
I am forgotten, But I'll show you!

Everyone in the main office stared at Suhoon in surprise. the manger held onto HyunChul-Oppa and smacked his head aginst the office door. The manager yelled into HyunChul's ears. "Not only did the paparrazi catch you on film but you also ran away despite being given orders not to go out!"

SuHoon frowned, "Didn't you hear what I just said?"

The manger turned around and shouted across the room, "What? You're still gonna side with this punk?! HUH!?"

Suhoon took the matter very calmly, "Aren't you over-reacting? It's just a picture."

I looked at Suhoon, he stared back giving me the thumbs up. "If you punish HyunChul, what good will it do?"

The manger walked towards Suhoon, "If he gets scared then he won't do it again,"

Suhoon looked into the manager's eyes and turned his head towards HyunChul, "Does he look scared to you? He's a man, Men don't get scared easily. Let him off with a warning, If he does it again, I will punish him personally,"

Looking around I could hear the strange laughter of the other guys. The manager walked towards HyunChul-Oppa and grinned, "Don't do it again, Got it?"

HyunChul-Oppa didn't reply in any way. The manager left the office. Leaving me with the five guys. I tunrned around to see Ji Hwan laughing, I frowned at him, 'What's so funny?'

"It's the first time HyunChul-Hyung has ever gotten scolded at, Isn't it hilarious,?"

I stared at everyone and Ji Hwan was the only one laughing. Suhoon walked towards me and spoke, "well?"

I stared in confusion, "Well. . . What?"

He rolled his eyes, "Are you the girl that HyunChul sneaks of to see secretly?"

HyunChul-Oppa, despite his condition placed his arm around me. It felt awkward but reassuring at the same time. "Don't talk to her"

Suhoon took me away from HyunChul-Oppa, "I'm not going to hurt her, Don't worry,"

HyunChul-Oppa looked at SuHoon and kept silent. Ji Hwan despite the awkward moment spoke, "Who's the girl?" I shook from surprise. Suhoon looked at me cluelessly, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, Just a little tired and startled right now," That's odd, all of a suden, I felt a strange feeling of ease, My head felt light and my vision was blurred. My hearing was fading, only hearing HyunChul-Oppa calling my name.

3 Hours later

I woke up, thinking I was back in bed. But I was wrong. My eyes widened and I sat up, I heard a voice in the background.

"Calm down, I won't do anything"

I slowly turned my head and it was Ji Hwan! I panicked looking around the room.

Ji Hwan complained,"Geez, It's just my room, don't worry, But I bet you would have loved to have woken up in HyunChul-Hyung's room huh?"

"What did you just say?"

"Dont hide it, Everyone knows you like him."

"What?! I don't "

Ji Hwan frowned, "Hey, It's not my fault you fainted like that, I mean, HyunChul-Hyung wouldn't leave the room until you woke up"

"I looked around, He's not even here!"

Ji Hwan laughed, "IDIOT! Can't you feel anything leaning on you! Or are you stupid?"

I tunred my head to see that HyunChul-Oppa was sitting on a chair next to the bed, leaning into the bed, asleep.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" He scared me! At that time, Ji Hwan covered my mouth.

"Aishhhh, Be qiuet, its been days since he had sleep,"

I took Ji Hwans hand away from my mouth, "Why your room!"

Ji Hwan looked cluelessly, "Its the only room that has a spare bed. You made HyunChul-Hyung carry you into MY room, What a drag!"

I looked at HyunChul's sleeping face, he looked so peaceful . . . sleeping.

SuHoon entered the room as my thoughts were drifting, Ji Hwan stood up. "Im hungry,"

Suhoon frowned, "Then go eat, I'll take over, Wait, is she awake?"

Ji Hwan walked towards the door, "Yeah, but she having a sulk because she's not in HyunChul-hyungs room,"

I gave Ji Hwan the evils, but slowly, because of HyunChul I got to understand Ji Hwan, even if it was just a little.

I sat in bed and Suhoon handed me a tablet. "What's this?"

Suhoon looked in astonishment, "Well, apparently you suffered from fatigue, or so the doctor said."

I nodded, "Eh, so you even called for the doctor?"

Suhoon stared " Not my idea, It was HyunChul's"


"Yeah, apparently you havent been eating and sleeping lately, along with the stress of your audition, and the Manager-Hyung calling you so suddenly, "

I took the tablet and chewed it, Suhoon spoke, "I noticed you called HyunChul by Oppa. Does that mean you younger than him?"

"Yeah, Why?"

Suhoon laughed, "Well, aren't you curious on what you have to call me?"

I rolled my eyes, "Please no more "Oppa", I can't stand saying it,"

Suhoon laughed, "Mika is fine"

I stared in disbelief, "Just Mika?"

"Just Mika, Is it to hard for you?"

"No, Not at all," I answered. Mika looked at HyunChul-Oppa sleeping,

"Aissshhhhh, how can he sleep like that," Mika walked out of the room and returned with a pillow. He placed the pillow under HyunChul's head and smiled. "I have never seen HyunChul break a house rule before, . . until today"

I stared at HyunChul-Oppa's peaceful face, "About that-"

"Dont worry, you dont need to explain it to me," I trust HyunChul.

I stared, "It's the first time I have seen him disobey the manager-hyung. He smiled and leaned towards me with his head beside mine. He whispered in my ear, "Perhaps he likes you"

I shoke and turned to look at Mika's eyes. He stood up and left the room. Ji Hwan entered again, "Get out, I need to change"

I frowned at Ji Hwan and stood up from bed, I felt a hand grabbing my arm. I turned around.

"Stay," HyunChul-Oppa had woken up and Ji Hwan's expression changed. Ji Hwan went to grab my arm and dragged me out to the door. He shut the door. I could hear bickering in the room so I sat outside the door. I felt a tap on my shoulder that scared me so I turned around.  Two guys smiled at me, One had blonde hair while the other wore a beanie. I swallowed.

The two boys laughed and dragged me into a room.

I frowned, their grip was hurting my wrists. I tried to loosen it but i felt like my wrists were going to snap, "LET GO!" They opened the door to a room and threw me in there.

It was dark and there was barely any space. I turned around to open the door but it was locked! I hit the door rapidly and stopped for a minute. I could hear a husky-like voice speaking. "I can't believe the nerve of that girl. Causing trouble for HyunChul-Hyung"

I shouted hitting the door. "Please let me out!" the room was dark and small, It had stacks and stacks of boxes everywhere. My guess was that this was a storage room.

I heard a voice speaking, "If you dare shout for help, we'll makesure you will never see or meet HyunChul-Hyung again, so be good and keep quiet"

Chapter 6 Preview~

"Ji Hwan! Ji Hwan! HELP!" I could hear his voice. I took a step backwards and the stack of carboard boxes fell.

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Chapter 25: Off to read the sequel~~~
Congratulations :)
congratulations~ ^-^
congrats :)
commovente #5
Congratulations on the feature!
congrats~ :3
Congrats! :)
Wow dae guk nam ah, pretty uncommon around here I would say!
Congrats on getting the random feature :)
Chapter 25: OMO this story was amazing! <3
congrats bby