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yuxuan #1
Chapter 28: 我在百度贴吧有读过所以我没有全部读到完因为我还记得全部的部分
JSM6415 #2
Chapter 28: 我好喜欢你的小说, 可以在写终极一班4的续集吗?
hsiang_qii #3
Chapter 28: It's so nice
wangdadong #4
I really like ur stories please updet more:)
wangdadong #5
Hi! I just watched season3 but haven't finished yet! Can you tell me qiu qiu choose Gu Zhan or Wan jun?
uareannoying #6
This is curious.... The 悠游奶瓶 if can do that.... Why in The X Family, Xiu dun give it to wang da dong, wang ya se and ding xiao yu so as to find their alternate selfs faster...
pixiedragonx #7
Chapter 28: 超级喜欢你写的故事。 好好看!!可以出个续集吗??
xharlowimjessx #8
你好,我很喜欢你的故事。你可不可以多写一些关于裘球和万钧的故事呢?:) :) :)
snowyyin #9
hey I like this story a lot when i first read in on winglin! could you write more of similar stories with 中万钧? and, i really enjoy reading your stories. the way you write is very captivating, keep it up! update more please!