Foolish Denial

Foolish Denial

Sehun opened the door to his Palace Suite to reveal an anxious,unsually unkempt Xi Luhan.Luhan watched him with questioning eyes,asking for permission to be here.All prepared for the reality that Sehun might slam the door in his face but he didn't slam the door on him,instead he stepped aside and silently gestured him inside.Once the door was shut and locked behind Sehun,he turned to observe Luhan as he stood in the middle of the room,nervously playing the ends of his shirt.

Calmly,Sehun finally said, "What are you doing here Luhan?"

"I don't know." Luhan's small voice replied.He hadn't removed his jacket or put down his bag or relaxed any way.Luhan was tensed and fidgeting-giving the expression that he was ready to bolt at any time.

"Would you like a drink?" Sehun asked,trying a different tactic - not wanting to spook him and send him running.

"Water would be nice." Luhan managed.

"Water?" Sehun responded, "No self respecting chinese drinking water after the sun goes down."

"I think I should be clear headed to say what I have to say." Luhan said.

"That would be my cue to find something strong down because if you want to be sober ,I'll probably want to be inebriated for this conversation." Sehun headed for the bar.



"Put down the Scotch"

Sehun stopped midway through pouring his drink and put down the bottle of Scotch.What had come over him,he did not know but he complied to Luhan's wishes.He left his half filled glass on the bar and moved to hand Luhan,his glass of water.

"So what's the big announcement?" Sehun asked bluntly after Luhan had taken a sip of the water.When Luhan didn't answer,he repeated "What are you doing here,Luhan?"

Still no answer. "What are you doing here,Luhan?" Sehun said once again with more force.

"I don't know,okay Sehun?I really don't know.Do you know why I don't know?Hmmm?Because I had a plan for my life.I had a plan and suddenly it's all of track.I don't know why I'm here,because I don't know how I got to this point in my life..."     Luhan rambled,so unlike him to be out of control like that.Then he was putting down the glass of water,dropping his bag on one of Sehun's chairs,stripping off his jacket and leaving it in a heap on top his Louis Vuitton bag. "So no,I don't know why,but I've finally realised that it was foolish to deny myself happiness."

Sehun scowled lightly, "I'm not sure I grasp where you're going with this."

"At the urging of his mother,Kris proposed to me." Luhan explained. "We're not even out of high school yet! I mean,what could a man hope it accomplish from it?It's not as if we would be married within the week.It would at the very least  be a year or two,before we made a good commitment."

"You said yes,didn't you?" Sehun spoke up,clearly regretting ever letting him in the door.

Luhan whipped around to look at him in the eyes, "No!Of course not! I said no.Do you really think I would be here If I had gotten engaged to Kris?

"Well, 'I don't know why' you're here." Sehun responded. "It could be anything.And leave it to you to come here to salt in the wound."

"I said no." Luhan repeated more calmly. "And we broke up"


"We broke up." Luhan said, "I broke up with Kris."

"Because he proposed?" Sehun threw out.

"Because plans change.I was such in denial.I kept saying I was happy because I thought I should have been.I had everything I had planned for but I wasn't happy,because the one thing that could make me happy was the one thing that I have been denying myself."

"Which is?" Sehun titled his head to the side.

Luhan smiled softly,"Isn't it obvious?You.I was afraid you wouldn't even let me in.I spent so much time preparing myself for you turning me away,that I didn't think about what I was going to say if you let me in."

"As if I could ever turn you away,Xiao Lu"

"I'm sorry." Luhan murmured,"If I hurt you...I was so focused on things with Kris,so certain that he was the right one to be with,that I didn't realised I was falling in love with you.

"Love?" Sehun repeated.

"Yes,love." Luhan laughed lightly."I love you Oh Sehun and I'm pretty sure you love me too."

Sehun smirked,"Against my better judgement.But I would be a fool to try to deny it."

Luhan slowly stepped closer to him.He was nearly pressed against him when he said, "Say it,please."

"I love you Xiao Lu." Sehun responded,pulling Luhan closer and sealing the sentiment with a kiss.




A/N:There goes my second oneshot.If you like it,you can subscribe and upvote :).If there's any mistake,please do tell so I can correct the mistake.Have a good day,my dear readers :).

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Chapter 1: Author-nim, you're so amazing~ You're seriously a good writer*-*
This fic was short and sweet and I liked it a lot<3
Lol to Sehun going to grabbed the Scotch xD
Really great job; I look forward to reading more from you.