
Infinite , Help

You were at work when a familiar walked in.

" Jihyo unnie" you said

"~~~~~, you work here?" Jihyo asked

"Ne. What brings you here?" you asked

" I came to buy some pastry" Jihyo said

" My work shift is over. Mianhe. I'll see you next time" you said in disappointment 

"Ne, annyeong" Jihyo said and you left the cashier register for the next person.

After you changed and got your things, you left the shop. You got on the bus. You were walking down the aisle when you saw P.O.

"~~~~~" P.O shouted and waved at you.

"Annyeong!" you said and went and sat beside him.

"Where are you going?" Jihoon asked

"I'm going home. How about you?" you asked

''Me too. Where's Sunggyu hyung?" Jihoon asked

"I don't know. He's probably with the rest of Infinite" you said

"Mianhe ~~~~~ I have to get off now " Jihoon said

" Annyeong !" you said and waved at him.

P.O got of the bus and the bus drove away.

The bus stopped near your house. You got off and walked towards your house.

When you got inside, you heard your mom cough while wearing a scarf.

"Umma gweanchana?" you asked

"Mmm, I just have a cough it's okay" your mother said

" Umma, do yoou need to go to the hospital? You look pale" you said

"Aniyo i'm fine" your mother said

"Ne." you said and went to your room.

You felt worried for your mother so you went outside to the living room.

"Umma did you drink medicine?" you asked

"mmm" your mother said and layed down on the couch.

You were worried so you went towards her and felt her forehead. It was hot so you took a blanket and put it on top of your mother.

You took a towel with warm water and put it on her forehead. Your mother kept coughing so you decided to stay in the living room with her for the night.

- Next Morning -

You woke up and saw your mother still sleeping. You touched her forehead and it was a little warmer. You looked at the time and realized you were almost late for school.

"Aish!" you said and took your stuff and left the house.

You ran to the bus stop and luckly, you made it.

On the bus, you were still worried for your mom. It was the first time you've seen her like this after your father passed away.

You looked out the window and thought about the times your family was as happy as ever. By the time you know it, you arrived near your school. You got off and headed into the school.

"~~~~!" Sunggyu shouted and walked towards you.

"Ah, oppa" you said worrying

"Gweanchana?" Sungguy asked

" Ne" you said

"Oppa, let's go inside" you said trying to lighten up the mood.

You and Sunggyu walked hand in hand into the school.


 Soory for not updating much ;I Mianhe D:




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CutieWay #1
hyumi7 #2
Chapter 37: actually, i like that y/n ended up with sunggyu
Chapter 37: Thank you it was so good!!! I enjoyed it!
Chapter 37: the story sooooo good! I enjoyed it.thanks....:3
maylaymg #6
Chapter 37: happi ending!~~~~i juz found this one now n i read all of them one shot~~!!keke nice plot!!!... :) keep writing
Chapter 37: This story is soo sweeeeeet
Thank you guys! (:
me_kpop #9
I just read the story in one-shot~
It's amazing! I really loved every single chapter^^
Thanks for writing this^^ Even though I'm a little bit late for reading this.... XD
i'm going to miss this story...It was such a wonderful fanfic :)