It All Started...


 “Ha! I remember that!” I giggled. “You were all big and tough!”

“Not entirely! If you weren’t bullied by them, I wouldn’t have the guts to tell them off!” Erika pointed at me.

Reminiscing about how we became best friends forever was always fun. We would laugh about how it all started…


Two years ago…

I stood there waiting for my mother to pick me up from school. I paced around the pavement drearily as students were screaming and chattering around the school building. School has been dismissed for only five minutes and the noise is already unbearable. I cradled my phone as I watched students get picked up by their parents and guardians. I was the last of the crowd; still standing on the corner of the street and running my hands through my dyed, brown hair.

“Hey, Tiffany,” My classmate, Cindy Miller, walked obnoxiously over to me. I raised my head to meet her eyes, until returning my gaze back to my feet.

“What are you doing, small eyes?” Another of her friends, Alice Patterson, joined in. “Looking at those ‘wonderful’ pictures of Kpop?” She stepped closer.

That’s right; I like K-pop, or Korean Pop. Nothing makes me happier then the latest comebacks of my favorite K-pop groups and artists. 

“Let me guess, you are admiring the ‘beautiful’ features of Girls’ Generation’s Tee-yin?” They both sarcastically mocked.

“It’s Taeyeon, not Tee-yin.” I mumbled under my breath. Being the one of the only Asians in my school, not to mention my fifth grade class, gave others a reason to bully me. 

“What’s that, Tiffugly?” Cindy and Alice cornered me near the trees and my breathing became abnormal. 

“Tiff, stop playing with your friends and get in the car!” My mother sternly ordered and marched over to me, a disapproving look formed on her face. She yanked my arm and threw me into the vehicle.

I sighed and continued to stare at my black phone screen while my mother was concentrated on the road. I wasn’t waiting for anything to pop up on my phone, but looking at it gives me a calm and peaceful serenity. An abrupt jolt broke my blank train of thought and I exited the car to me house. I punched in my door code:


I slammed the door and ran to my room with watering eyes. I peeled my uniform off; my tears threatening to burst out. 
1, 2, 3… 1, 2, 3…
I counted in my head until I calmed down. This had been my daily routine and it always helped to cool down and think for a bit.  I stared at my room walls…Sigh… my walls are filled with misery and happiness. It makes me happy because it’s filled with posters and pictures of my favorite Kpop groups. It reminds me of my misery because I am bullied for liking this music. To keep my mind off negative things, I finished my completely inadequate homework. The tears from before were on the verge to spill out and I just let them this time. I collapsed on my bed groaning in sorrow. I scoff when people say they can’t wait until tomorrow. I can always wait...


I had awoken to the sound of humming motorcycles and dripping water. I checked my clock:

I could only grin, due to my sloth-like state. I am very glad that I had achieved my goal of waking up earlier then needed. I know, I know, that this is unhealthy, but I like being early to school. Why? Well, I don’t like bumping into any other students in the morning, especially ones who give me judging looks. I uncovered my body from the thin blanket and I slipped through the gap of my room door. My feet landed on the creaking floor boards of the unwelcoming halls. I reached my destination, the bathroom, pulled out my pink toothbrush from its storage in a metal cup. I rinsed my mouth once and smeared a pea-sized glob of toothpaste on. As I brushed my teeth, I stared at myself in the mirror and dreaded the stressful encounters of insults. Another long day is ahead of me...


Coming to school at this time, there usually, isn’t any noise. To my surprise, however, I found a girl, one I have never seen before, talking to my teacher, Ms. Kuzusi.  The girl had shoulder-length hair with blonde tips and a book bag of a multitude of blue shades. As soon as both of them had finished conversing, I decided against the thought of approaching the unknown girl, but before I could even have a safe distance from her she had realized me.

“Hey!” She ran towards me and I stopped in my tracks. My breath hitched and my eyes slightly widened. She was Asian, just like me. 

“Um… Hello?” She waved her hand in front of my zoned out and blank face.

I snapped out of my trance and I coldly inspected her from head to toe. I wasn’t judging her, well, okay, maybe a bit. I was just trying to figure out if she would bully me or not. It was unlikely she would. I mean, she is Asian too, so…

“Um… Hi! I am K-Erika Kim!” The girl greeted and took a step back, shocked at her cheerful tone.

“I am Tiffany Hwang. Why did you stutter when you said your name?” I didn’t want for that to be a rude remark, but I guess it did because Erika’s eyes seemed to say so.

“That’s because I recently came from Korea. So, I am used to saying my name in Korean. This is saying your last name first and first name last. So, since my Korean name is Taeyeon, pronounced Teh-Yuhn my full Korean name is K-”

“-Yeah, I know that. I am Korean too. Your name would be Kim Taeyeon.” I cut her off. Then, my eyes widened as I fully registered and comprehended what her Korean name was. Her Korean name is the same as my favorite member in Girls’ Generation!

Erika giggled and I realized that I had spoken my thoughts out loud.

“And you’re a girl who has the same name as my favorite member in Girls’ Generation.” Erika pointed out. It was true. After being a SONE, a fan of Girls’ Generation and pronounced Sowon, for many years, I have had to deal with the fact that I shared the same name as one of their members and I loved it. 

“So you like Girls’ Generation too? And Tiffany is your favorite member?” I asked her, excited about the possibility of knowing another SONE.

“Girls’ Generation is the best!  They are waaaaaaaay better than One Direction and Justin Bieber… Not that they are bad or anything, but they aren’t as good as GG! You said Taeyeon is your favorite member?” Erika bubbly confirmed.

“Yup, Taeyeon is the best! Her voice is amazing and I love her dorky attitude!” I decided that I should break out of my cold shell, seeing that I might have a chance to make a friend.

“You may think that, but Tiffany is my favorite member! Her heart warming eyes that curve into crescents when she smiles. Not to mention her flawless and fluent English! She is so unique that it makes her the best!” Erika defended.

“Well, whoever you think is the best member, Seohyun is my favorite member.” Ms. Kuzusi popped up from around the corner. “I see you girls, have already acquainted.” 

“Yes, we have, Ms. Kuzusi.” Erika stands straighter.

“No need to be so stiff, Erika. I am one of those cool teachers, right, Tiff?” The teacher chuckled. 
I had to agree with her. Ms. Kuzusi was a fun teacher and after telling her that I like Girls’ Generation, she decided to learn more about them. To this date, we, together, initiate conversations about them and I believe some students envy our bond. I also considered her as the closest person to a friend I have, but having a friend that is almost or is the same age as you is different.

“Let’s continue this in the classroom, shall we? The breeze is stronger than I expected.” Ms. Kuzusi gestured to enter the school and Erika and I nodded our heads to her suggestion, following her in.

Erika took a seat beside me and opened up a drawing pad. She was a good artist, but when I asked to see the book, she quickly shoved it back into her book bag.

Later, my other classmates had started to file through the door and into the classroom.

“Do you have other friends?” Erika curiously peered at the others and back to me.

I decided to ignore her question and pulled out my needed school supplies from my book bag. From the corner of my eye, I saw her furrow her eyebrows and throw a quizzical looks at me. At that moment, I felt guilty for seeming not to care about her words asked, but I felt embarrass for not having any other friends. I heard sniggers and mocking tones and I turned my head to the source of the sound. I found Cindy and Alice lowering their heads in secrecy while as they pointed at Erika. I only rolled my eyes and tuned out their rude remarks.

“Good morning, class!” Ms. Kuzusi brought everyone’s attention to her. “Today we have a new student! Erika would you like to introduce yourself?”

Here comes trouble. I thought while looking at Erika’s shaking hands and the mocking stares of others.

“Hi, my name is Erika Kim. I am, of course 10 years old, like some of you…” Erika stood up and rubbed the back of her neck. “My birthday is on March 10th and my favorite color is blue. I like a Korean pop girl group called Girls’ Generation.”

After Erika’s introduction, there was awkward tension in the air. The silence was broken by a student’s loud guffaw.

“So both of these Chinese girls like the same Girls’ Generation? Does every Chinese person like them or what?” The same student chuckled. 

“Tiffany and Erika are not Chinese. They are Korean and that is not a very nice way to order your words.” Ms. Kuzusi glared at the student.

Finally, the first bell rung and class began as usual, with the addition of telling Erika the routine and way of things around the class.


To everyone’s delight, but mine, it was lunchtime and we were lining up to enter the school yard. I, apparently, had been too fast for Erika and she had been caught behind another group of rushing students. I decided to wait for her at the door while I hide my face from Cindy and her group. While staring at my feet, I feel someone’s presence behind me and a shadow blocks the sun from my view. I look up and find me face-to-face with Cindy.

It “So, Tiffany, I see found a new companion.” Cindy sneered and eyed the person behind me. 

I turned my head behind me and saw Erika grinding her teeth and seething in anger. 

“Is she here to fly you back to China? You do know how speak Chinese, right?” Gregory, a student from another class, added. “You speak it like Ching-Chong-Chang-Chong-Ping-Ling-Ting, right?”

“WE ARE KOREAN!” Erika stepped forward and shouted, earning attention from the unevenly dispersed bystanders.

I blinked at her outburst and half-wished that she would continue telling them off.

“Last time I checked, Korea and China are two different countries. Maybe you need to brush up on your geography.” Erika glared back.

“How dare you talk to us like that? You can’t just say that and not expect a penalty!” Alice shot back. 

“Well, I don’t think I deserve a penalty! It’s your fault your geography and that you don’t know that that isn’t how Chinese sounds like!” Erika defended.

I knew that the groups of bullies were intimidated by Erika’s words because they seemed a bit anxious and no one ever stood up against them like this. They were the top bullies in the school and nobody wanted to cross their path. It just so happens that Asians are their favorite targets to bully.

Acting unaffected, Cindy raised her chin higher and smirked. “What are you going to do about us anyways, pipsqueak? Tell the teacher on me? Do you think that is going to do anything?”

No matter how much I despised her, I agreed with Cindy’s point about the teachers doing nothing. No matter what the teachers have been told, all the bullies got were warnings and glares. 

“Plus, if you try to fight us, you wouldn’t even last 30 seconds! You would end up a broken body in no time!” Ken, another boy, shouts.

“You think you are so tough?! Well, then come and punch me, then! Your insults don’t affect me! In fact, they aren’t even true! You aren’t dictators! Whatever you say is not always true! Your mean and rude remarks don’t matter! They aren’t even that insulting! You think it is fun when you bring other people down and make them feel unworthy! YOU AREN’T DOING THE RIGHT THING! HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG?! NO BODY SHOULD BELIEVE IN YOUR WORDS!” Erika bellowed at them.

Finally, the bullies’ smirks had disappeared of their faces and were replaced by slight frowns. I couldn’t help, but smirk myself because I knew that they were going to back down soon. I didn’t think it would that easy, but I thought wrong. Maybe I just needed to believe in myself more and try to stand up for myself. I needed to do a lot of self improving after this.

“Alright, fine. Have what you want, but just know that this isn’t over.” Cindy warned us and she and her group walked to the other place of vulnerable targets.

I felt guilty for making the other kids a bigger target for the bullies because the bullies probably won’t bother me and Erika for now. On the other hand, the feeling of having a weight lifted of my shoulders has overcome most of my mind, along with the gratefulness of meeting Erika and her bravery. 

“Are you okay, Fany?” Erika asked and poked my cheek. 

Apparently, my face seemed frozen and I looked as if I saw a shooting star because I had just fully realized what had happened. Bullies are going to be leaving me alone from now on. How is this possible? Don’t these things only happen in movies and books?

Instead of asking a more important question, I asked a simple, and maybe stupid, one. 

“Did you just call me Fany?”

“Um, yeah, I thought that too many people must call you Tiff.  So why not call you Fany? Plus, that is what other people call Tiffany from Girls’ Generation anyways.” Erika reasoned.

“I guess so.” I grinned. “Thanks for taking care of those bullies for me.” I said shyly, shades of pink dancing on my cheeks.

“No problem. It just didn’t seem right to be doing what they were doing, so… Do they always mock you like that?” She patted my back and I solemnly nodded.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about them anymore. You’ve got me. Okay, Fany?”

“Okay, but is it okay if I call you by your Korean name, then?” I raised my eyebrows at her.

“Sure, call me Taeyeon if you want. I don’t really care.” She shrugged. “So… What’s your favorite color?”

“Mine is pink. Just like the Tiffany from Girls’ Generation. Your favorite color is blue, as mentioned before. Just like the Taeyeon from Girls’ Generation.”

“Wow, it’s like we and Tiffany and Taeyeon from GG have parallel lives!” Erika scratched her head in amazement. “Imagine we are recruited to become Kpop idols too?!”

“Don’t get your hopes up.” I stuck my tongue out at her.

Flashback Ends

From then on Erika, or Taeyeon, became the best friend I always wanted. We both still love Girls’ Generation and we now hope that Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon and Tiffany are best friends too.

Cindy, Alice and all the other bullies only gave small glares from then on. Soon they were separated from us and each other because they all went to different junior high schools. Fortunately, Erika and I made it into the same school and I was more than happy for that.

Now we are sitting in the park near my house. We are now in seventh grade and, although it has been two years, we are inseparable.

“Tiffany?” Erika poked my arm.”We are best friends forever, right?”

I frowned at her uncertainty on our bond, but I suppose that she was just making sure.

“Of course we are.” I ruffled her hair and sat straighter on the bench.

Ever since the bullying has lessened, I felt as though I started to see the world in color.

Erika has recolored my life.

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