Drunk, Szzzz, Who?

pt. P.C.
“Oh! Come on!” Kyungsoo whined. 
Baekhyun can feel a pair of doey eyes gazing intently at him, trying to read his mind or just to irritate him. This boy is one of Baekhyun's best friend since they were in middle school. Baekhyun started a year earlier than Kyungsoo, but the latter is older. They got to know each other in the school glee club, and they were also the top students in their classes. During Kyungsoo's 2nd year, Luhan came to their school. Kyungsoo was asked by their class adviser to teach him their language because he was transferee student from China. After school the two would stay just to teach Luhan, it went on for months until they became closer. All the girls in their school lines up just to talk to Luhan, because he is a perfect guy, handsome, excellent singer and dancer and team captain of soccer. 
Baekhyun entered the university a year earlier than his friends. Baekhyun took Physiotherapy, while the two took performing arts. Luhan and Kyungsoo was shocked when Baekhyun did not choose performing arts, they know that the stage is his life; but the only reason they got was "Performing is not a stable job" Baekhyung added "I'm just being practical". It was disapointing to here, but his friends accepeted his decision.
“Go away!” Baekhyun groaned, twisting his head away. “My head still hurts” 
“Baek, who did you do it with?” Another familiar voice whispered. 
Opening his eyes, a pair of bright eyes looking at him waiting for his answer.
“Soo, why did you have to tell it to Luhan” 
“OH GOD TELL ME IT’S NOT OH?” Luhan exclaimed, picking up his phone and started harassing his keypad to check for any twitter or facebook updates. 
“Don’t be stupid.” Baekhyun mumbled, his face flat against the wooden table trying to ease his headache. 
He knows that whatever happens, the two would not stop bugging him until he talks. Slowly he raised his head and squinted at them.His small, groggy, black rimmed eyes suggested he wasn’t able to sleep last night. He placed his hand on the side of his neck and rested his elbow on the table.
“I don’t know who it was, I was drunk and I heard a rough voice from behind and everything was a blur.” 
The Luhan and Kyungsoo were both expressionless. The sound of the people coming in and out of the café, orders taken from the customers, whirling sounds from the coffee machine, and the chats of the neighboring table were all distracting; but the judging eyes of the two were non-comparable, he can feel that something is wrong. 
Luhan pointed his fingers at the back of Baekhyun, the opposite turned looked back.
“AHA!” both of the exclaimed. 
“A hicky! You dirty !” Kyungsoo added “How come you're hiding it?”
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, and leaned back “I can’t recall everything remember?” 
“It must be that good, you’re such a ” Luhan pouted “I hope Sehun would recognize, judging by the size of his hands mmmmhhhhh. Yum!” 
“Luhan! were in public! can you please shut your mouth?” Kyungsoo retorted.
“What’s wrong? Don’t you think Mr. Captainofsoccer is hot?” Luhan teased 
“I’m... well, I’m different from you! I’m not that vulgar, and besides I’m not the one who should be on the spotlight” Kyungsoo blushed from the idea of his all time crush. 
“And here I thought I’m gonna enjoy the show” Baekhyun chuckled “In the name of honesty I remembered some stuff.” 
Both of his friends sheepishly smiled at him, and their eyes are persuading for him to continue.
“In club while I was dancing, I heard somewhat a deep voice I think, asking what my name is, I told him my name and we both danced.” 
“What does he looks like?” Luhan cut him off. 
“Hmmm" Baekhyun tried to rack his brain "I wasn’t sure I was quite drunk and it was dark so I wasn’t able to see him, but one thing I think I can remember. He is tall” 
“How did you know?” Kyungsoo asked. 
“Well, when I turned back and tried to kiss him, his face wasn’t on my level. I had to stoop to kiss him.”
“Was it good?” Luhan asked with too much enthusiasm, jaws drop and all ears given. “Then? What happened next?”
“Why don’t you let him finish?” Kyungsoo suggested, even though Kyungsoo hushed his eager friend, Baekhyun can see that his eyes are wide waiting for the next part.
“Well, I can’t remember what happened at the club. But I remembered that I let him inside my room and I went wild, and I woke up this morning and the man was gone.” 
Luhan and Kyungsoo both giggled. Baekhyun can feel his temper rising, he wanted to slam the heads of the two, but his cool ego told him not too. 
"No note or anything" Kyungsoo asked 
"I don't think so, I cleaned my room and no note was found." Baekyun answered, with slight disappointment.
“Well I guess I better head home and sleep, I have my internship tomorrow at 8 am” Baekhyun ranted.
“Don’t leave yet! I saw Sehun’s recent stat that he is on his way here, just wait with me please?” Luhan pleaded, his bright sad eyes were too much for the two, that most often they would just give in. 
“Fine, but we'll just wait for another 10 minutes only. I have to study for tomorrow” Kyungsoo replied firmly
“Okay. But he is on his way with Kai” Luhan spoke like a devil tempting a man to the dark-side 
“Maybe another 30 mins wouldn’t hurt, I’ve already covered much-” 
“Your talking way too much, just admit that you just want to see him.” Baekhyun teased. 
Kyungsoo shrugged and grinned at the idea he will see his crush.
After a few minutes, Sehun and Kai came and sat on the adjacent table. Both guys are also on their last year in college, and both at the department of engineering. The two of them are also part of the soccer team. Many thought that they were a couple, but that was proven wrong when Kai showed everyone his girlfriend. Kyungsoo was heartbroken, he wasn't able to sleep without his best friends at his side. Although after a week news spread that they were broke up, mending Kyungsoo's heart immediately. 
Few moments have passed Kai was back with their cup of coffee. They are enjoying their company, while Luhan and Kyungsoo are enjoying the view.
“Should I approach Sehun?” Luhan asked giddily. 
“Yeah sure go for it, Hi Sehun I’m your stalker Luhan, lets go to my apartment and !” Kyungsoo vexed.
Luhan smacked Kyungsoo’s arm in annoyance. 
“Ouch!” Kyungsoo laughed. 
Kyungsoo was laughing, and noticed that a shadow cast over them. He looked at the source of shadow. His body just died. Every nerve, blood, bones, and muscles froze at the sight of the young man standing in front of them
“Are you okay?” 
Kyungsoo choked. The man standing in front of them flashed his teeth out, and smiling coolly at them.
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