
3 loves but 1 life

June 30,
girls arrive at Narita, they are welcomed by all members of D'espairsRay, arrived a little earlier. And of course, and Misako Hizumi are skipped in the arms of one another. A mini-bus was rented to transport all the world. They arrive at the former home of Yuuki is a very nice house with a small garden. Everyone raises his bags and looked for a room, there was a ground-floor, it Hizumi who took it, there are two on the first floor, Zero and Tsukasa's been taken. And there are 2 top floor room, Karyu takes one and one are the two girls who take it.
After installing all the world as it was quite late, they are partient eating out in a nice little restaurant.

Yuuki: I have an announcement to make!
Everyone: Nani?
(Everyone except Hizumi listening and Misako who are in their corners talking)
Yuuki: Here is what it's telling you to do a karaoke later?
(Misako which in course)
Misako: Huh! (Yuuki's arm takes apart) but what are you doing?
Yuuki: I though you said you could not sing in front of an audience! So here you got a chance to sing in front of a real band who can advise you if there is a trick by some but I reassure you, from what I heard, you do not need any advice but I want all the world hear you sing, I want him to hear you sing.
Misako: Demo ... I ...
Yuuki: Do not worry, it'll be alright
Misako: You are evil!
Yuuki: I know ^ ^
Boys: Yes we agree =)

The meal ended as it had started, and Misako Hizumi talking in their corner and four others as well ^ ^.
Arrive at the karaoke, Misako had a knot in my stomach. Everyone enters the room and everyone singing in turn. Then came the turn of Misako. She was very nervous. But watching Yuuki, she understood that everything would go well, then look Hizumi, to reassure her, everyone encouraged. Then she began to sing a song from Olivia Lufkin. At the end of the song, everyone got up to the applaudire.

Everyone: Hear, hear!
Hizumi: You have a super beautiful voice
Yuuki: You're way, I'd say it went well.
Misako: Arigato ^ ^

And the evening ended well, with good humor and music.


Sorry this chapter is short!!

But you love?

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Your story is amazing! JPOP ftw~ ^^<br />
Update soon ^_________^