa, did you cherish the time we had?" He nodded. "Mianhae....this will be your last birthday gift." He mumbled. 


I was shocked. How did he know that it was my birthday today? "Since you knew it was my birthday, why did you tell me today?? Why wasn't it yesterday? Or tomorrow? Any day but today! Why today? Are you trying to make my life miserable?" I shouted.


He pulled me into a hug. "Mianhae........but I couldn't see you again after's the deadline........" I knew his intentions. He wanted me to cherish every moment we had. 


I rested my head on his shoulder, crying. I knew he was too, because my sleeve was wet. Wet with his tears, and mine. We hugged each other tightly. 


"Is this my birthday present?" I mumbled. He gave me a peck on the lips. This kiss was special. No, it wasn't my first kiss, it wasn't my second one---we had many kisses.  It was my birthday present. My last kiss.


"Saengilchukahamnida.......mianhae.....cherish the time we had......." He mumbled. He my hair and hugged me tight. This time, I wanted him to hug me tighter and tighter, stay like that forever. Because I knew I couldn't see him again. He has to marry a girl he didn't love, wait, does he love me?


"Minho oppa, do you l-" I was about to finish my sentence when his phone rang. His ringtone is my favourite song. The song that we used to sing together when we were happy. The song ended with a press on the 'answer' button.


"Yobeseyo? Umma? Ne, I'll be going home now." I heard him over the phone. I lost all courage to get the answer from him. What's the point? Whether he loved me or not, he'll have to love this particular rich girl. I'm just from an average family. 


I do not deserve him. I knew. I finally knew. He was rich. He came from a rich family. His family ran a big business, and to save it, he had to marry a rich girl. I was 21 years old, no, 22 years old, because it was my birthday. 


He waved to me and mumbled something but I didn't hear. Then he left the room. It felt empty. No, not the emptiness that I usually felt. It was....lonliness. I was alone. I want him. I want him now.


No use Mee Yon! He's gone. Someone, using money, took him away from you. 


Minho oppa isn't yours now.


I cried, I collapsed and cried. I left the studio at night. I drank till I was drunk. Usually I hated beer. I hated the stench of alcohol. But today, I can't be sober. Today, I want to be drunk. So I have an excuse to see him again. In a non-sober state, I could see him, the sight of him so precious now. I want to see him now! 


I drank. I was so drunk. I drank glass after glass, bottle after bottle. I ignored the pungent smell of the alcohol. Yuck. But for Minho oppa, just bear with it, I thought as I took another dreaded sip of the seemingly smelly beer.


(Third person POV)

Mee Yon walked in the streets, heading home, or anywhere she didn’t know, wobbling with every step.


"Minho oppa~" She whined.


"Minho oppa~ Why did you even leave me in the first place? I miss you already!" Mee Yon shouted out. Every one was looking at her, as if she was a crazy woman. Yes she was. Crazy. She was crazy for Minho. Crazy for the one she wants now.


As if it was instructed by someone, Minho was walking in that particular street when he saw Mee Yon. He ran up to her and shook her.


"Mee Yon! Get a grip on yourself! Why are you that drunk? I thought you hated alcohol?" He exclaimed, worried, obvious to people who saw his widened eyes and heard his worried voice as he shook her.


He piggybacked her to a place. "Never felt this warm back for such a long time....." Mee Yon commented.


"It will be the last time....." She continued. 


"So glad to see you again." She said and smiled, Minho knew as her lips moved, her lips pressed against Minho's shoulder.


Minho took her to a secret place, or the dance studio. He went into one of the rooms. He put her down, he was prepared to spend the night with her. Last night. First and last night.


"Minho oppa......" Mee Yon carrassed Minho's cheeks as they lay down, side by side. They faced each other. Mee Yon recalled the times they spent together. 


"Minho oppa................remember, the time we first met, the time you took me to an empty field at night, we lay down together but went home after a few hours, I think it was 3 hours.......we saw the shining stars, they were small but beautiful.....we gazed at the pointed to a star and commented that you liked it the most.....because there was another star beside it.....they were side by said you'll be beside me those stars......."


Mee Yon teared up, Minho did the same. They hugged each other and closed their eyelids contentedly.


(Mee Yon's POV, midnight 3am)

I woke up to find myself in the dance room where we always practised dancing. How the freaking hell did I get here?


Oh yeah, I was drunk. But did I drink in this room? I turned around to see Minho sleeping beside me, hugging my waist.


Dear me! "Choi Minho, ireonayo!" I shouted and shook him, wishing he’ll wake up.


"What........andwae, I don't wanna leave....just let me hug you for a longer time........." He groaned.


My heart softened but no! Let go now!


"Choi Minho!" I yelled at him. 


"Call me Minho oppa as you always did......" That was the only reply that came from the sleepy Minho oppa. 


I slept again, uneasy. Maybe I'll let it go. I would die to spend another moment with Minho oppa.


In the morning, daylight, I found myself in the dance room. Argh. Why am I here? I saw a note that was left by Minho I think.


Wait, he slept with me??


I took the note and saw this:

Mee Yon-ah, by the time you see this, I would have left the room. Yes, you're right. I slept with you yesterday. We're both heartbroken. I really wanted to spend every second with you. I'm from a rich family, that's why I have to take up ballet. Do you know that? Because of you, I loved ballet. Ever since I saw you looking at me while I was teaching, I loved ballet more because I was dancing with you. Each time we danced, I felt blissful. Do you know that? When you admitted that it was because of me that you took up ballet, I was really excited I couldn't keep a straight face. I wanted to hug you. But I learnt to take things slowly and you were mine. In my heart, you're forever mine. Mee Yon-ah, even if I wasn't here, even if you couldn't find me anywhere you go, I will be in that fateful place, in your heart. Will you forget me? Can you remember me? I will remember you, you're the most precious jewel I've ever met. You told me you wanted to learn hip hop but changed because of me. You majored in ballet in these two years. You know me and I know you. I know that it was your birthday yesterday, the kiss, is your birthday present. Want to know how I knew it's your birthday? You were so happy at that day every year. At first I thought it was because you were in a good mood but I realised it was your birthday when I saw you staring at one of the beautiful cakes outside the cake shop. I knew for sure, I was so certain. When I knew I guessed it correctly, I was happy, for we actually could read each other's mind. Do you know that you could read my mind? You were my perfect woman but the only thing is, our family background separated us. I want to be with you forever. Let's be together forever, so long as you would remember me. Am I too selfish?'s my last request......I have to marry the rich girl named Kwon BoA, she's pretty, beautiful, but to me, you're the one in the limelight. You are my precious jewel. Not even the most beautiful woman in the world could replace you.



25th November 2011


I teared up and kept the note. It was most precious. I knew it. I will remember him. I closed my eyes. His face, I saw his face!


"Minho oppa!" I shouted. But when I opened my eyes, he was gone.


I went home sadly, cried. No more Minho oppa. He went to someone named BoA because of business. Why? It's true that we were in love? Wait, he didn't confess to me!


My pillow was wet from my crying, but I didn't care. I lost him........


I was in depression for three weeks. But one day, I ran to the bathroom and vomited.




Another day, I vomited, every meal. Strange! I can't even stand the smell of my favourite food. 


"I think you have to go to the doctor, you seem very sick." Umma suggested. She refrained from talking about Minho oppa ever since we 'broke up'. Not really broke up....


Minho's married, and I'm depressed.


I went to the hospital earlier that day. After a check-up, I waited for the results at home. After a few days, the result was out.


I..I was pregnant! How could it be? I didn't have with anyone? Wait, sleeping with Minho oppa, how could it be? And now I'm carrying his child! It might be another chance for me to be with him but no, I can't! He's married! They won't accept a family like me!


What should I do?

(After 8 years, 24th November)


"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you......" It was my birthday. I am always reminded of Minho and his birthday present. 


I went out with my child, he's a boy, his name is Kwang Soon. At the streets, I saw someone. Or rather, his family.


I froze in my tracks. Minho. I saw him with a boy as big as Kwang Soon.He must be Minho oppa’s child, BoA and Minho's child. I was about to turn back when he approached me.


"Mee Yon-ah, are you married?" He asked.


I shook my head. "Ani....I'm not married. I'm still single."


"Then who's baby is it?" He seemed worried while pointing to Kwang Soon. "It's yours." I said after a long time, mumbling so that Kwang Soon wouldn’t hear.


He looked confused, but understood shortly after. "Mianhae." He whispered. 


"Aniyo, it isn't your fault." 


"Kwang Soon, greet him, he's my sunbae in ballet.” I said to Kwang Soon. It was true, but he was more than a sunbae. He was my boyfriend, possibly fiancé, or even my future husband if he wasn’t rich.


He bowed. “Annyeonghaseyo uncle.” He said. I wanted him to call Minho oppa ‘appa’. Minho oppa would love it.


I bade Kwang Soon to play at the playground, not far from the place we were standing.


“Minho oppa, can you answer me this question?” I asked.


“What is it?”


“Do you love me?  Once? The times we were together?” I was dying for an answer since I didn’t get one the last time.


“Mee Yon, I l-“ I could see him mouth “love” but before I hear him, I won’t believe it.


“Minho, time to go! Yoogeun’s waiting.” What a nice name this baby has.


She must be BoA.


"Happy birthday." He whispered to me when he walked past me.


I went home with Kwang Soon, dragging him. I kept thinking about the question I asked. I shouldn’t have asked this question. It’s just too late. They had a boy!


I did not get an answer from the unanswered question, important and unimportant.


I wanted an answer, but I guess I’ll never get an answer.


Yes, I was right.


I never did.


I spent my whole life thinking about the times Minho oppa and  I spent together, the question.


I guess……..that’s the love that has no answer.


We dated, kissed, hugged, separated, but never confessed our feelings.


That’s the bittersweet love that has no answer, the forever unanswered question of love. 



I guess this is my longest oneshot, 16 pages full of content thought up by me. Inspired by Pianist.. I know I took the jajjangmyeon idea. (Minho was so cute there.)

Imagine yourself as Mee Yon, did you love the love story between you and Minho? Don't be jealous, because you even had a son with Minho in this fic......


Minho's just acting in Pianist. (For all you know, this might happen to you! Love story with Minho with a happy ending, not this bittersweet one)


This was edited, not the original content that I wrote. 

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Emerald #1
so sad~~~~~ :(<br />