

* long chapter, because long wait for it :p I will delete the announcment chapter in a few days or when I am on my break and then the counting of the chapter will be right again :p


Yun was in a hurry. She was way too late for the meet up with her friends. Yun totally forgot the time as the played some pieces for her father on the piano. She even stood accidently Minjee up! Minjee and Yun wanted to meet up earlier to make a quick shopping. Yun thought Minjee would be mad at her, because she looked forward and was excited like a little kid to go shopping with Yun, but she wasn’t mad at all and actually was there ever a time where Minjee was seriously mad at Yun? No, there wasn’t!

Now Yun hurried like a madwoman to Zico’s place and was totally embarrassed, because they all now only waited for her and she bet that they were a little bit annoyed, because they all couldn’t wait to listen to finished song – letter.

Yun ringed a few times the doorbell and run quickly the stairs up. Yun run into Zico, because she couldn’t slow down anymore and Zico used it as the opportunity to hug as a greeting. “Nice greeting, Yun.” Zico laughed.
Yun pulled back from the hug, bowed, organized her hair and said. “I am really sorry. I am sorry for being late and you had to wait for me.”
Zico laughed lightly at Yun’s reaction. Zico asked himself, if Yun would someday stop to apologize for every little thing, but actually he liked it about her, it made her so special. She was totally the opposite of every one of them.

“No one is mad. Only Hana is ing around, but I think she is on her period or something. She is unbearable today.” Zico put a hand on her back and pushed Yun a little forward, so she would finally go into the living room.

Yun wasn’t surprised that Hana was annoyed. She was never really nice to Yun. Yun didn’t know why. She couldn’t remember that she ever did something to Hana that she would react like that.

Yun smiled shyly at everyone as she stepped into the living room, but everyone was smiling brightly at her and Yukwon and Minhyuk were waving at her. Ok, expect Hana she wasn’t even looking at her.
Minjee got quickly up and hugged Yun tightly. “I’m sorry for earlier.” Yun apologized again as they pulled away from their hug.
“It’s ok.” Minjee smiled at her. “You didn’t do that on propose.” An annoying snort was heard from Hana and Minjee sent her a death glare. “Ignore her.” Minjee whispered. “She got up with her wrong foot or something.”
“My face is red, isn’t it?” Yun whispered embarrassed and touched her cheeks a few times.
“Your cheeks a little bit, but you still look alright.”
“Thank you.” Minjee smiled the last time at Yun and went back to her place next to Jaehyo.

Yukwon patted the free spot next to him to signal Yun that she should sit beside him. As Yun nearly reached the spot, she heard. “NOOOOONA!” She turned her head towards P.O and he was sitting on the other with wide spread arms – he wanted a hug.
Because P.O was the cutest and precious thing Yun couldn’t resist too turn down his offer. So Yun walked all the way back to give the cute P.O a hug.
“You smell good, Noona.” P.O said as they pulled back from the hug. Yun gave him a questioning and disgusting look.
“I run all the way here.” Yun whispered and noticed her cheeks turned red.
“But you still smell good, not sweaty at all.“ P.O smiled cutely at her. Yun smiled at him. “Thanks”
And then she pinched his cheek and stood up.

With the boys P.O was the most of the time all manly, big grown up boy with the freaking deep voice, but if he was Yun he was this cute boy he actually should be. P.O was basically built out of cuteness.

Yun finally sat down and the first words she heard from Yukwon were. “Hey, sweaty woman.”
Yun looked shocked at him. Yukwon and Minhyuk laughed. “I’m just kidding. You look good.”
“Thanks.” Yun smiled shyly, looking down and put a streak behind her ear.
As she looked up she met the first time this day the eyes of Kyung. Her heart was missing a beat – he looked directly into her eyes. Kyung gave her a huge non-greasy smile. Yun smiled shyly back and her cheeks started to heat up.

They all sat in a circle on the floor and Zico’s laptop was placed in the middle.
“We can start now. Yun is finally here and she finished too flirt with your youngest.” Yun eyes grew wide and she took a deep breath.
Right after that Kyung’s famous greasy smirk appeared. “I am only teasing you, Yun.” And everyone was laughing lightly.
Yun felt Yukwon arm around her shoulders. “Ah Yun when do you will fully comfortable around us.”
“I am comfortable with you.”
“You are maybe comfortable with Minjee, Jihoon, Minhyuk with me and a little bit with Zico.” Yukwon smirked. “I can read you like an open book, little girl.” Yukwon pinched her nose.

“Ok, children. Let’s listen to it.” Zico announced and clapped happily into his hands. Zico clicked the play bottom and Yun started to get excited in a few seconds she was going to hear her own voice in this song. Everyone keep quiet.

Yun was speechless after the song finished. She couldn’t believed that she really recorded a song with her two favorite rappers and that she was actually friends with them, hung out a lot of them and could tell now how Zico lived. A few ago, it was all so unreachable! There was never the thought of ever seeing them and now she got into their world. Yun never wanted that it would end and their way would part – that they wouldn’t be friends anymore.

“Yun.” Taeil stopped her thoughts. “You voice is so amazing. Seriously, Zico and Kyung chose the right person for this song”
“Thank you, Taeil, but still your voice is way better than mine.” Yun smiled and blushed. P.O gave Yun thumbs up and smiled widely at her. Everyone agreed with Taeil’s statement. “Yunnie, Yunnie. You did such a great job.” Yukwon hugged her. “And Zico and Kyung of course too, like always.” Zico and Kyung smiled at her and Yun never felt that happy before.

Zico and Kyung had a gig today again. And they all we going now to the club in Hongdae and would help them to get the equipment ready.

Zico checked the sound system and Yun watched him closely in amazement.
“Why are you doing a lot of work by yourself? Couldn’t the staff of the club check the sound systems for you?” Yun asked him.
Zico smiled, but didn’t forget to focus at his work. “Because I love to do it and I think it’s better if I check the sound system by myself so I can’t be sure it will be really alright. And I want to open up my own Club later. You know a club to give young rappers and singers the chance to show their talent and it will be a normal dance club, but only with Hip Hop music.”
Yun was quite confusing that Zico wanted to have his own club. Shouldn’t he do something with music? His talent shouldn’t be wasted. “You don’t want to do something with music?”
“Of course, my club is connected with music and I would like to be a producer too and release once awhile my own work too.”
“I bet you will be a great and famous producer in the future.” Yun smiled at him.
“Thanks, Yun. I try not to disappoint you.” Zico messed up her hair. Quickly she organized her hair and wanted to leave Zico to check up what Minjee was up to.

“Yun.” Zico called her out. “You are going to perform with us today.”
“W-W-What? No, Zico, no! I can’t. I never sung in front of a large crowd.”
“Yes, you will. And you will do great.” Zico smiled, but didn’t look at her, but rather played around with the light for the stage.
Yun sighed and knew there wasn’t a way out, somehow she would make it.

Minjee kneeled in front Yun and put her hands on her knees. Even though Yun didn’t show it clearly Minjee noticed how nervous Yun actually was.
“5 minutes and then you have to go on stage” One of the staff of the club popped his head into the room and disappeared right after he told Yun she has to be ready.

Yun clutched her hands and took a deep breath. How should she sing in front such a large crowd?
She would only embarrass Zico and Kyung.

“Relax.” Yukwon appeared behind her and started to massage her shoulder. P.O hurried over and gave Yun a bottle of water. Minjee took one of her hands, hold it tightly and smiled encouraging at her. “You are going to make me extremely proud in five minutes.”
“Let’s play the distracting game.” Minhyuk pushed himself of the wall and came over to Yun. Jaehyo appeared behind Minjee, put his hands on his shoulder and smiled at Yun. Taeil sat at the couch and gave her a smile and thumbs up. Yun wasn’t able to speak- she could only smile. Yun was extremely moved that so many people cared about her.

“We have a new song for you, guys.” Zico announced and the crowd cheered.
“And we are going to introduce a brand new singer too. Scouted by Zico and me.” Kyung lauged a little.
“Please be kind to her, yes it’s a girl. She is a shy and cute girl. It’s her first time singing in front of a big crowd, please support her.”
“So let us introduce….” Kyung smirked at Zico. “YUN!” Zico shouted into the mic and smiled.
Slowly Yun came on the stage and smiled awkwardly into the crowd. “Hello, my name is Yun.” Yun said into the mic and bowed.
The crowd cheered.

“We are going to perform the new song ‘Letter’. I hope you will like it.”

The music started to play and Kyung went to the front to encourage the crowd and Zico was at first with Yun in back and encouraged her to not only to stand in the back and wait till her part would come up, but rather move around and move a little to the music. Yun tried her best not to stand like a statue in the back and sway a little to the music. As Yun’s part came up Kyung came up to her, put his arm around her shoulder and started to sway. At first Yun’s voice was a little quiet, but with Kyung next to her she felt more brave and started to sing fully with her heart. Her first part finished and Kyung took her hand and walked with her to the front. Kyung and Zico played around with her to make the performance enjoyable and unforgettable for Yun.

As the performance ended without thinking Yun hugged Kyung and she noticed it as Kyung hugged her tightly back. After they pulled away and Yun’s face turned into a bright red after she saw the huge warmly smile of Kyung, Zico hugged her too and whispered. “You did great.” “Thank you.”

“Didn’t she do great?” Zico shouted into the crowd, he still had his arm around Yun’s shoulder and a few seconds later Kyung arm crawled around her waist. Yun forgot to breathe for a moment. The crowd cheered happily. Yun bowed deeply and thanked them.

They were in their regular bar, sat at their regular spot and the boys drank some beer. They were still talking and praising Yun a lot. Zico and Kyung already planned the next performances with Yun. And once again Yun remembered the few weeks ago where she didn’t even know the faces of her favorite rappers and now she sat with them at one table and talked about the next performance with them. It was actually so unreachable that Yun didn’t even dream about it.

An annoying sigh was heard. All eyes went towards Hana.
“Can we stop talking about Yun now? She was the center of attention the whole day or better the past weeks. What’s special about her? I don’t understand why you all like her so much or try to get along well with her, because she is a fan of yours?” Her gaze went from Zico to Kyung.”Or that she is Minjee’s bestfriend? In my eyes she is only fake. Trying to be the cute one and apologizing for every ing thing! Why do I have the feeling she is an attention and tries to flirt with everyone? At first she is always sticking with Yukwon, now she is the cute Noona for P.O and today she glued on Zico. She is always quiet, she is barely talking and you guys, you are all out going and fun people. She is the total opposite and still you always want to hang out with her and don’t try to kid me, but even a blind person would see that everyone has actually a hard time to get close to her, besides Yukwon, but how knows what intention Yun actually has. Yun, even though your Yukwon OPPA is bi doesn’t mean you have a chance. I don’t think he would be interested in you in this way.” But still Hana hadn’t finished yet now her attention turned towards Minjee. “I don’t understand why are you still keeping Yun as you best friend she doesn’t fit you at all. I think you are keeping her as your best friend, because you know her since you are little. She even stood you up today.”

Everyone looked shocked at Hana. Yun played nervously with her hands in her lap and looked down. Of course, Hana didn’t feel like she said something wrong actually she waited that some of them would agree with her.

“What are you talking about?” Minjee hissed, of course she would be the first one who would find her voice again. “Why are you saying such things about Yun? I know that you have some problem with Yun whatever the reason it, but I accepted it. I always avoided that we three would met up together, but lately it is not possible, because we all have the same friends now., but still doesn’t give you the right to talk some about Yun. I love Yun the way she is and she is not fake. She didn’t stood me up on propose. Don’t talk if you don’t know the facts and she stood me up one time in 1000 years.”

“And who  gave you the right to speak for me, Hana?” Yukwon growled. “How did you know Yun wouldn’t be my type? Everyone with a got sense would love to date a girl like Yun. I would go for her, but I don’t want a girl in my life right now after my last girlfriend. And I am the one who hasn’t a chance by Yun and not the other way around.” Minhyuk laid his hand on his shoulder to keep the boy calm, because Yukwon was raging.

“I don’t agree with anything you said. Even though Yun is quiet and maybe harder to approach I still like her a lot.” Zico said calmly.
“I don’t understand why you are reacting this way. We all already noticed that you are on your period or something, but it’s not necessary what are you doing here right now. Yun is totally uncomfortable now. She can’t even face us anymore.”

Everyone agreed with Zico.

“I am not changing my mind. We will see if I am right one day she is going to show her true face.”
“Oh, shut up Hana.” Minjee nearly shouted.
“Yun, I think in such a situation you shouldn’t keep quiet.” Kyung nudged lightly her shoulder.

Yun still didn’t look up, but started to speak. “In some points she is right isn’t she? But I am not fake and I don’t try to flirt with anyone here. I don’t have any bad intention towards Yukwon. I never thought I have a chance by him and I never thought that anyone here would like me in that way.” Yun swallowed hard. “Actually I always have this question in my head too. Why are you hanging out with me? I am no fun. It’s true I am the most of the time quiet and you are all such outgoing persons. Maybe Yukwon is right and I am really not comfortable with everyone yet and because of that I giving all of you a hard time…”

Before could say more Yukwon covered with his hand . “Please, stop talking. What are you saying?” Yukwon said with a painful voice.
Actually everyone was shocked by the words of Yun. The tears burned in the back of her eyes – she had a hard time to hold them back.

“Oh my god. She is doing it again. I-am-so- cute-look-at-me-and-feel-sorry." Hana growled annoyed.
“DAMMIT, HANA SHUT YOUR FREAKING MOUTH! Minjee shouted and rose up from her seat. Jaehyo took her hand and pulled her down again. “Calm down.” Jaehyo said and got hold of her hand.

Yun shoot up from her seat and bowed lightly. “I’m sorry. I am going. I don’t want to be the reason why are you fighting. You were all friends with Hana before me I don’t want to destroy it.” Yun tried to say this without a shaking voice. She grabbed her bag, bowed again and wanted to leave, but someone got hold of her arm.
“You are not going anywhere.” She heard Kyung’s voice.

Yun turned her head toward Kyung and he looked directly into her eyes. He must have seen that tears glittered in her eyes and treated to fall.
“Hana, you don’t get any good points from this.” Kyung said, but still looked at Yun and had still hold of her arm.
“I am going.” Hana stood up. “More talk about Yun and I will throw up.” And Hana left.

“Sit down.” Kyung sat and let go of her arm. Yun sat down again.

They tried to light up the mood again, but everyone was kind of busy with their own thoughts – especially Yun. She thought a lot of these words. She thought about if something was really wrong with her behavior and maybe Hana wasn’t the only one who thought that, maybe that was the reason why Yun hadn’t so many friends. Yun felt still uncomfortable. She was the reason why they fought today. They shouldn’t fight, because they were friends.

“We are going now.” Yukwon and Minhyuk got up and they both had a mystery smirk in their faces. They waved goodbye and left.
“Something strange is going on between them. Could it be that they hooked up? I didn’t know Minhyuk liked guys.” Zico said irritated.
All the boys laughed at Zico. “Oh man.” Taeil clapped Zico’s shoulder. “They already made out at your place. You even shouted at them “YAH! No gay on my living room floor.””
“What?” Zico started to laugh. “Tsk. These two. I can’t remember so much from this evening anymore. Do you think it’s something serious between them?”
“Nah.” Kyung answered. “I think they are only buddies”
Minjee threw a bottle cap at Kyung. “Can’t you use another word for it?” Minjee glanced at him – she was in a bad mood.

The mood light a little bit up, after they talked about Yukwon and Minhyuk, but after awhile Yun decided to leave – she needed a clean head. “Can I sleep at your place, Yun?” Minjee asked as Yun grabbed her bag. “Sure, but you know…” Yun voice became quiet.
“It’s ok. I am your best friend so I am going to help you.” Minjee smiled at Yun.

Minjee gave Jaehyo a give kiss on the cheek, got up and took Yun’s hand. Yun didn’t even dare to look at Kyung and see his reaction.
After his fight her heart couldn’t handle this.
Yun saw that Zico laid his arm around Kyung shoulder. “I tell you the last time, my friend. Don’t be blind.” And then Zico shipped his beer. Blind? For what shouldn’t Kyung be blind? Yun really wondered.


thank you for the comments and for subscribing :) <333 I hope you liked this chapter :3

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Chapter 13: Ugh! This story just made me love Kyung even more!
Chapter nine, I had butterflies in my stomach. xD
this was really nicely written, thank you so much for posting this ^_^ <3
HanJiMun #3
Chapter 13: WHAT THE HELL!!? How could you end this in that moment! What about Zico? Oh God, I'm dying T^T Btw love your story, I'm sick and sitting in home right now, and this story really made my day <3 Waiting for sequel ^^
ShinSeoRae #4
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
ShinSeoRae #5
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
Gawd this is good! Been searching EVERYWHERE for Kyung's bias. Gawd... I'm so in love with that cucumber... >/////////<
WHAA I love this story /hearts/ omg she is now with park kyung <3 my bias LOLOL~ omg thanks for writing this story ^~^ <3
fallingmeteor #8
This was SO cute T___T<br />
giggled the whiole time lol<br />
But still wanted U-Bomb to be together ;^;
good story!