
Mine ♥

[Baozi-Hyung ♥♥♥ | 01:49 PM 02/19/2014]

I'm sorry I have to leave... I have to go to England... My family is poor and if I don't go we would never live a real happy life. Best wishes to my little deer brother~ 

[Luhan O.O | 01:49 PM 02/19/2014]

I love you Xiumin, come back! I'll visit you if I have to!

{Connection Lost}

I throw my phone at the ground. It doesn't break, but the loud noise startles me. I ignore it, leaving it there. Life is horrible. My one and only best friend is gone. And the memories might be lost.


10 Years Ago: First Meeting

"Look at him!!"


"He's such a girly-boy!"

I am alone, standing at the corner of the playground. I try to control the tears that are rushing down my face. It is impossible to not cry. I start sobbing. But someone is here, trying to help me. Someone is here to support me in this chorus of hatred and evil.

"Are you okay?" the voice asks. It's a boy..

I look up. He's slightly shorter than me, really chubby, but most of all, kind and cute looking.

"I'm scared..." I whisper.

"It's okay, I'll be here for you!"


"Really. Forever! We'll be the best of friends!"


6 Years Ago: Road Trip

"Pass me the chips please, baozi."

"No problem."

He easily slips the bag of potato chips into my lap, while he's driving. We're going to the beach, for a day. Even though the day's cloudy, and there is nobody out there, I feel surprisingly happy. Why? Because my best friend was here with me.




"Thank you. For everything. For being my friend, my savior. I will never let you go."

"I thank you. I will never allow you to let me go, my little deer."


Present Day: There Is No Tomorrow

"Excuse me sir, do you know if a Kim Xiumin lives around here?"

"No, sir, you can check with the police station though."


"No problem!"


"Kim Minseok?"


"He has no records internationally after February 19, 2014. Are you sure he's still alive?"

"What? Yes!"

"Hmmm. Oh, here, apparently he reached England. At the London airport, he took a cab to Chester. No records after that, no credit card transactions, no hotel booking, nothing. It's a blank slate. I think he's commited suicide."


"Sorry, sir. You may check Chester if you want, but I doubt he's there, unless he changed identities."

"Thank you, sir. Good day."

"To you too, and best of luck."

I needed as much luck as possible.


Chester, United Kingdom

My fingers find the graves of the dead people in Chester. Would Xiumin's name be engraved on one of these death stones?

It is.

Kim Minseok 

17, February 2014

Rest In Peace, Suicide Victim


My body is shaking uncontrollably. Tremors of pain and sadness shock me. I cannot accept what lies in front of me. He left, without a word. Without a single word.


Without me.



"I believe he left something for you. I think it was meant to be mailed to you, but I didn't have the heart. Please forgive me for that." the old lady said, her words burning into me.

"Not a problem."

I take the letter from her worn out hands, and rip open the envelope shakily. The lady leaves.

Dear Luhan,

My little deer, oh how much I'll miss you!  I love you. I know this will hurt you. But please, please don't come following me. You need to live! You need to be a little deer for a long time. I did this because my parents were abusive, crazy lunatics who threatened to kill me themselves. I had to escape. Your life is wonderful! You have a loving family and I surely bet you've been making lots of friends. And girls must be all clamoring to have you! You were absolutely the most handsome boy I've met back then.


Kim Minseok 


I needed to escape. He was wrong. My parents both had died in a freak accident, and I had no friends. All the girls that I've dated ended up dumping me, and I was not willing to wait for a true lover. I will follow Xiumin.



I leave now, in hopes that I can find my only friend. My only savior.


Kim Minseok, the one and only. 

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Chapter 1: that was sad.. sigh
thanks for this!
Chapter 1: Excuse me while i cry. ;-; </3 This is so sweet.
Chapter 1: awwww so sweet
update please
B-locket #5
I like this idea, update soon =D