Sorry, so sorry


And she was right, Ricky Kim had tried calling his long time girlfriend not ten minutes after she left the house in tears, he had been shocked when she told him she was pregnant, he flashed to the conversation he had with his father, to make sure they were married before he got her pregnant, he knew he over reacted, he knew that she would have been hurt with him telling her to get rid of it, the moment she left he called his father and told him what had happened, his father had read him the riot act, telling him how stupid he was to act the way he did and to find her.

Of course that was hard as the young woman wouldnt answer his calls, wouldnt reply to his texts and had him worried sick about her.

So when his manager called him and told him that she had been spotted at the Seoul International Airport with her brother four days after he had last saw her, he was somewhat relieved because he knew where she was, knew she was alright, he was on the next flight out and he was going to apologise, beg on bended knee's, do everything he could think of to make sure that she forgave him.

As with Dae, he arrived disguised but again they saw through it and he was attacked by the paparazi,

“Ricky, Ricky is it true that you and Ha Dae are over, did you leave her for Song Si Jin” the photographers asked him in quick succession, he glared at the people in front of him as he shoved them out of his way, he had a car waiting on him to bring him to HaHa's house, he knew he should have called ahead but he was worried that if he did that Dae would leave before he got there.

Dae sat in her brothers gardin as she drank some ginsing tea, she had been feeling unwell that morning, being three months pregnant she had terrible morning sickness, and she couldnt believe that before finding out she hadnt considered being pregnant as a factor of her being ill.

Looking up she smiled at Byul as she walked out with some Rice cake soup,

“My sister ate this all the time while she was pregnant, it settled her stomach” she said as she placed it in front of the younger woman, Dae smiled at her

“Thank you, I havent ate anything but salted crackers this past few days” she said, Byul smiled at her and watched worried as she took her first spoonfull, but Dae smiled at her and it relaxed Byul as she took another spoonfull.

HaHa looked up surprised as he heard the doorbell so early in the morning, he looked out into the back yard and saw that his sister and wife were still eating our in the sun, standing up he moved over and opened the door, he was shocked to see Ricky Kim there.

“Yah what are you doing here” he snarled, the younger man bowed and sighed,

“I came to make sure she was alright, I messed up and I havent been able to contact her since she left the house four days ago, is she here and is she ok” he asked straight away, HaHa could see that the other man looked as though he hadnt slept in those four days, sighing he nodded and motioned him to come in.

“She is out in the back yard with my wife” he said, Ricky nodded and slipped off his shoes and into the house shoes that were at the step, he followed HaHa inside,

“I'll call Byul and then you can go out” he said, again Ricky nodded.

Byul smiled at him when she saw him, he bowed and she walked over to him, slapping him across the face, he looked at her shock,

“That is what you get for telling her to get rid of that baby” she said, he nodded and bowed again, she then pulled him into a hug,

“And thats coming back for her” she said, he nodded again, HaHa pointed outside and he sighed when he saw her sitting on one of the benches out there, moving quickly he opened the door and headed outside, she looked up and when she saw him she stood up.

Dae looked up when she heard the door open again, standing up slowly when she saw Ricky standing in the doorway she looked down and when she looked up again he was making his way down towards her.

“What are you doing here, dont you think you said enough” she asked as he reached her, he sighed and moved to take her hands but she pulled them away,

“Dae please” he said softly, she looked away from him,

“What do you want me to do Ricky you made it quite clear that you wanted me to get rid ot our baby, I am not going to get rid of it” she stated, he shook his head,

“No, Baby I am so sorry, I just, ok look my father told me that we were to be married before we had kids, I really didnt mean what I said, you have to believe me” he said as he knelt to the ground, she looked at him,

“What are you doing get up” she said as she pulled at his hands, he shook his head and looked up at her, she saw the tears in his eyes,

“Not until you tell me you forgive me, tell me that you forgive me my stupidity, that you forgive me or saying what I did about our baby, that you will come home with me” he said, she shook her head, he began to sob,

“Ash seriously, Ricky I forgive you but I'm not going back to Japan, I want our baby born in Korea, I want to live in Korea” she said softly, he looked at her and standing up he nodded vigorously,

“Yes, yes, we can move to Korea, we can raise our baby here in korea, please say you will take me back” he said, she sighed and nodded with a small smile,

“You know I can never stay angry at you, you know that” she stated, he smiled and pulled her into his arms, placing his hands gently on her stomach, she looked down and up at him with a smile.

“Marry me, marry me today, just you, me, HaHa and Byul, then we can make both our families happy, then we can live here in Korea, have our baby and live like the family we always wanted” he said, she looked at him in shock as he pulled out a ring,

“Oppa” she said softly, he laughed and nodded,

“I had planned to ask you during the weekend, I think its another reason why I over reacted, my father had me scared that he wouldnt acknowlede a baby outside our marraige and I didnt want that for our children” he said, she nodded as she looked at the ring, it was a simple platnum band with a single white diamond in the centre, smiling she nodded,

“Yes lets do it, lets do it today” she said, he laughed and pulled her into a kiss.

HaHa watched as his sister kissed her boyfriend, he blushed, this was a problem with her dating an american raised man, they didnt seem to understand that there were places for these kind of things, it wasnt in the backyard of your brothers house, Byul sighed beside him as they watched the two of them in the backyard.

“Why did you sigh” he asked, she looked at him,

“Its beautiful, isnt it, I mean he came all the way here to propose” she said, he looked at her,

“What, propose, he didnt propose” he said, she laughed and nodded

“He did look at the ring on her finger” she said, he looked and sure enough her finger had a shiny sparkle to it, he moved and opened the door,

“Yah” he shouted, Dae looked over to her brother, who blushed at the way the couple were holding eachother,

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