Foreign Love

Foreign Love - Sunggyu

Walking onto the small plane, Sunggyu sat by the window as he pulled out his phone, typing a message before take off the manager sat next to him and leaned over to Sunggyu whispering something in his ear. Sunggyu shot his head up to look the manager in the face.

"What did you say?" Sunggyu said as the manager smirked and took his phone from his hands.

"We are taking this trip for one reason." The manager looked into his eyes. "For you to get married."

"Why do I have to get married, I am a free man!" Sunggyu began to raise his voice at the manager as the manager shushed him.

"You have to get married because we need their citizenship to make a deal with the company to sell our music over here." The manager whispered in his ear. "Like a business deal. It is just an arranged marriage." Sunggyu turned and looked out the window as he closed his eyes and just felt the plane move and take off. Leaning his head against the headrest, he took his phone back from the manager and plugged in his music, just trying to escape reality.

Hours later, the small plane arrived into your country as Sunggyu woke up from his nap and rubbed his eyes slowly, trying to reorient himself. Standing up, him and the manager unloaded from the plane as they went into the small terminal and grabbed their bags before going out to the rental car.

Once the manager started the car, he moved out of the parking lot as Sunggyu looked out the window again.

"Don’t feel too bad. We just need to find a girl that you can live with and get her citizenship and then we will be all set. I am sure that it won’t be too bad." The manager reassured him as Sunggyu nodded and kept quiet. "It is all for you, I am doing this for you." The manager said as Sunggyu watched the girls pass him, they all looked so different from all of the girls that he had seen before. Sunggyu just never thought of himself as boyfriend material, none the less a husband.

Arriving at the hotel that they were going to stay at, both of them unloaded their bags and carried them up to their shared room. The manager took out his laptop and moved onto the bed as Sunggyu checked out the window view. With the manager typing away, Sunggyu looked over his shoulder, sliding his phone into his pocket, he walked out of the door and slammed it behind him.

With the weight of finding a lady to call his wife, he wanted to clear his head. Pushing his hands in his pockets, he looked at all of the faces that passed him. Taking in a deep breath he looked up at the light that was beginning to fade. Looking at the nearby shops, he found one that looked like a cafe as he tried to read the name of the cafe. Looking each way before crossing the street, Sunggyu jogged across the street to the front door as he carefully pulled it open.

The welcome bell jingled as your eyes looked up and smiled at the newcomer, his head hung low as he took a seat at one of the empty tables, as his hand rested on the edge of the table, carefully writing something on the top of the table with his finger. Once you finished your immediate orders, you looked over at the foreigner as you knew exactly what drink he needed. Quickly, you whipped up a cup of coffee and put a leaf on top of the liquid before you carefully carried it over and placed it in front of him.

His eyes looked up at yours as you gave him a small smile.

"You look like you need this, it is on the house." You smiled brighter at him as he slid the cup in front of him before looking down at the design. "Is everything ok? Something looks like it is bothering you." You sat down in the seat across from him as he looked at you again. Seeing the blank expression on his face, you decided to change tactics. Taking out your ordering pad, you pulled out your pen and you dew a guy with a sad face then you drew a tear dripping from his eye. Then you drew a plus next to the face then cup of coffee next to the plus, putting and equals sign you made a guy with a happy face as the stranger looked up at you as you nodded and gave him another warm smile. Watching his fingers wrap around the white porcelain, he lifted the cup to his pink lips as he sipped the sweet drink. 

His eyes began to perk up and sparkle as he looked at you, his eyes trailed down to your name tag as he read the name carefully.

"Thank you, _______." He said carefully, trying to speak in your language.

"Anything for a costumer. Enjoy the rest of your drink." You ripped the drawing off of your pad and placed it in front of him as you returned to work. Cleaning off the tables, you washed some cups and did some things behind the register as Sunggyu just watched you. You were the first woman that he had seen that he felt something for.

Once Sunggyu finished his drink, he carefully folded the note and slid it into his pocket before bringing up the empty cup up to the counter.

"How much was the coffee?" Sunggyu asked as he reached for his wallet.

"It was free. I paid for it for you." You said as you took the cup and put it in your dirty pile.

"In that case" He pulled out a decent amount of money. "This is for you. Thank you, that is what I needed."

Looking down at the sum of money, your eyes widened as you looked up at the now, bright and cheery face.

"I can’t take this. Can I just have your name instead?" You asked as you felt blush move onto your cheeks.

"Sunggyu. Kim Sunggyu." He bowed to you as you smiled and bowed back to him. "Thank you for everything, ______." He flashed you his warm smile and walked away, leaving the money on the counter for you.

"Wait how do you know my name?" Calling after him, you leaned over the counter as he just smirked and turned back around and tapped his chest, gesturing to your name tag as you looked down and saw your name staring back up at you. Sunggyu smiled brighter before you looked up and he pushed the door open before waving at you as you waved back.

"You look like you’re in a good mood." The manager called as Sunggyu came quietly through the door, Sunggyu had a smile plastered on his face as the tips of his ears were red. Not hearing what the manager said, Sunggyu just took off his coat and changed into some comfier clothes before sliding into bed.

"Did you find someone today?" The manager cooed as Sunggyu nodded subconsciously.

"Get her to fall in love with you and then we are set." The manager said as Sunggyu nodded off to sleep, wondering what he could ever do to impress the perfect woman.

The next morning, Sunggyu brought his manager down to the cafe where you worked, you had just opened the shop and were making sure everything was in it’s place before you turned the closed sign to open. Sunggyu and the manager patiently waited until you turned the sign over. Crossing the street, the bell jingled as your head turned around and saw the man standing there.

"Hello, it looks like you are going to be a regular." You commented with a chuckle as Sunggyu began to blush.

"May I stay here and play some music for your shop?" Sunggyu asked in his cute accent.

"Sure, I was getting tired of the pre recorded music anyways. Just find a nice spot to set up for yourself." You said as the manager looked at you then to Sunggyu as he got a smirk on his face. Sunggyu found the perfect spot, where he could see you on the other side of the counter as the manager played the guitar and Sunggyu began to sing the songs he knew by heart.

All of the costumers really liked the change of music, and you didn’t think that it wasn’t too bad either, you actually enjoyed it yourself.

Days went by as Sunggyu and the other man came and sang for the small shop. The sun had already dipped behind the horizon as the florecent lights filled the shop and the last costumer had left, you leaned against the counter as you held two mugs in your hands.

"Thank you, both of you. Business has been great these last few days." You placed the two mugs on the table as the man quickly took the cup into his hands and sipped it happily.

"Thank you for letting us stay here." Sunggyu said as he stood up. The manager knew the look in Sunggyu’s eye as he kicked Sunggyu’s shoe. Sunggyu looked over his shoulder as the manager nodded him to go on.

Sunggyu cleared his throat as he took in a deep breath.

”_____. I know we haven’t known each other long. Only a few days, but these have just been the best days ever for me. I respect you and that is why I want to ask you. I know this is weird to ask… but I am just going to say it.” Sunggyu took another deep breath as he looked into your eyes, he carefully took your hand into his. “I have to get married tomorrow and I would love for you to be my wife.”

Ripping your hand away from his grip your eyes showed horror and your fear as he backed away.

"Our wedding will be in the park if you want to come." Sunggyu bowed and mumbled that he was sorry before placing a tip on the table for you and dragging the manager out by his arm.

Tears formed and stung your eyes as you sat down. Trying to get a hold of yourself, you tried to sort out your feelings. Knowing that he left the choice up to you, you felt a tightening in your chest as your heart knew the answer, your mind just had to catch up.

The beautiful day welcomed Sunggyu as he stood under a large oak tree in his tuxedo. He held a white bouquet of flowers as the minister stood next to Sunggyu, the manager stood as the best man as Sunggyu scanned his eyes across the pathway, hoping that you would run up the path any minute.

His heartbeat quickened as he saw someone walking into the park, a smile wanted to form on his face, but he held it back until he was sure that it was you. With a cute white halter top dress on, the woman looked around, but once she saw the three men standing there, she walked up to the end of the isle as Sunggyu couldn’t hold his smile in any longer. The woman walked up the isle as her eyes stuck to Sunggyu’s and his to hers. Once she got closer, his heart knew it was you. Your beautiful hair to your beautiful dress. Everything was perfect now that you were here with him.

Looking over at Sunggyu, once you stood by his side, he handed you the bouquet of flowers as you smiled brightly at him. A note stuck out of the flowers as you pulled it out carefully, on one side was the equation that you wrote for him the first time you saw him, but on the other side, he drew a girl plus a guy equals a heart. A smile curled onto your lips as you looked up at the soft eyes of Sunggyu.

"I didn’t think you were coming." Sunggyu said as he turned to face you.

"I couldn’t let you down, after all you are my best costumer." You giggled as Sunggyu smiled, the minister gave the ceremony as Sunggyu held your hands softly before pressing his lips on yours for a short kiss.

"I’ll try and make you happy from this arranged marriage." Sunggyu whispered against your ear as he held you close.

"I’ll try and do everything I can for you." You said as you held him closer to you. With the feeling of love filling both of your hearts, both of you didn’t know what the future would bring, you both just knew that it would work out.

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Chapter 1: Now that was different! Good story
Jdazngal #2
Chapter 1: AWWWWW THIS WAS VERY CYTE TO READ!!! ^^ Thank you for sharing and great job!!
Chapter 1: My Gyu-feels. Aigoo. It's so cute and adorable. x3 Thank you so much for writing another adorable one shot of Sunggyu! <3 I can't wait for your next piece of work.