Lux Mundi


Soojung is Sehun's light--she's the light of his world. Sequel to The Way I Love You.

Another SeStal drabble (?) oneshot (?) written in haste. Or not really. Since I've been working on this for a week and it's just pure word vomit and I'm really sorry for this crap of a comeback fic? Sort of.


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lucefer #2
Chapter 1: You should add sestal so more shipper can see this. Your oneshots about them is really cute ^^
thelastghostgirl #3
Chapter 1: this is damn good- you don't how much I've been in love with the way I love you, the unspoken feeling, sehun's insecure..I just love them all <3
write more about this story or this couple juseyoooooooooo
i really like this story :-) you write really well!