♥ 3: Tokyo! Tokyo!

ダークシステム {Place Of Love}


The Next Day...

Yan & Shai woke up. "Yan! get ready Chinen will pick us up here soon.." Shai said and she went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Yan brush her hair with her hands, still thinking of the embarrassing scene last night. *He's the owner of this hotel? Ok Fine! He's handsome but super rude eek* Yan thought and shook her head. She went to pick up their outfits and wait for Shai to finish.


After getting ready their selves, the two of them waited for Chinen at the hotel's lobby. Then after a few minutes, Chinen arrived with Ryosuke.

*WTH, omg.. this is going to be awkward again..* Yan thought.

"Hello ladies!" Chinen greeted them happily and the two girls greeted them too.

Chinen grabbed Shai's waist and started to walk way out of the hotel. While Ryosuke & Yan was left behind following them.

At The Car---On Their Way To Tokyo's Main City Place..

"So we're are we going first?" Shai asked Chinen while they're sitting comfortably at the backseat. Again, Ryosuke is the driver with Yan beside her at the front seat. They're so awkward to eachother, specially Yan who's scared with Ryosuke.

"Uhmm, Tokyo streets, go shopping ;)" Chinen replied.

"Kyah! I want to buy some hello kity stuffs!" Yan suddenly exclaimed in happiness.

"Hehehe, yeah you can go with Yama-chan he knows where are the popular sanrio stores here" Chinen said.

What Chinen had said made Yan's smile to fade.

"Ehh.. yeah.." Yan said.

"Baby! look Yan & Yama-chan are look good together.." Shai said and Chinen chuckled.

"Yeah.. there's a big chance! since Yama-chan doesn't have a girlfriend.." Chinen agreed.

Ryosuke & Yan felt awkward of what they've seat. So they remained silent.


Chinen & Shai went to some places, leaving again Yan with Ryosuke.
Yan is kinda afraid to talk with Ryosuke, since he's expressionless and looked rude.

"You want to buy some hello kitty stuffs?" Ryosuke asked.

Yan turned to look at him. "Y-yeah.." She stuttered.

"Then.. come on follow me.." Ryosuke said and walked away, Yan was in hesitation to follow him or not.

At The Hello Kitty Store..

"Wow! so cute! Kawaii!" Yan said in amusement. "Hey.. Uh..Ryosuke.." Yan approached but she's kinda afraid to call his attention.

Ryosuke turned to look at her. "Yes?" He asked. "Look at this.. cute isn't it?" Yan confidently said and tried to be cool.

"Yeah.." Ryosuke simply replied. *Kyaaaaaah! He's so awkward to talk with, I wish Shai & Chinen didn't left me with this guy.. I wanna go home!* Yan thought.

"Hey.. Uhmm.. Yan, I'll just go buy something so please wait for me here.." Ryosuke said. Yan nodded and he left the store.

When Ryosuke was gone, Yan started to pick some hello kitty stuffs she likes and paid for it.

When she's done buying the hello kitty stuffs, She went out of the store and waited for Ryosuke. It's been 45 minutes and he's still not here.

Yan is now getting worried, If that guy left her for revenge because of what she've done at the airport, she's totally dead. She's not famillar with this place. Even though she doesn't know the way she decided to walk & call Shai.

*If I call Shai, then I'll ruin her moment with Chinen, I can't do that..* Yan thought and put his phone on her bag. She can't even call Ryosuke becuase she doesn't have his number.

She's so afraid & worried. She saw a bench and sat there, she felt tired from walking for 30 minutes already.

She was about to cry, don't know what to do.


Ryosuke went back to the Hello Kitty store, It took him long to buy some stuffs at the convenient store around. She looked for Yan but she's not around. Ryosuke started to get worried, Because he knew that the girl isn't famillar with the place. So she asked the store's staffs if they saw where did Yan go, but they didn't know.

Ryosuke went out of the store and started to search for her. He walked & walked, search & search, Until he found Yan sitting on the bench crying. Ryosuke shook his head and went over to her.

"Huhuhuhu.." He can hear Yan's sobs.

"Hey.." He said and put his hand on her shoulder. Yan looked up with teary eyes and suddenly hugged Ryosuke. Which made the boy felt something, something that he hadn't felt before..

Yan buried her face on his chest and started to cry harder.

"Sshhhh.. It's ok I'm here.. I'm sorry.." Ryosuke said & patted her back. After a few moments, Yan stopped crying and let go of Ryosuke.

She wiped her tears, and felt embarrassed again, she's like a kid who's crying because she's lost. She thought that Ryosuke might laughing in his mind.

"Gomen, I didn't mean too--" She said but Ryosuke suddenly pulled her to hug her again. She was surprised..

"It's fine..I should be the one to say sorry.." Ryosuke said which made Yan felt something, this kind side of Ryosuke made her felt something..

After a few moments of the hug-moment. They let go of eachother..

"Chinen texted me that we're having our lunch now.." Ryosuke said and smiled to Yan for the first time. The girl's eyes widened. Ryosuke walked away, leaving her shocked. A few seconds passed she shook her head and Follow Ryosuke.

"Hey.. wait for me!" She said.

Hearing her voice made Ryosuke smirked.


Shai & Chinen are waiting for them at the authentic Japanese restaurant.

"So where really going to Kyoto tomorrow?" Shai asked her lovely boyfriend.

"Yeah.." Chinen replied and kissed her cheek.

"Hey! you can't just kiss me in public.." Shai said.

"Naze? I can do that because you're my girlfriend.. why you don't like me kissing you?" Chinen said and pouted.

Shai smiled, "It's not like that you baby boy!" Shai replied and pinched Chinen's cheeks..

"Baby.. it hurts.. please stop hehhe" Chinen said and Shai stopped pinching his cheeks.

"Well well well..." They heard Yan said as she entered the room with Ryosuke.

"Finally you guys are here.." Shai said.

"Ehe.. you guys dated aren't you?" Chinen teased them.

"Stop it Chii.." Ryosuke said and sat beside Yan.

The two couples where laughing & teasing them.



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ILoveMyselfforever #1
Chapter 8: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! D*pouts! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! BS na tani ba!! XD Oh sh*t!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHA OH MY~ Good Job Dovieee! Love it!!! :D
ILoveMyselfforever #2
Chapter 7: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Thanks sa nice moment with Chinen! OMG~ The best!
ILoveMyselfforever #3
Chapter 6: Waaaaaah!!!! Super duper kilig to the bones! Omg. Next chap please? (:
Dr4g0n0m #4
Chapter 5: Kisssss :))) can't wait for more.
ILoveMyselfforever #5
Chapter 5: nice chap!
Dr4g0n0m #6
Chapter 4: Nice nice, but r we getting somewhere anytime soon? ;)
ILoveMyselfforever #7
Chapter 4: WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!! Kilig to the bones! XD
Dr4g0n0m #8
Chapter 3: Nice!! Fluffy story! Keep updating every day!
ILoveMyselfforever #9
Dr4g0n0m #10
Chapter 2: Ooo nice story!! Keep on updating this plz :)