As Promised

Shining Luna

Woods 10:20 pm

Heart thumping very loudly and fastly against Kai who can hear and feel it..

Kai-"Go stand by the the tree behind me."

Before Bo Ha answers, he slowly pushed her there. Standing there Bo Ha watches Wolf 88 fight in blood. And being amazed what they can do. 

Leader of Coyotes drips in blood,-"...I hope you all haven't forgotten what I said earlier." He wipes his mouth.

Kai-"..Someone's trying to make us clueless.." He stares directly at the Leader of Coyotes.

Leader of Coyotes-"Ah,'s not a death match yet."

Kai just snarled. Eventually the full moon fades away and the glowings disappeared. The Coyotes also disappears not noticing. Wolf 88 transforms back to humans. Bo Ha came out behind the tree and walked to them.

Bo Ha-"...You're all hurt.."

Suho-"..It's fine. We're okay."

Bo Ha-"..But.."

Kai-"Hana...dul..set.." (1...2..3)

The blood and scars disappeared from Wolf 88.

Bo Ha in shock,-"How? What.."

Chen-"We also heal faster with you around."

Bo Ha-"..Oh I see."

Baekhyun-"Was it scary for you?"

Bo Ha-"..At's just you're all so fast."

Kai-"Better than slow motion."

Tao-"Oh yeah. Kai and Chanyeol are back."

Chanyeol-"Did you're such a blind wolf."

Sehun-"It's so nice having all of us together. We can celerbrate at home."

Luhan-"Okay. Then let's go quickly. Last person to cook." He walks away and Chen quickly follows him.

Kris-"Thank you Bo Ha.." He catches up with the two guys.

Bo Ha-" all are very welcome."

Kai-"Wah, did Kris seriously opened up to you? Or have I and Chanyeol been gone too long?"

D.O-"You two have been gone too long." He walks away.

Suho-"I agree." He follows D.O and Xiu Min shrugs his shoulder. He too followed Suho.

Baekhyun-"Don't take it by heart. So hungry..we really do eat a lot." He walks to the guys.

Lay-"...Welcome back...(Smiles) See you guys at home." He also walked away.

Chanyeol-"Really, they're going to make us cook. No, I must go. See you two at home." He runs to catch up with the guys.

Bo Ha-"..What..why am I left to be with you?'

Kai-"What do you mean, you're cooking by yourself. Have fun." He walks away.

Bo Ha-"...Kai..are you really leaving me here?"

Kai stops walking,-"...Why aren't you walking in the first place?"

Bo Ha-"....I'm.. tired.." She quickly walks passed Kai.

Kai-"But it looks like you have so much energy." He follows Bo Ha.

Arriving home, before Bo Ha even or almost enter the house. Kai ran within his speed infront of Bo Ha.

Bo Ha-"..Hey.. you."

Kai-"..Oh I gotta use the bathrom, sorry." He smiled and went in the house.

Bo Ha-"..Making excuses.." She entered the house.

Bo Ha cooked for the 12 guys and Lay offered to help.

Next day in Growl High 8:12 am

In the hallway, girls surrrounding Wolf 88 as usual and Bo Ha quickly walks away from the crowd. Kai saw Bo Ha and follows her. But he had fans following him so gave a look to Sehun to get the girls attention. Sehun knows what Kai meant.

Sehun-"Girls, come here Kai has to do some business." He gave a fake smile.

The girls by Kai ran towards Sehun and the group.

Kai-Thank you." He continues to follow Bo Ha.

Finally spotting her.

Kai-"Why did you just disappeared? Should have let one of us know."

Bo Ha-".Oh, impossible."

Kai-"Hey...I know our fans...It's like this everyday but..snce you're here I can be away from them."

Bo Ha-"..Using me to get away from them?"

Kai-"No, I didn't mean that. One of us have to follow you to keep you safe."

Bo Ha-"I know."

Kai-"But I'm dead serious."

Bo Ha-"Yes, I understand. I'll make sure to tell you to come with me to the girl's restroom."

Kai-"I've already been in there, so I'm good."

Bo Ha gave Kai a gross look and walks away.

Class began,

While the teacher was speaking to the class while wtriting on the chalkboard, 

Luhan- (Whispers)"What is he talking about again? Mixing up the logics of literature."

Suho-"He's explaining...vary ways."

Luhan-"Ways? What is this?"

Chanyeol-"Shhh, he's going to yell at you guys."

Teacher-"Is somebody talking?"

The classroom was quiet. And he continues speaking. Sehun tries to throw a crumpled paper ball at Tao but he misses and hit Bo Ha's shoulder. Sehun apologizes "I'm really sorry" without his voice being heard. And points to Tao. Bo Ha looks at Tao and taps on his shoulders to wake up. 

Tao-"Leave me alone..I'm tired." He puts his hands out and wave like to shoo someone away from him.

The teacher came by Tao,-"...Hey, hey Tao. THERE'S NO SLEEPING IN MY CLASS. GET UP!"

Tao jumped and apologizes.

Bell rings. On top of the roof,

Wolf 88 and Bo Ha ate home made lunch.

Chen-"Woah, Bo Ha, you really made lunch for us? You didn't have to."

Bo Ha-"Well, I always hear you guys complain about vegetables or nasty food in the school."

Baekhyun-"How sweet of you. I"m very thankful. YOu woke up early to cook."

D.O, Luhan, Chen, Kris, Suho, Sehun, Xiu Min,Chanyeol, Lay, Tao and Kai-"Thank you for the food."

Bo Ha smiles. They all ate well. On their way to their classroom, Bo Ha's shoe lace untied and she step on it. While she was falling forward, D.O grabs her arms before she even fall.

Bo Ha-"...Oh thank you for saving me."

D.O-"You're welcome...make sure your shoe lace is tied tightly next time."

Bo Ha-"Yeah. I will." She looks embarrassed.

She bends down to tie her shoes. Walking in the hallway, Bo Ha sees Eun Rae staring at her angerly. Eun Rae pulls Bo Ha away to another hallway. Wolf 88 saw,

Kai-"..I'll go to Bo Ha. You guys go on."


Rest of Wolf 88 continues walking. Kai follows Eun rae.

Eun Rae-"You.. what are you? Always hanging with Wolf 88. Especially Kai"

Bo Ha-"..Why does this matter to you? Why do you care so much about Wolf 88 and me?"

Eun Rae-"I don't care, just curious... or is it.. you're a w h o r e following them around."

Before Bo Ha answers Kai grabs Bo Ha's arm,"Eun Rae...Stop being so nosey. And watch your dirty mouth" They walked to class.

Bo Ha-"Kai...what is this? I can handle things on my own."

Kai-"Don't ever talk to her again."

Bo Ha-"Why are you two so cold. What's your relationship with her?"

Kai-"....We're going to be late to class."

In the class, Bo Ha looks at Kai. He didn't look back.

Outside of Growl High School 3:04 pm

Lay-"I forgot..I signed up for the sports club."

Luhan-"Same here!"

Chanyeol-"What is this? I did too."

Sehun-"Why didn't you guys tell me, I also signed up."

Lay-"Us 4, okay it doesn't start until 3:30 pm."

Tao-"I'm going home, need to sleep."

Suho-"Yeah, I have to go home, D.O and I have a project to do."

D.O-"..It's not due until next week."

Suho-"Let's get an early start on it.."

D.O-"Got it."

Baekhyun-"I think I'll sign up for sports club."

Chanyeol-"Really? Great."

Chen-"Awe..I wish I can sign up. But Xiu Min and I got a assignment due tomorrow."

Xiu Min-"Yeah. Let's go."

Kris-"I'll go home."

Lay-"What about Kai and Bo Ha?"

Bo Ha-"...Um.."

Suho-"..Ah we're so busy today.. don't have time to spend with Bo Ha."

Bo Ha-"'s okay. Not all of you guys have to be with me."

Kai-"I'll take her. We're going... walking around the neighborhood."

Bo Ha-"..Yeah, I guess I'll be with Kai again."

Wolf 88 went their own way. Left Kai and Bo Ha standing.

Kai-"Let's go."

Bo Ha-"Why are we doing this?"

Kai-"Why not?"

Bo Ha-"...I'm hungry."

Kai-"We'll grab something to eat."

Bo Ha-"You're paying? Ah thank you oppa."

Kai-(Smiles)"I haven't been called that in a long time."

Bo Ha-"I being sarcastic."

Kai-"..Lies." He walks away.

Bo Ha follows Kai.

On their way to a small cafe,

Kai-"..What do you want to eat?"

Bo Ha-"Anything...But.. no nevermind."

Kai-"What is it?"

Bo Ha-"Nevermind."

Kai-"...Tell me."

Bo Ha-'It's nothing important."

Kai-"..Why did you mention it?"

Bo Ha-"...Well I'm curious."


Bo Ha-"Why did you ignore my question earlier?"

Kai-"..What do you mean?"

Bo Ha-"You know, before we went to class..What's your relationship with Eun Rae?"

Kai-"..Some questions don't get answered."

Bo Ha-"Why are you so cold? I're not so stubborn."

Kai-"You just don't know me well. You were living with us only for a month."

Bo Ha-"So what.." She enters the small cafe.

Kai-"Is it a good time to tell her?" He asks himself.

As the sun finally setted in a couple minutes.  In the cafe Bo Ha and Kai sits at a table and they recieves menus.

Bo Ha-"Remember you're paying."


They ordered their food and while waiting,


Bo Ha-"What?"

Kai-"..She year ago."

Bo Ha-"...Girlfriend?"

Kai-"Yeah, she didn't acted this rude but something caused her to be like this."

Bo Ha-"..I see didn't tell me before. Don't go on, I get it."

Kai-"..You..really don't wanna know why?"

Bo Ha-"No..I'm very sorry."

The food came to them and they both ate.

Kai goes in line to pay the bill up at the front desk. Bo Ha was next to Kai and was looking at the windows and sees somone that looks like her dad staring at her from outside.

Bo Ha-"'s crowded in here, I'll go outside first."

Kai-"..No, you must stay here. You can't leave without protection."

Bo Ha-"Nothing is happening to me all day."

Kai-"Bo Ha, you're acting strange. Just stay put. Please listen."

Bo Ha didn't say anything but memorizing the car accident that happened 8 years ago. And her parents died from it. Seeing their faces once more but fading away too. Bo Ha looking tempting to go so she quickly fled away while Kai was paying.

Kai-"BO're so dead.." He waits impatiently, "Miss, I'm in a hurry. Please I wanna make it quick."

Bo Ha running out of the door and that man starts to walk away but she follows him.

Bo Ha-"..Mister.. wait up. Mister.."

The man doesn't say anything and suddenly stops walking when entering a dark alley. Bo Ha following him. In the small cafe, Kai couldn't wait any longer and left his money on the front desk and runs out.

In the dark alley, Bo Ha couldn't see anything but soon the man's eyes began to glow in a red color. He snarls and grabs Bo Ha's arm.

Bo Ha-'What...what are you? Let go!"

Kai heard Bo Ha ran to her. Kai snatches Bo Ha behind his back.

Kai-"Are you crazy? Fool."

The man growled in anger and Kai transforms into a wolf. Those two fought. The man picked up Kai and threw him against the ground. Kai got back up and charged at him. Bo Ha stood there looking foolish to Kai. Kai uses his claws to attack the man and the man fell down passed out. Kai turns around and stares at Bo Ha.

Walking home,

Kai-"You don't ever listen."

Bo Ha-"I'm sorry. You're right.."

Kai-"You almost got yourself killed." 

Bo Ha-"I know..I'm really sorry. It's just.. he look familiar."

Kai-"..Even though he does or anyone...still don't go without Wolf 88 by your side."

Bo Ha-"I understand. And thanks."

Kai-"..Okay. but can you do me a favor?"

Bo Ha-"What is it?"

Kai-"..Promise me you won't do that again..."

Bo Ha-"What do you mean by that?"

Kai-"Don't..leave my side..."

Bo Ha".....Now it's impossible to."

Kai gently pulls Bo Ha to a building wall,-"You think I'm not serious with you?" He looks deeply into Bo Ha's eyes

Bo Ha-"Hey...okay. I promise you." She tries to look away.

Kai lets go of Bo Ha and they continue walking home.

Next day Growl HIgh 7:10 am

Wolf 88 and Bo Ha enters the school. But the girls didn't surround them and looked kinda upset.

Chanyeol-"What is this? No fan service?"

Tao-"Not happy that we not crowded?"

Suho-"Did someone wish this?"

Luhan-"We can eat in peace."

Sehun-"Like it already."

Going to Bo Ha's locker she feels like someone is watching her. A group of girls passed her and gave her a ugly look.

Bo Ha-"Do I smell or something?"

Kai-"If I did, I would have told you." He gave a closer hearing at another group of girls.

Bo Ha closes her locker and Kai quickly grabs Bo Ha's hands and went to the roof top.

Bo Ha-"What are you doing?"

At te roof top,


Bo Ha-"Rumor? What?"

Kai-"I won't say that it's a rumor."

Bo Ha-"What is it?"

Kai-"The whole school knows that you're living with us..."

Bo Ha-"How!?!?"

Kai-"I don't know, someone must of found out."

Bo Ha-"...That must of broken a lot of girls hearts."

Kai-"That's not important."

Bo Ha-"But why won't the girls hate me now?"

Kai-"They can't do harm...because I'm here."

Bo Ha-'Only you? What about the rest of the crew."

Kai-"They're back up.. I'm more closer to you than them."

Bo Ha gave a small smile.

End of chapter~

***Preview of next chapter**

The girls from Growl High begins to hate Bo Ha and tries to harm her by pranks. But something eventually solves that problem. Another full moon comes up. Also spring break finally came and Wolf 88 take Bo Ha to visit their grandparents in the mountains. Bo Ha's starts seeing Kai as a man that she would go for. Luhan acts strangely but Bo Ha took care of it. Tao practices his martial arts with Kris.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 7: Ugh the ending -3-
Chapter 7: Omo! Why ? I'm sad :( .. but was nice!
Shanadirawfa #4
Chapter 1: Interesting..... I love he way I want to write a story that relate to EXO. I hope you can support me, because writting is not easy as I tought.
Chapter 4: Omgah<3333 Loving it so far. Kai's smile is sooo hawt. xDDDDD Hwaiting~~~~~~~~~
valeriemillenia #6
Chapter 3: Love it, it's really interesting :)
Update soon ^^
I like it. The way you wrote. :DD This really interests me. Can't wait for the next chapters.<3 <3 <3