Gas Station Feeding

The Curse of One Brother

Chapter 1: Gas Station Feeding

   The sun had already set by the the Time Kwangmin had reached the gas station where his brother worked at. After school he had hung out with his friends before saying goodbye and coming here to visit his twin. Since Youngmin couldn't be in the sun too long he worked the evening and night shifts alone. Kwangmin always liked seeing the older though, even if it was just for the night.

  Smiling as he came upon the door he opened it and peeked his head inside. He noted that it was pretty much empty except for Youngmin and one customer who was paying for their stuff. After she had payed for her stuff, she walked towards the door and Kwangmin gave her a polite smile before bowing slightly. Once she was gone he turned to face Youngmin and smiled brightly.

  "Hi hyung~" he said happily and walked up to the counter. Youngmin jumped slightly at the sudden voice before smiling weakly at Kwangmin. His cravings had gradually gotten worse over these few days though he tried not to show it to the younger.

  "I'm glad your here." he replied to the younger as he gave Kwangmin another smile and walked around the counter. Kwangmin smiled right back to Youngmin before starting to remove his coat and scarf.

  "It's hot in here hyung~" Kwangmin whined childishly before setting his things on the counter. Since no one else was here but them he didn't have to hold onto his things. His red v-neck exposed the skin of his neck and chest, though he didn't notice how Youngmin his lips hungerly at the sight. Youngmin had always fed from Kwangmin's arms only but his neck looked much better. He had to push those thoughts out of his head though. "Anyways, how are you?" Kwangmin asked sweetly and put his arms behind his back as he waited for the older's answer.

  "I've been doing alright." Youngmin said as he smiled and leaned back on the counter. His smile fell though when he could feel his canines start growing slowly. This wasn't good at all. He needed to feed now or he might attack the next customer out of hunger. The older didn't want to hurt Kwangmin though. He was pretty much the only thing he had left to live for. "Kwangmin, I've been thinking..." he said as he stood up straight. "Maybe I should just feed from strangers..."

  Kwangmin's expression turned serious as he brother said this and he shook his head.

  "" he said as he stepped closer to the other. "I know you'd never be able to forgive yourself if you did that." Kwangmin knew full well just how much Youngmin didn't want to feed from strangers. He didn't want to hurt anyone and if he did, Kwangmin knows he would never be able to forgive himself. The younger didn't want that happening to him. 

  "My cravings are getting worse. All I I can think about is blood." Youngmin said as Kwangmin brought his arms out he and hugged him tightly while shaking his head. "What If I hurt you?" he said quietly and hugged the younger back, burying his head in Kwangmin's hair and taking in his scent.

  "You won't. I know you won't." Kwangmin replied. He was actually sure if Youngmin would hurt him or not but he just wanted the older to feel better. Even if that meant getting hurt himself. "If you're can feed now Youngmin." he said quietly. Youngmin nodded slowly and pulled away to grab Kawngmin by the hand.

  "Let's go to the bathroom. Just in case." he said, and Kwangmin nodded in understanding. He knew what could happen if anyone caught them. Before walking to the bathroom, Youngmin took one last look around the gas station to make sure no one was there. Pulling Kwangmin along through the isles of snacks, gum, and drinks to the back. He opened the door for Kwangmin and after the yonnger entered, he was gently pulled inside. Kwangmin closed the door and lockd it so no one could get in.

  Playing with his fingers as he looked to the ground, Youngmin thought for a moment before looking up at Kwangmin as the younger turned around to face him.

  "Should I stop drinking from your arms today?" As Youngmin said this, his eyes started changing color and he could feel his canines growing in fast. Parting his lips slightly so he wouldn't cut his lips with his now sharp teeth he closed his eyes so he couldn't see Kwangmin. He didn't know if he'd be able to control himself this time. Opening his eyes again though he saw Kwangmin nod his head silently before reaching up to pull his shirt down, revealing his shoulder and neck. 

  As Kwangmin looked up to Youngmin he kept his fear deep down inside. He had never seen Youngmin like this. His eyes were bright blood red and he was clenching his fists to stop himself from just lunging towards the younger. To be honest, it scared Kwangmin but he wanted to make sure Yougmin wouldn't feel bad, and kept a plain face. The look in Youngmin's eyes now was different. It was hungry.

  Youngmin took slow steps towards Kwangmin before weakly grabbing the back of his shirt and stopping. He leaned down slowly, opening his mouth as he eyed the smooth skin of his twin's neck. The smell of Kwangmin's blood quickly took over his senses though and he snapped, biting down hard into the soft flesh.

  Kwangmin gasped in pain as Youngmin started from his neck. It was painful, much more painful than being bitten in the arm. Underlying the pain though was a new feeling. As Youngmin held onto him tightly, his lips parted slightly as his cheeks started to redden. What was this new feeling that started to take over his senses? 

  "Mhm~" Kwangmin was surprised by the sudden noise emitted from his mouth and hoped Youngmin hadn't heard it. Just as quick as the new feeling had come though, it went away when Youngmin's feeding slowed down. Kwangmin could feel Youngmin's grip turn gentler and he to softned his grip on his brothers shirt. Soon after, Youngmin removed his mouth from his twin's neck and wiped his mouth.

  Guilt took over his senses as he looked to the angry red marks in Kwangmin's neck. Letting go of the younger he walked over to the sink and wiped his mouth before grabbing a paper towel and getting it wet. He walked back to Kwangmin with a small smile on his face, jsut a small one to reassure himself, before he started wiping the blood from his neck. Kwangmin winced slightly since they were new wounds but could take the pain just as he had before.

  "Are you feeling dizzy?" Youngmin asked quietly as he threw the bloody paper towel into the trash can and directed Kwangmin to sit on the floor. 

  "Just a...bit..." Kwangmin said quietly as the blush on his cheeks disappeared and he rested his head on the wall of the bathroom. The lights weere too bright right now and hurned his eyes so he closed them. Youngmin looked at Kwangmin worriedly before standing up. 

  "I'll get you something with sugar in it, and some water." With that, he unlocked the door to the bathroom and walked back into the gas station. A few minutes passed and the older still hadn't come back.

  "Hyung~" Kwangmin said quietly to himself as he opened his eyes and turned his head to the door. His dizziness was getting worse by the second but now he was worried if something had happened to older. Just as he was about to get up though, Youngmin entered the bathroom with a smile on his face.

  "Sorry I took so long. Anoter customer had come in." As he said this he kneeled down next to Kwangmin and handed him the sugary treat while opening the water bottle for him. "Here." he said, holding the bottle out to the younger. "I also got you your stuff. Just wait back here for now and we'll go home in just a bit" After handing Kwangmin his stuff he stood up and moved towards the door.

  "Wait." Kwangmin said as he looked up and Youngmin stopped by the door. "I love you hyung."

  "I love you too Kwangmin." he replied with a smile before walking out of the bathroom. Why was the younger suddenly telling him this? As he frowned a bit in thought he walked back to the cash register.

  "No, I LOVE you hyung." Kwangmin said quietly to himself as he sighed and rested his head against the wall again.

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Really miss this story ^^ i hope you update someday!! <3
yeojachingu04 #2
Chapter 2: update soon..
Chapter 1: Omg THIS WAS NOT JUST SOME STORY. THIS WAS ART. It was really good and I'm craving for more. Please~ with a cherry on top of it, UPDATE SOOOOOOON! And have a lovely day.