Date? - just confusing!


Yun cultched the teddy bear in her hands and Kyung put casually his arm around Yun’s shoulder. Yun didn’t know what she should exactly feel about it, of course she could scream of joy right now, but on the other side she didn’t understand why Kyung was acting like that. Sure, he was calling it a ‘date’, but was behaving like liking each other really necessary? Yun loved to have Kyung close to her, but she was afraid she would be hurt the next day, because it was actually only out of pity. She should stop it, but Yun didn’t know how. didn’t want to say those words.

“Let’s check if the others are still at the bar. They were totally worried so it would be good if you show your face.”
Yun nodded. Yun felt really bad, because she just checked her phone and there were thousands of message and calls from Minjee and some of Yukwon were under them too. She didn’t want to worry them so much.

They both kept quiet as they were on the way to the bar. Suddenly Kyung’s arm slid down to Yun’s waist. Yun took a sharp breathe.
What was he doing? Kyung started to tickle her and his grip was too strong around her waist that she couldn’t escape. Yun convolved in his grip and couldn’t stop laughing.
“Hug me and I will stop.” Kyung said and was still tickling her. Yun felt flustered. She couldn’t hug him – she was way too shy to do it.

Yun just couldn’t do this so Kyung tickled her and she tried to get free from his grip. But Yun had to get free, because slowly she was out of breath from laughing so much. Finally she managed to escape from his grip and she walked quickly a few steps away from Kyung and took a deep breath. Kyung smirked t her and Yun knew that didn’t mean any good.

Kyung took a step forward and Yun one backwards. They did that for a few seconds, but then Kyung ran towards her. Yun let out a scream, ran away and laughed. After a few minutes in this chase Yun lost the teddy bear. She wanted to pick it up, but Kyung was only a few steps away from her. Yun decided to run for her life and get the teddy bear later.

But it was no use Kyung easily caught up with Yun, grabbed her by her waist and started to tickle her again.
Yun squealed, laughed uncontrollable and tried to get his hands off, but it was useless Yun was way too weak to do so.
Her breath became shorter, tears started to form in her eyes and they fell right away. Yun couldn’t stand this anymore, if it wouldn’t stop she would die of laughter. Yun managed to turn around and slung her arms around Kyung’s neck. She rested her head against his chest and tried to control her breath. Kyung put gently his arms around her and as Yun noticed it she took quickly a step back and started to wipe off her tears.
“Was it so nice to hug me that you started to cry?” Kyung asked with his greasy smile.
“You are an idiot.” Yun said with a mocking voice, but smiled lightly.

Yun started to walk to the spot where she let her teddy bear fall.
“Because of you I let him fall.” Yun pouted and cleaned the dust off.
Kyung put his arm around Yun again. “I am sorry. I won’t do it again I mean let you fall down the teddy, of course I am still going to tickle you.”
Kyung’s face - it was way too close.

As Kyung and Yun finally set a foot into the bar - it was only a mess.
The boys ran wild around in the bar to calm the two girls down who seemed to jump at each other any minute.
Everyone was looking at them. What was going on here?

“The most of the time I wish I was more like Yun.” Minjee said.
WHAT? Did Yun hear it right? Minjee wanted to be like Yun? The confident, out-going Minjee wanted to be like the invisible Yun?
Something must be wrong with Yun’s hearing.

“I wish I would have stayed more innocent like Yun, but I finally accepted that I am not like that and that I can’t go back to be innocent, because my innocence is already taken away from me. I accepted that I like partying and having attention on myself. Even though Yun and I became so different in our lifestyle, she still accepts and loves me. I was always afraid I would be a bad influence for Yun and that I will maybe take away her innocence. So I always tried my best that she wouldn’t get involved with my partying. I wish Yun will always stay the way she is.” Minjee took a deep breath and you could already see the tears glittering in her eyes.

“I do . My body got already touched by a few boys. I am 17 years old and my body is already tainted But still Yun is always saying: “You are maybe not the innocent one anymore, but it doesn’t mean that you are bad and aren’t loveable anymore.”” Tears started to stream down her face and she started to scream “WHY ARE YOU SAYING THESE THINGS ABOUT YUN? YUN SHOULDN’T GET ANY HATE. I AM THE ONE WHO SHOULD GET THIS. I SHOULD BE JUGDED, BECAUSE I AM THE BAD ONE – I AM THE TAINTED ONE. WHO KNOWS WHAT I WOULD BE WITHOUT YUN. WITHOUT HER I WOULD BE PROBABLY…”
Jaehyo was about to move and hug her tightly to stop from saying those things, but Yun was faster than him.

Yun slung her arms tightly around Minjee’s body. What was she talking? Why were they fighting about Yun again? Yun didn’t want it.
The other stood clueless around the three girls and they weren’t quite sure what they should do. Kyung still stood at the door with his hands in his jeans pockets and watched with a serious face the scenario that was happen in front of his eyes.

“YUN!” Minjee hugged her back and was still crying. “Where were you? I was so worried.” Minjee started to cry even more and left a few kissed on Yun’s forehead.
“I am fine. Kyung took care of me.” Yun said quietly and tears formed in her eyes. “Minjee, what are you talking about? What is going on here? Everyone is looking.”
Yun tried to wipe Minjee’s tears of but it was useless, because Minjee didn’t stop crying.

They both knew each other since they were four. They both saw each other crying countless times before, but this were the most heartbreaking scene in their 13 years of friendship.

“Minjee, calm down. Why are you screaming? Why are you saying these things? Why are you fighting again?” And the first tears roll down Yun cheeks.
“I just can’t stand anymore how she is talking about you. Hana wants to give you a bad name without a reason. Nothing is bad about you, Yun.” Minjee cupped Yun’s face in her hands. “Never listen to those words. Never listen to someone who wants to tell you that something about you isn’t alright, because Yun nothing is bad about you. You are totally fine the way you are you only need more confidence.”
Minjee smiled through her tears. Yun only bit her bottom lip and looked down. If she had heard those words earlier then she wouldn’t have experienced what happen today. Yun would never be that stupid like she was today.

Hana was about to say something and the boys were really curious to know if Hana was going to spread nonsense again or if she finally realized that she was totally wrong and would apologize.

Kyung finally joined his friends and opened his mouth before Hana could.
“From what I noticed the last weeks I can say that Hana is only jealous. Actually she doesn’t have a problem with Yun. Hana is only jealous of the friendship of Yun and Minjee. Hana wants to have this friendship with Minjee too and she noticed as long Yun is Minjee’s friend, Hana will never her one and only best friend. Hana tried to fit with Minjee as much as possible. She even pretends to have interest in Zico, because we all know what happened between Minjee and Zico.”
“You don’t have to mention it, buddy.” Zico said quietly and scratched his neck. Minjee bit her bottom lip and avoided the others, still with Yun in her arms. Kyung only smiled lightly at both of them.

“But actually she likes Taeil and she is always showing it if she drank alcohol.” Kyung winked at Hana. And Hana was only speechless. “And I think her last try was to tell Minjee who different Yun and Minjee are and somehow she hoped we are not that fond of Yun and we would show it after Hana first outburst about Yun, but I can’t tell you, Yun is important to all of us, even though she may not be the most out-going person, but if she open up to you, you will have the best fun with her. Yun and Minjee are a perfect match and Hana you must have noticed it from the beginning. They are completing each other and they fit with each other, even though they are different. I think this point makes their friendship even stronger. Yun keeps Minjee on the ground and Minjee is showing Yun the things that she doesn’t believe herself. Hana try so much as you want, you can’t separate them and you will only lose Minjee as a friend in the end.”

“Kyung.” Minjee only said with a whisper. Everyone was speechless. Who would have expected to hear such words from Kyung?
Yun was the most surprised. She just felt like to hug this wonderful person right now. And Yun was important to them?
Yun just felt relieved. They really liked her, even though it was hard to approach her. And she was important to Kyung too?

Kyung was looking eagerly at Hana – waiting for a fierce response. But Hand was only looking at her hands. She couldn’t say anything against, because it was the truth. Kyung just had looked completely through her and through this suddenly direct face-off, Hana couldn’t think quickly how to properly deny it. Hana turned around, took her bag and started to leave.
“I think I just ed up.” She said quietly and made her leave.

Minjee finally let go of Yun and shouted after Hana. “Hana, wait!”
Of course, Hana did wrong, but still they could talk about it and solve the problem. Hana was still a precious friend to Minjee.
“Just let her think about it and talk with each other another day.” Jaehyo appeared behind her and put his hand on her shoulder.

Yun bowed and apologized to the people who were disturbed by their fight and the ones who were the whole time watching.
Sunny appeared in front of the group of friends and didn’t look pleased. “I am sorry, Sunny.” Yun bowed.
“The next time argu outside or wherever, but not in my bar.”
“I am really sorry.” Yun bowed once again.
Yun felt like she was the one who needed to apologize, because she was the reason why they fought. Without her it wouldn’t have happen.

They all sat down, but didn’t really talk with each other. They just had to think about what had happened a few minutes ago.
They all ordered something to drink to calm themselves down.

“I should go home.” Yun said after awhile. It was nearly 10PM.
“I am going to take my date home.” Kyung announced happily. “Actually I didn’t plan to stay that long with Yun.”
Yun only looked confused at him, because for a moment she forgot about their ‘date’. Zico, Yukwon and Minhyuk smiled as they heard about the date and as Kyung grabbed Yun’s hand, waved with a big smile at his friends and left the bar. The rest only looked confused and shocked after them.

“Kyung.” Kyung looked at Yun and saw immediately where she was looking at. She was looking at their hands.
Kyung smiled. “We are on a date after all.”
Yun only sighed. Even though she would have really the courage to say that these actions were really not necessary, it still seemed she couldn’t stop Kyung from doing so. Yun just wanted to explode – she loved every touch from Kyung.
But was it really right? She was the one who was holding these huge feelings and Kyung was only nice?!

They both stood in front of Yun’s front door. Kyung had once again his hands in his jeans pocket and smiled at Yun. Yun clutched her teddy bear. She couldn’t withstand Kyung gaze on her and looked slightly away and blushed.
“Are you hungry? I could cook something for you. Something simple. To say thank you for today.“ Yun said quietly and didn’t even look at Kyung. Right away she let out an awkward laugh. “That was stupid. It’s already too late I think you just want to go home.”
“I would love to.” Yun looked up, blushed and smiled lightly.

Yun and Kyung entered the living room, because the kitchen and the living room where in the same room.
And Yun’s father was sitting at the couch in front of the TV and like always the soju and beer bottles were shattered around him.
How could Yun forget about her father? Yun didn’t move for a moment, but then she started to panic.
“I-I-I am so sorry. I-I-I forgot about it. I am sorry you have to see this.” Yun stuttered and walked over to her father.
“Appa.” Yun tried to speak with him and started to collect the empty bottles. It was useless. Yun knew it, but still she would never ignore him.

Kyung stood still in the door of the living room and didn’t realize at first why Yun started to panic and apologized, but then he saw the empty bottles that were shattered around Yun’s father.
“Yun, I will help you.” Kyung walked a few steps forward, but Yun stopped him. “You don’t need to.”
She smiled lightly at, but her eyes were so sad that you immediately saw how uncomfortable she was.
Kyung stood only helpless in the middle of the room.

Yun put the collected bottles on the living room table and helped her father up.
“Come on, appa. We are going to sleep now, ok?!” Yun smiled at her father.
Her father started to stumble and it was difficult for her to hold him properly.
“Appa, put an arm around Yunnie.” Yun put an arm of her father around her shoulder that she could steady him and finally walk with him into his bedroom.
“Yun, let me help you.”
“It’s alright. I will be back in a few minutes.”
It was obvious that Yun was used to do it. Kyung only wanted to help and that she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable anymore.
He wouldn’t judge her or her father, because he didn’t know the reason why he was drunk.

Yun came back and didn’t even dare to meet Kyung’s eyes.
“Yun, are you alright?” Kyung asked her worried.
“Of course.” Yun smiled at him, but it wasn’t a real smile. “I am going to make food now.” Yun quickly changed the topic.
Yun thought it was totally wrong that she invited Kyung for dinner. But it’s her own fault now, how could she forget about her father?

“Yun.” Kyung said once again and got hold of her wrist as she passed him. Yun turned around and gave him a sad smile.
“He is a good father.” She said quietly. “It’s just… It’s just that my mom’s death-day in a few days and he always behaves like that a few weeks before.” Yun took a short break. “But besides that he is a good father. He takes good care of me and loves me.”
“Yun” Kyung slipped his fingers through hers and hold her hand tightly. “Why are you trying to defend your father so much in front of me? I don’t think anything bad about him. I don’t doubt your father.” Kyung gave her a warm smile and gave her hand a squeeze.
Yun blushed and smiled back.

“I am going to make something to eat now.” Yun wanted to go into the kitchen, but totally forgot to let go of Kyung’s hand so Kyung was following her with a huge smile. Yun noticed it, turned towards Kyung and wanted to let go of his hand, but he held tightly onto it.
Yun rolled her eyes and let a small laugh out. Yun and Kyung went together in the kitchen while holding hands.
Yun still felt flustered and awkward about it and she was really unsure about this ‘date’ thingy, but she knew she couldn’t stop Kyung from doing so. And actually she enjoyed it way too much.

“Should I help you?” Kyung asked her. Yun shook her head. “I need my hand back.” Yun said with a blush.
“That’s why I asked if should help you.” Kyung showed his greasy smile. “You know, together we have two hands I think it would be totally funny with we cook like that.”
“Oh Kyung.” Yun hid his shoulder with her free hand. “I don’t want to stand in the kitchen till the sun comes up.”
Kyung laughed and finally released her hand. Only a second later Yun missed his warm hand in hers.

Yun only cooked rice and some simply side dishes. They both sat at the dining table and spoke barely a word with each other - only their glances were their communication. It mostly existed of Yun’s shy smiles and Kyung gently and sometimes greasy ones.
Kyung never saw Yun blushing so hard as he fed her food.
It was just an indescribable feeling that was rushing through his body as he saw this.

“Do you mind to show me your room?”
Yun looked with widespread eyes at him. What did he want to do in her room? He would be the first guy who ever entered her room.
“Why are you looking so shocked? I just want to know if your room fits your personality.” Kyung laughed.
Yun blushed. “If you want…” She stood up and leaded Kyung to her room.

As they entered the room Yun immediately sat down at her bed. Kyung stood in the middle of the room and looked through all selves.
It just showed Yun’s personality perfectly. It showed her cuteness and innocent. It was painted in a light purple and stuffed animals were everywhere you could see. Kyung smiled.

“Mind it if I sit down too?” Kyung pointed at her bed. Yun shook her head and pulled her knees up to her chin.
Kyung knew it must be a little uncomfortable for Yun to sit with a boy on her bed. It was a boy, a girl, a bed, a closed room and it was already late. Kyung already understood Yun’s way of thinking. Of course, Yun’s body tensed up as Kyung sat down.
They didn’t sit close to each other it was still a huge gap between them. But still Yun sat on the same bed with the boy she liked and this boy was such a greaseball and who know what he had in mind to tease Yun.

“Is that your mother?” Kyung asked and pointed at a picture on Yun’s wall. Yun nodded. “You resemble her a lot.”
Yun nodded again. “My mom passed away as she was giving birth to me. I only have pictures and videos of her. I think I make it even more harder for my father, because I resemble her a lot. I just constantly remember him about what he had lost.”
Yun rested her chin on her hands which were placed on top of her knees.
“You don’t make anything hard for your father. Your father is just happy that he has you, because of you there is still a part of her always here. You arose from the love of your father and mother so he loves you controllable and will never think of you of a bad reminder.”
Yun titled her head and looked with a warm smile at Kyung. “Kyung, you have so many nice words in you.”
Kyung laughed. “Of course, I will always have good words for you as long I can make you smile.”
Kyung reached out and messed up Yun’s fringe. Yun pouted. “I don’t like that.”

“I know another thing that you don’t like.” Kyung reached out, tackled her over and started to tickle her.
Yun laughed, screamed and tried to get free but it was once again useless.
“Please….stop! My father… he is… sleeping.” Yun said between her laughter and Kyung immediately stopped.

His hand still rested on her waist. Yun took a deep breath and then she met me Kyung’s eyes. He never looked at her like he did now.
It was such an intensive gaze that Yun forgot how to breathe. One of Kyung’s hands left Yun waist and started to fix gently Yun’s messed of fringe. His fingertips lightly brushed her forehead and the remained touch burned like fire on Yun’s skin – but it was pleasant.
To not feel Kyung’s fingertips on Yun skin again felt like a big loss.

Kyung realized so many things today and right now he realized it even more.
Now he was properly looking at Yun who probably knew every detail of Kyung’s face. Finally he recognized her beauty.
Finally recognized so many other things about Yun. How couldn’t he see this before? No, he wouldn’t be blind anymore.

Suddenly Kyung’s face came closer and closer and Yun didn’t know what to do and her first reaction was that she started to move and they both pulled parted. Yun eyed shyly her hands and Kyung smiled and drove his hand over his face.
Kyung checked the clock and it was getting really late. He should give Yun time to rest, today wasn’t an easy day for her and it was now a little awkward between them.

“I should go now, shouldn’t I?” Kyung said with a shy smile.
“You shouldn’t come home late.” Yun said shyly back.

Yun accompanied Kyung to the front door. Yun stood in the door frame and Kyung already in the stairwell.
“Thank you for today. You really cheered me up.” Yun smiled at Kyung.
“No problem. Would do it anytime.” Kyung smiled back and as Yun looked down, because of her shyness, Kyung took the opportunity.

Yun looked surprised up as she suddenly felt Kyung’s hand on her chin and before she could even react, his lips already met hers and kissed her gently. Kyung pulled back and smiled. Yun was shocked. Did Kyung, did Park Kyung just kissed her?
The touch of his lips just tickled on her lips. For cheering her up, for taking her out on a pity date it was a step too far.

“Don’t talk.” Kyung said with a whisper and his face came closer again and their lips just met again.
Yun was sure this was totally wrong, but before she could properly think about it, she noticed that she closed her eyes and kissed him carefully back. They both pulled back and Yun’s cheeks shone in a light pink. She couldn’t face Kyung anymore.
“Goodnight.” Kyung whispered in a gently tone and left a kiss on her cheek.
“Goodnight.” Yun whispered, but couldn’t look at him.

Yun closed the door, leaned against it and touched her lips. She just had the soft lips of Kyung on hers.
The taste would be always unforgettable – Mint!
And it seemed it would never leave her lips. Yun went into her room like hypnotized and let herself fell down on her bed.
Her fingertips once again touched her lips. Did that really happened? Did the unreachable Kyung really kiss her?
But the next minute Yun curled up into a ball. She was totally confused.

What did that mean? How should she face Kyung now? But Kyung knew she wasn’t that kind of girl. And she was sure Kyung wouldn’t kiss her without a reason. But would he suddenly take notice of her? Why should he suddenly have some kinds of feelings for her? Yun was only confused and that the kiss still lingered on her lips, didn’t help her at all



finally the second part of the date :) and I think you all waited for it, didn't you? :p I couldn't wait to finally write it :3 Only 3 chapters left and then it's the end :( Thank you so much for reading, leaving comments and subscribing :) I love you <33


@kpop-lover I never thought about giving kyung competition :D keeping in mind for  sequel, but i don't think i will write one, because the zico story i have in mind will be kind of a sequel to this story.

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Chapter 13: Ugh! This story just made me love Kyung even more!
Chapter nine, I had butterflies in my stomach. xD
this was really nicely written, thank you so much for posting this ^_^ <3
HanJiMun #3
Chapter 13: WHAT THE HELL!!? How could you end this in that moment! What about Zico? Oh God, I'm dying T^T Btw love your story, I'm sick and sitting in home right now, and this story really made my day <3 Waiting for sequel ^^
ShinSeoRae #4
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
ShinSeoRae #5
i love this story and i'll probably be reading the Zico sequel to this..^_^
Gawd this is good! Been searching EVERYWHERE for Kyung's bias. Gawd... I'm so in love with that cucumber... >/////////<
WHAA I love this story /hearts/ omg she is now with park kyung <3 my bias LOLOL~ omg thanks for writing this story ^~^ <3
fallingmeteor #8
This was SO cute T___T<br />
giggled the whiole time lol<br />
But still wanted U-Bomb to be together ;^;
good story!