
Let's Meet

Let's Meet

I believe… You will always by my side… That’s what you said before…

            The sun shone brightly as my sweat came out easily. I have waited in this place for about an hour ago. Of course that I didn’t forget to bring my precious necklace, beautiful butterfly’s shape, from that person.

            “Where’s he? Didn’t he forget about our appointment? I’m tired of waiting for him, actually.” I said to myself. “Or maybe he forgets about me? Or maybe he has a new girlfriend?” I felt that my heart wanted to scream right now.

            “No, no! You can’t think about it, Kyungsoo! You must believe in Jongin! I’ve wait for a year, to have a time like this.”

            Jongin… He’ll be come…


The third of summer.

            Jongin paddled me home by his bicycle. I hugged him tight. “From tomorrow summer holiday is beginning. What will we do in this holiday, then?” I said to him, while put my arm around his waist tightly.

            Jongin who tried to paddle the bicycle faster, answered while trying to breathe normally. “Because we’re in third grade now, of course we must study for the test, right?” He said, “by the way, Kyungsoo…”

            I looked at him, waited for him to continue his words.

            “You gain weight, don’t you?”

            His words made me felt awkward. “How did you dare to say that I am fat?!”

            “Because I feel that you look heavier than before.” Jongin laughed. I felt happy to see his laugh. He saw me pout, then he said, “sorry, I lie.”


            “You didn’t heavy at all. Kyungsoo is light just like an angel.” Seems like he already to see an angel.

            I pulled his ears, “then, why do you lie like that?”

            “So-sorry. Because I just want to see your face when you are angry. It’s just cute for me, you know.” He laughed hard, made me blushed at the time.

            “Naughty boy.”

            “Hahaha. Kyungsoo is beautiful and kind to everyone. My dearest, my cute boyfriend.” I can see his smile. It was just cute.

            Everything that he was doing, he always successes to make me being shy all the times.



            “I love you, Jongin.”

            “I love you too, Kyungsoo.”

            Jongin’s sweat shone like the reflection of river in summer, with his beautiful tea-brown hair, everything was shining. He’s just so perfect. Being with him, I’m so happy…


Jongin put something behind my neck. “Yup, it’s exactly beautiful for you.”

            I touched that thing and saw it from the mirror. A beautiful butterfly necklace.

            “It’s the gift for our one year anniversary. I love you.” He said while kissing my forehead, making me blush for a time.

            “Thank you. I don’t know what to say to you, but, I love you, Jongin.” I smiled for him, feeling so happy just like I’m the happiest person in the world.

            “Well, I have to go to summer school right now. See you, Kyungsoo.”

            Before he went, I remembered that there’s something that I want to give him. “Ah, Jongin, wait!”

            He looked at me, and I ran to him. I took something from my pocket, a thing whom I made it by myself. A small charm which perhaps is not important and priceless.

            “Even it’s not too good and maybe you don’t like it–”

            Jongin hugged me before I’m able to finish my words. “Thank you, I will keep it well.” His fingers touched my hair softly, and I really loved it.

            “Sorry if during the summer we will meet infrequently. But I promise that we will go together at the summer festival this Sunday.” He said after letting me from his hug.

            “Really? Then I will wear my best clothes for it.” We laughed hard happily.

            “Well, I have to go now. See you at the festival.” Jongin waved his hand then paddles his bicycle so far, so far away.

That was the last day for me to meet Jongin.


Sunday has came, the day when we promised to go together at night. But the fact, I found Jongin’s house was completely blank and seemed like there’s nobody in there when I came to meet him. From what I heard, Jongin’s family has been moved somewhere because their family’s company was bangkrupt.

            “I love you, Jongin.”

            “I love you too, Kyungsoo.”

Whenever it is, I always believe, if you said that you’ll always be my side.


Autums has came, and continued by Winter which getting closer. But there’s still no a letter or even an e-mail from him. At spring, I have been an university student.

            Baekhyun, my bestfriend came and said to me, “Kyungsoo, wanna come with me for a random date today?”

            “No, I don’t wanna. I can’t talk to others just like you.”

            “Don’t lie to me. Do you still remember Jongin? Kyungsoo, please, hear me, okay? You have to go on. Life must go on, you know?”

            Jongin, someone who leave me without said anything before.

            “Did you know that everyone like your smile.” Then Baekhyun hugged me tight.

            My mind was blank before it filled with my memories on Summer with Jongin. Jongin and always Jongin.


Summer has came again for sure. It has been a year after Jongin leave me. Moreover today was the 30th day on Summer. The day when Jongin disappeared. I walked down because my mom asked me to tidy up the table. Mom said that the festival was cancelled because there will be a typhoon.

            I saw some letters on the table. There are electricity payment, and the others unimportant letters. But suddenly, I saw a letter which made my eyes getting bigger. On the letter, there’s a name, “Kim Jongin”.

            I ran over the house after read that letter. I have to go. After wore my raincoat, I ran and came out. I can heard my mom’s call and asked what happens but I didn’t said anything to her.

            The content of the letter is,

To Kyungsoo,

So sorry because one year ago I disappeared and didn’t said anything to you. At 30th on the summer, let’s meet at the festival. I’ll waiting for you at 9 o’clock at the station.

It’s today. I have to meet you, Jongin! Even the rainstorm, typhoon, or even if I have to die, I will meet you, once again…

            Finally I reached the station at 9 o’clock. Eh, wait, I thought that there’s a typhoon before, but why is it sunny now? Ah, it’s not the thing that I should think now. Maybe I should go to the bathroom first before Jongin come.


The weather is bad, it’s getting hot for me. Jongin still has not come. My mind was completely blank. One second is just like a year. I wanna meet him, really wanna.

            “But I promise that we will go together at the summer festival this Sunday.”

            A year has passed after that. 30th of summer, the day when me and Jongin should meet.

I wanna meet you again, Jongin!

            I sat on the ground, put my face on my knees. I heard the voice of someone walking steps. Then I heard someone called my name, “Kyungsoo…”

            I looked at the owner of that voice. The person asked me again, “Kyungsoo? Is it really you?”

            It’s Jongin! He really come. Then I cried happily while hit his body angrily, but I’m happy. “Hey you, the naughty boy! Did you know how worst I am to be the person who wait for you?!”

             Jongin hugged me tight, “Kyungsoo…”

Jongin, finally we meet again…

            “Sorry ‘cause I can’t called you before. Because if I hear your voice, my heart is being so weak. And now I have to work to pay my parents’ debt.” He said then while we walked together.

            His body was getting bigger and higher than before. He’s just like someone whom I never know before. It’s strange, every time if I walked, I felt like there’s a puddle of water under my feet.

             “Oh, right, you have to see this.” Jongin took something from his pocket. I knew what is that thing, of course. It’s the charm whom I gave him a long long time ago. “I always bring it whenever and wherever I go.”

            Jongin took my hand while we walked together. I don’t know why but if he touched me, I felt strange, it’s sick, but happy. Maybe it’s the feeling of “love”.

            We still walked until Jongin stopped and thrown the bucket of flowers whom he brought with him to the river. Why did he throw it to the river? Why? Jongin?!

            “Kyungsoo, thank you for always waiting for me for about two years.” He said while smiled for me.

            Two years?

            “Did you go and disappear a year ago, didn’t you? On summer in our senior high school, right? A year ago…” I said.

I have to meet you, Jongin! Even the rainstorm, typhoon, or even if I have to die.

            This morning I went out in the middle of typhoon. But when I reached the station, the weather was sunny. I felt like I wanna cried a lot.

            “Today before I met you, I already came here, at your grave, Kyungsoo.” Jongin’s words was making me shocked. Yes, I remember.

            “I–I fell from this bridge, then I died. Because I tried to caught my necklace, from you…” I cried. So sad for my ending.

            From when I fell to the river, until I came at the station was used a year. How can I forget it? So, then, I… am… a ghost…

            I cried hard, my tears fell down heavily. “You didn’t scare of me?”

            Jongin hugged me, “so stupid you are! Kyungsoo is Kyungsoo, you know?! I’m happy ‘cause we can meet again, we can be together again, with you by my side.”

            Me too. If I’m being with you, I felt like there’s someone who protect me…

            “It’s just because of this necklace! I can buy you something more than this for you.” He looked at me. “I’m so stupid…” His tears fell down. He cried.

But Jongin, this necklace is the most precious thing than anything else for me.

            My voice cannot be heard anymore. Together with the voices of the summer fireworks, Jongin kissed me. The memories of the past were appeared on my mind. At that time, I can remembered it clearly, that summer.

I remembered that summer clearly. The times when we were doing everything together.

            Then I have completely disappeared from this world.


“Doctor, Doctor Kim!” A voice who came from a kid made me realize from my long day dreaming.

            “Ah, sorry. What happens?” I asked that kid.

            “What is this? Can I look in it?” He asked while point toward a small charm from my precious person, my dearest person.

            I opened the charm, and told him, “don’t say to anyone, right? This is my precious treasure.”

            A small photo of me and him.


WOAAAH :D It's the end. What do you think about it? Give me a comment of yours :) I'll be glad to read your comments. Thank you.

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Chapter 1: wait...
im so confused it...Jongin dead?
is Kyungsoo dead?
722DolDeer #2
Chapter 1: nice story...
write more....