
I Love You

=== The next day / Your P.O.V ===

I woke up and found myself in a place , perhaps a room ? Idk , I’m not really sure but everything is white and there’s nothing or no one else in except for me.

I let out a sigh , slightly panicking.

“Hello ?”

‘Hello~ Hello~ Hello~’ My own voice echoed.


‘Somebody ? Somebody ? Somebody?’

I pouted.

Guess I’m alone maybe ?

But I’m scared.


‘Anybody ? Anybody ? Anybody?’

I puffed my cheeks , sighing.

Until I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist.

I froze , holding my breath.

“Don’t be scared. I’m here with you.”

I quickly escaped from the hug and turned around.

My jaw drops.

Park Jimin ?!

How can he-

“Yah! What were you doing?!”

A slight of bitterness shown in his eyes.

I stepped back as he stepped forward.

“Hye Yeon.. I have something to say.”

I blinked.

What’s wrong with this guy?

He grabs my hands and pulled me closer.

“Hye Yeon, I-I.. I.. I love you.” He whispered.

What on earth is going on here?!

“J-Jimin-sshi, I-”

“I’ve been feeling like this since the day you came. You drive me crazy every time you look at me or talk to me. I can’t stand a day without talking to you, well maybe it seems like I was annoying you. I don’t want to sound so obvious , so I kinda , be annoying on purpose to make you talk to me . I don’t care if it is either scolds or complains comes out from your mouth , I just want you to talk to me.”

Okay, how on earth am I supposed to respond to that?

“I got jealous every single time you play with Jungkook or Taehyung or the other members. Even when you’re just talking to them, it broke my heart. Those times when you do skinships with them , ugh! You don’t know how I feel. It hurts a lot , you know that ? Every day , you make my head hurts for thinking about what do you feel about me ? Or that do you feel the same towards me ? And I know I might sound stupid for saying all of these since I’ve treated you the worse all along. But all of I said just now are true. I love you. I really do.”

N’aww , okay I have to admit.

That was pretty cute.

Man , I feel touched.

“Hye Yeon.. Will you accept my heart?”

How can I say no when I feel exactly the same towards him?

“Jimin-sshi, I.. I-”

“I love you too!” I panted heavily as I wake up.

Oh so it was just a dream?.... Again?

Gosh why do I kept dreaming these kind of dreams?

Yes , I’ve been dreaming a lot about Jimin , confessing to me.

Dang it have been bothering me these days.

Like , I’ve been awkward around him. My heart skips a beat every time I see him. I couldn’t last any eye contacts with him and I kept daydreaming about him.

What does this means?

I blinked and looked around.

Hey where am I ?


I’m in Jimin’s room?

I sat up and looked to my right.

Oh there’s Taehyung , still asleep on his bed.

How on earth did I get here?

I quickly get off from the bed and walked out.

My froze as I saw Jimin , sleeping on the couch , in the living room.

This guy.

He must’ve carried me to his bed.

I chuckled , crossing my arms.

Until the image of him carrying me appeared in my mind.

Aww. Don’t we look cute together?- Wait what, nevermind.

I went closer and pulled the blanket properly on him.

"Thankyou.." I whispered softly, smiling as I stare at his face.

I felt a familiar butterflies in my tummy.

I looked away.

I glanced over the clock on the wall.

4:15 am.

Hmm , they’ll wake up around..

3 or 4 more hours ?

Long enough for me to go home and take a good warm shower.



“HE STARTED IT!” Jimin shouts furiously , with J-Hope & Suga holding onto him.

“I WAS JUST JOKING!” Taehyung yelled shouts back , Jin & Jungkook holding him tight.




Jimin was too angry , he manages to get out from J-Hope & Suga’s tight grip onto him , and ran over to Taehyung and gave him a hard punch on the cheek.



“Hey. What’s happening here?” You asked as you stepped in the dorm.

Their eyes grew big.

Your jaw drops.

“Were you guys fighting?!” You slammed the door closed and went closer to them.

You stared at the leader.

“What happened?” You asked , crossing your arms.

“Taehyung was teasing Jimin , saying that he lo-”

“DO NOT SAY IT!” Jimin cuts the leader off by yelling once again.

You gasped , feeling slightly scared of this side of him.

“Jimin-sshi calm down.” You said ,softly.

He glares at you.

You felt bad, really bad at how he looked at you.

“Guys , take them away. Namjoon oppa , I want to talk to you.”

The others nodded as they dragged Jimin and Taehyung to somewhere else, away with each other.

“TELL HER, AND I’LL BEAT YOU UP AS WELL!” Jimin yelled before getting dragged into Suga & J-Hope’s shared room.

You gulped.

“Chill. He’s not always like that.” Namjoon said.

“What makes him like that?” You asked , crossing your arms.

“You know what Yeon.. I don’t really want to get beaten up.. So.. I think you should ask him yourself.”


“I’m serious Yeon. Just wait until he calms down.”

“And what if I’m the one who’ll get beaten up?”

He chuckled.

“Hye Yeon please. He won’t beat up girls.”

“Not any other girl. It’s me. He hates me. He might even kill me if he really wants to.”

“But did he?”


“Tch. Yeon, chickening out with Jimin?”

“Oppa!” You pouted as you smacks him on his arm.

“Ouch! Yah. Just go , he won’t hurt you.”


“I swear.”

“You’ll be responsible if he beats me up for asking him.”

“Tch , Yeon puh-lease.”

You rolled your eyes.

“Okay okay.”

You slowly make your way to J-Hope & Suga’s room , where Jimin was.

You let out a sigh.

Knock knock knock-

“Who is it?” someone asked.

Probably J-Hope.

You twisted the doorknob and walked in.

Suga was sitting beside Jimin , on his bed , talking to him.

While J-Hope on the other side ,playing games on his phone.

Suga looks up.

“What brings you here , Yeon?”

“Sorry for disturbing. I want to talk to Jimin.”

Jimin looks at you with those familiar icy stare.

“Can you guys leave us alone for a few minutes?” You asked , referring to Suga and J-Hope.

“Sure.” Suga stands up and dragged J-Hope out from the room, leaving you with Jimin alone.

You closed the door and walked over to Jimin, sitting beside him on the bed.

“What is it?” His eye were on fire.

"Don't look at me like that." You gulped.


"You looked like you'll kill me in any minutes now." You said softly.

"Tch, nonsense.." 

'I swear I heard smiles in his voice..'

“Will you tell me what happened just now?”

“I won’t.”

“Jimin-sshi. I really need to know-”

“I said I won’t tell you.”

You sighed.


“I WON’T!” He suddenly shouts.

You blinked , eyes widened.

“S-sorry.” He apologies immediately as he saw the fears in your eyes.

“I-I .. I just wanted to k-know. You don’t h-have to shout at me.”

He let out an apologetic sigh.

“Okay I’ll tell you.”


“Please.” You pleaded.

“You see.. Taehyung.. He kinda said something that pissed me off.. Since last night. Making me end up to sleep outside.”


“I thought he’d stop doing it. Instead of it , he went too far.”

“…Like what?”

“He told every member about it early in the morning. All of them teamed up and teased me. I couldn’t take it.. So I kinda.. You know. Gave him a few little lessons.”

“Oh , you call that a few little lessons? Didn’t you saw his face? Your comeback is nearing , and you did those onto his face? Seriously?”

“Well, it’s his fault after all. He asks for it.”

“What did he said until you beat him up?”

“He.. He said that.. He kept saying..”

“Saying what?”

“T-that.. That maybe that I have feelings for.. For you.”

“Pffffft! BHAHAHAHA-Ha-ha-h-h-a-ha. What?”

Your eyes grew big.

Jimin blushed.

“He said that YOU , maybe have feelings for me?”

He nodded.

“W-what did you say then?”

“I said I don’t.”

“W-well , if you really don’t. Why would you be so angry about him saying such things?”

“Of course I’m angry- Hey! Are you thinking I have feelings for you too?!”

“I-I didn’t mean it like that I-”

“I’m not even sure of my own feelings! Why do you guys keep on pushing it?!”

‘…What does he means by that?’

“Okay okay. Calm down , Jimin-sshi. I won’t take it seriously.”


You nodded slightly.

He blinked.

The atmosphere slowly turns awkward.


He fake coughed.

“Is there anything that had been bothering you lately? I mean, you have been like.. Avoiding me since the past few days. And you’re like being really awkward.” He said.

Your eyes grew wide.

‘He notices it?!’

You cleared your throat.

“T-there’s nothing.”

“Oh really?” He gave you a look.

‘Ugh. It’s my dream’s fault!’

“W-well. Th-there is one thing.”

“Tell me.”

“Why do you even bother anyway.”

“Duhh , I’m the only one who you’ve acting like that to.”


“Now tell me.”


“Do I really have to?”


“It’s about my private life.”

“Who cares. I need to know why you’re acting like that to me.”

“Okay fine.”

“Good. Now tell me.”

“Can you please stop using that cold tone against me?”


“Whatever. So I.. I’ve been having these dreams lately.”

“What dreams? Does it involves me?”

“Uh-hm.. Yeah. Kinda.”


“Okay I’ve been dreaming of you confessing to me.” You quickly said it.

“… You.. I .. What?”

“I know it’s weird. But it-”

“I’ve been dreaming the same thing!” He cuts you off.

Your eyes grew big.


“I’ve been dreaming the same thing! YOU were confessing to me!” He repeated.

You gasped, trying hard to hold back your smile.

‘How this even happen?’

“…..Awkward.” He coughed.

“I-I’ll get g-going.” You stood up and left the room.

You sighed in relief.

“So how was it?” Namjoon asked as he saw you enters the living room.


“What weird?”

“U-uh ! No! Nothing! I-I mean , it was pretty well.”

“Now you know why he was pissed right?”

You nodded and threw your body onto the couch , beside the leader.

He suddenly looks around the area.

“Wae ? What’s going on?” You asked.

He turned to you.

“I have something to tell.”

You tilted your head.

“Okay. Go ahead.”

“It’s about the maknae.”

“What about him?”

“Look , Hye Yeon. He.. You know he.. He have some kinda feelings for you.”

You frowned , confused.

“Well , isn’t that normal? I mean , I’m your manager and-”

“Love feelings.” He cuts you off.

“And it is NOT normal.”

“W-why are you telling me this?”

“Why ? You don’t want to know about it?”

“N-no. I mean , I’ll get awkward with him.”

“You won’t , Yeon.”

“How am I supposed to act around him after hearing all of these-”

“Just act normal.”

“How ‘bout Jimin?”

“What about him?”


“Why are you asking about him?”

“Why ? I’m just asking?”

“What are we even talking about?”

“I don’t know?”

“Do you , by any chance , have feelings for Jungkook?”

“No. I mean , I treat him like my own little brother and he treats me as his own noona, I never expected him to feel more than that towards me.”

“Then , how ‘bout Jimin?”

“What about him?”

“Do you have feelings for him?”

“… Maybe? I think not. Probably. But maybe yes? Okay I don’t know.”

“What if he does have feelings for you?”


He let out a chuckle.


“I don’t know okay!” You stood up and walked away.

“I know you have feelings for him.”

You turned around , frowning.


“You have feelings for him ,don’t you?”

You crossed your arms.

“And what makes you think of that?”

“You know.. I kinda.. Heard the conversation.”

“You .” You went to him and smacked him on his left arm hardly.

He groaned in pain.

“You better keep your mouth shut.”

“Dreaming him , confessing his love to you? N’aww~ That’s so sweet~”


You kicked his legs.


“Serves your right! Hmph!”

“You know you’ve been quite nice to him lately, right?”

“No I didn’t! We rarely talk! We’re even getting awkward with each other!”

“Pfftt. Okay okay. Whatever.”


“I said okay!”

You rolled your eyes and tuned away.

“Yah ! Park Jimin! HyeYeon likes you!”

Your jaw drops.

‘What the..’

You quickly turn around and kick his legs.

“YAH WHAT WAS THAT?!” You shouted.

The leader laughed out loud.



As always, how was it? c;

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Finally ended~ T.T c':


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chuppoppo #1
Chapter 19: aww that was shweeetttt!! author-nim, please do kookie's love life as well!! >_<
but believe me, i swear to God, i was going to write something similar to this, like a girl helping them with their idol lives. then i stumbled upon this fic! i dunno whether i should continue after reading yours.. because yours is wayyy sweeter than mine. anyways, nice story, author-nim!! ^^
Chapter 19: Awwwww so sweet ~ I LOVE IT <3<3<3<3
and yeshhh u should write a Jungkook fanfic ㅋㅋ
Great job :*
Chapter 19: adsfgnbfv it was so cute
Chapter 19: Aww...it's already end T.T...I'm totally in love with this fic...the end it's so cutee//I'm crying hard right now T.T//btw,please do to make Jungkook fic...I'm begging you author-nim...please do^^
Chapter 18: Kyaa!!! It's just too cute!!! Thanks for making a sequel author-nim...gomawo ^^
Yuenye #6
Chapter 16: sequel please ohmygod this is so cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ ♡♡ xD
vipxxblackjack #7
Chapter 16: SEQUEL!!!! Please....honestly, I loved this. I want more.
Chapter 16: That's it !!! .... kkkk good job & keep hurd working , fighting !! :D
Sam_exospirit #9
Chapter 16: U should've made a kiss scene! >< anyways, good job ! ㅋㅋ ~