Chapter 2: Chocolate

Lost in Your Eyes

The next morning, I saw Heather again at her locker. "Annyeong, Heather!" I said happily.

"Oh, hi, Aron. I thought I told you to leave me alone," she answered, annoyed. I frowned.

"Okay, you must be new here, Heather. I'm Aron Kwak, class A Bad Boy. Any girl would die for me to be their boyfriend," I replied, agitated by her attitude. I put my hand on the next locker, getting closer to her.

"GET AWAY FROM ME, ARON!!" Heather yelled in English.

"You need a mint. Blech," I said. She blushed in embarassment and walked away. Did I really just say that? I slapped my hand on my face. "Wow. How am I such an idiot?" I said to myself. I heard someone giggling behind me, so I turned around.

"That was terrible, Aron!" JR laughed.

"Oh my god, leave me alone! Guys, I don't need your help. I'm fine!" I said. Ren looked at me in surprise.

"Aron, you need help. I could definitely help you. First tip, don't insult her. I'll help you more at lunch," he said. I nodded.

At lunch, I started eating my food. "Second tip, you need to stop eating so fast," he said. I looked at him with a mouth full of food. I slowly swallowed my food so I could talk.

"Sorry....." I answered, embarrassed. I looked around the lunchroom. I wanted to see Heather, and her perfectly smooth brown eyes, and her pretty face....

"Now, remember, you have to be nice to her. Don't insult her like earlier. Are you even listening, chingu?" Ren asked. I turned to him, but I had finally found Heather, and she was sitting with some other girls.

"Yeah, I was listening. She's just so, perfect...." I said longingly.

"We know. What happened to you, Aron?! You used to be in control, and now you've let her control you!" Minhyun said.

"Maybe, if you made her jealous, she would come back to you," Baekho said.

"Baekho, that's so smart!" Ren said. "Why didn't I think of that?!" Why is she so perfect? Is it to torture me?

"Guys, just look at her. She's so...... tempting. Like chocolate," I sighed. I could definitely go for chocolate right now.

"Hyung, why do you always want chocolate? It's like an obsession," Minhyun said. I smiled as I thought of chocolate again.

"Wait, I have an idea! Do you think she likes chocolate?" I asked excitedly. Ren rolled his eyes.

"Aron, no chocolate. I mean it, so stop thinking of it," he said. 

"No, not for me. Heather!" I told them, but he still shook his head.

"No, it's too much right now. You're not planning on dating tomorrow," he replied. "Why don't you just go and talk to her?"

I looked up in surprise and disbelief. "I don't think I could do that, chingu. She probably hates me, and I don't want to get.... rejected. Again," I said sadly with my head lowered. He and the others stared at me in confusion.

"You're not Aron. At least, not Aron Kwak," Baekho said.

"I am, just less of him," I answered.

"You're not Aron Kwak, class A Bad Boy. Dude, any girl would kill and die for you. Go talk to her," he said. I nodded as I got up and sat with Heather.

"Hi, Heather!" I said happily, even if I was anxious and dying inside. She rolled her eyes, but the other girls sitting with her seemed amused.

"What are you doing here?" she mumbled. I sat next to her and smiled.

"I wanted to sit with you. Why not?" I asked.

"Because I don't like you.... Now move. I'm talking to people," she answered.

"Okay, fine. Jeez, aren't you sweet today?" I grumbled as I left, feeling even worse inside. Thanks, Heather.


I needed another chapter, and I wanted chocolate SOOOOOO bad, like withdrawal...... And so this happened! I know it may seem pointless right now, but I promise I'll make it better. Fighting! 

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