Time at the park


JoonMyeon and Chess left the dog and the book in Chess's house. They made their way back to the park talking about things that they like to do. 


When they got to the park Chess ran up a twisted slided struggling to get up it. JoonMyeon went up the jungle gym from the steps and went to the slide that Chess was climbing up.

"Chess grab my hand." He shouted as if Chess were in danger.

"I can't reach it." Chess repeated the tone JoonMyeon used, but a little more scared.

"Grab my hand!" JoonMyeon extended his hand down further so that the tips of his fingers would reach Chess's.

Chess tried for his hand again this time being able to pull himself up. "Save me JoonMyeon." He said trying to pull himself up.

"I'm trying." JoonMyeon said in reply pulling Chess up onto the jungle gym. When Chess got up they fell back to laughing.

"We mustn't do that again." Chess said in a fake british accent. 
"Agreed." JoonMyeon tried his best to mimic the accent. "Do you want to go to the monkey bars?" He returned to his natural accent.

"Yes." Chess jumped up and ran over to the monkey bars and started to go across them. JoonMyeon followed him across the monkey bars.

They played around the park for about two hours before they made their way back to Chess's house for dinner. 

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