
Infinite , Help

- Next Day at School -

After getting your first pay check , you were still excited .

" ~~~~ ! " shouted L.

You looked over at their direction .

* Should I go over to them ? * you thought .

Infinite kept calling you and waving their hands to get your attention .

You decided to walk towards them.

" Annyeong " said Woohyun

" Annyeong " you said back

" So , whats up ? " asked Hoya

" Ah , nothing " you said

* Ding Dong Dang * went the school bell.

You went to your first class , and it was with Hoya .

Hoya sat beside you .

" ~~~~ , do you like anyone out of the seven of us ? " Hoya asked

" Bwo ? " you responded

" Mianhe if i'm putting pressure on you " Hoya said

" Ani . Well , I  think all of you are like my brothers " You said

Hoya nodded .

- After School-

You thought long and hard about what you would do with your first pay check .

You saw Sunggyu standing by himself near the bench in front of the school .

" Umm , uh , well i just got my first pay check yesturday " you said while walking up to Sunggyu

" Oh really  ? That's soo cool " Sunggyuu said

" Umm , well i have a day off at work today , and I was thinking about buying each Infinite member something and also my mom " you said

" I was wondering if you can come with me ? Since I don't really know what the members like "

" Oh sure i'll come with you ." sunggyu said

" Gomawo " you said

You both got onto the bus and arrived in Hongdae .

" It's been a long time since i've been here " Sunggyu said

You nodded .

* Keyopta * Sunggyu thought

" What does should I buy for the members? " you asked

" Hoya likes to dance so , i guess you can buy him music" Sunggyu said

" Umm , okay  " you said while the both of you walked down the streets of Hongdae .

" Oh look there's a music store over there " you said while pointing at a music shop .

You and Sunggyu walked in and saw a whole bunch of music artists .

" Look it's Kim Hyunh Joong ! " you spazzed

* Cute * Sunggyu thought .

After walking around the shop you bought Hoya some Hip Hop music.

" Hmmm , i wonder what Dongwoo likes " you said

" He likes rapping " Sunggyu said

" Really ? What should we buy him ? " you asked

" Let's buy him a wig " Sunggyu said

" Bwo ? Wae ? " you questioned .

" Okay then " you said .

You actully bought him wig .

After buying all of the members except Sunggyu something , you went go buy your mom something .

You went into a shop.

" Should I get these pajamas ? " you asked Sunggyu

" Sure " Sunggyu said

 You smiled and went to go pay for it .


Hey guys ~~ Sorry if this chapter was pretty boring Xd

Sorry cause I didn't update yesturday D:

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CutieWay #1
hyumi7 #2
Chapter 37: actually, i like that y/n ended up with sunggyu
Chapter 37: Thank you it was so good!!! I enjoyed it!
Chapter 37: the story sooooo good! I enjoyed it.thanks....:3
maylaymg #6
Chapter 37: happi ending!~~~~i juz found this one now n i read all of them one shot~~!!keke nice plot!!!... :) keep writing
Chapter 37: This story is soo sweeeeeet
Thank you guys! (:
me_kpop #9
I just read the story in one-shot~
It's amazing! I really loved every single chapter^^
Thanks for writing this^^ Even though I'm a little bit late for reading this.... XD
i'm going to miss this story...It was such a wonderful fanfic :)