[ONESHOT] Betrayal


That one person that you trusted and loved with all your heart... That person who you wasted your time on... Turns his back on you.

That one person that you shared everything with... The person you trusted so much... Destroys the strong bond you have created.

That one person that you have disliked... Is your last hope and last string to survive in this cruel foreign country.


Tiffany Hwang Mi Young has been betrayed.


...She felt hurt, but she couldn’t show it. It would make her feel weak. It would make her seem like a coward. She had to be strong...


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@tita_50: would you like me to write a sequel, then? XD<br />
thanks for reading anyway. :D
omo is this really the end?<br />
<br />
eeeeeeeee i wanna know more lol