
Maknae, Be Happy.

Eunkwang’s POV

Yook Sungjae was the light in our group.

The first time I stepped into the practice room and saw 6 boys sitting on the floor with head lifted up, this boy was the brightest. He couldn’t stay still when the man before him read about to read a piece of paper. He was all smiles, even though the others were all poker-faced and anxious.

“Ah, Eunkwang-ssi, there you are! Come here, I had something to say.”

The moment my name was called, 6 heads turned toward my direction and one specific head stood and grabbed me. He grinned, flashing me his white and perfect teeth. This boy was handsome, I had to admit. Although I’m a guy, I could still tell a guy who was handsome and who was not. And this one in particular was handsome. The fact that he’s taller than me, even though he’s much younger than me, was a plus. It meant that he could still grow taller.

“Ah yes, what is it hyung?”

I said after sitting next to a guy in wifebeater with toned arms and squirrel-like face. The fact that he’s the same age as me but looked much younger than me was a bit intimidating. I lost focus when a hand tugged on my arm and pulled me into an embrace. My eyes went wide, and the particular boy with wide smile said we’re going to debut 2 months from now. I followed him jumping around the room and well, I felt like I was young again. It’s not that I’m old, but, well, you know what I mean.


Jung Ilhoon was an annoying little brat.

“Aish it’s too difficult!”

The boy with chubby cheeks stomped toward his bottle as he left the other members panting on the floor. Our choreographer then mentioned something about taking a break for fifteen minutes, but I didn’t really paid attention since my attention went straight to a quarrel on the back of the room. I stood up, grabbing my towel then walked to the source of the noise. Not so long, my steps turned into fast running and I grabbed the boy that looked in rage.

“Jung Ilhoon!”

He raised his fist as he’s about to hit the other boy who’s already sitting on the floor with hand over his face. I grabbed his shoulders, preventing him to do so. I looked at Hyunsik and Peniel (I found out that his name wasn’t really Peniel, but Donggeun, but he said that’s how he’s usually called) that came around the boy and helping him to stand up. Changsub turned toward us with wide eyes after he saw a crack on the youngest’s lip.

“What the you think you’re doing?”

“He’s being . He deserved it.”

Ilhoon got rid of me and put his hands in his pockets.

“I.. I was just saying..”

“Shut the up. You’re so annoying.”

He then left the practice room with his bag over his shoulder when Minhyuk entered with Jiyong-hyung, but his heels and ran after Ilhoon instead. Minhyuk was puzzled as if he had no idea what was going on, so he came to me and asked. But I only pointed at Sungjae who kept telling Hyunsik and Changsub that he’s okay with a big stupid (yes, stupid, who would smile after getting hit by the way?) smile on his face. Minhyuk came over; putting his forefinger on the youngest’s chin so he would look at him. He gasped and asked if he were okay. Sungjae only nodded, still smiling. I headed over with this big question mark written over my face, and the only response I got was,

“I was just telling Ilhoon-hyung that he shouldn’t be so harsh to the choreo-noona. She had tried her best to give the best dance for us so we could debut well. But I guess I used wrong words… I think I have hurt Ilhoon-hyung’s feeling.”

He pouted and the five of us, except Peniel who instantly threw an arm around his shoulder and telling him to shrug it off, shared the same look of disbelief. Seriously. Just because of that Ilhoon punched him? Moreover, on the face? That kid seriously needed to be taught a lesson. I glanced to my left to see Minhyuk muttering you gotta be kidding me before he and the other members followed Sungjae and Peniel to go back practicing.


Yook Sungjae was hyper.

When we finished our debut stage, he was the one who kept on jumping around with so much excitement that he almost bumped into a coordi-noona in a hallway. He then would laugh it off, making crinkles appear on the corner of his eyes. He slammed the door open and hugged Jiyong-hyung, while shouting We did it, hyung! We did it! Jiyong-hyung would only chuckle at the youngest as he patted his head and congratulated us for a perfect debut stage. We shared a moment of silence with smile plastered on our faces, except for one boy. I was grabbing my phone on my bag when Sungjae walked over to Ilhoon, right behind me.

“Hyung! Congratulations!”

Ilhoon then put away few piece of tissue papers after wiping his sweat and looked up to see a boy towering in front of me. Again, with big stupid smile. Ilhoon just scoffed and turned to see his reflection on the mirror.

“For what? For making mistake?”

“Uhm, well, hyung, it’s not a big mistake anyway. You only missed a step and no one would notice anyway. Cheer up!”

Ilhoon shot the maknae a deadly stare and the maknae backed away a bit as he rubbed the back of his neck anxiously.

“Hey now, Sungjae’s right. Chillax.”

He looked at me for a few seconds before letting out a sigh and smiled to himself.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard in the room and I turned around to see the maknae fell on the floor with a table full of makeup fell on top of him. He flushed red and Changsub laughed at his clumsiness. I laughed and asked a what are you doing? before Ilhoon stood up and started helping Minhyuk who already started gathering the stuffs.

“Aigoo, stop being so hyper, Yook Sungjae.”

Ilhoon then patted Sungjae’s head as he turned into a deeper shade of red and looked like he’s about to pass out at any moment. Peniel caught him from falling and Sungjae only cleared his throat. I laughed even harder seeing his action. Something clicked in my head and that’s why.


Minhyuk’s POV

Jung Ilhoon was selfish.

It was a clear Sunday morning and we had a day off after the last stage for our first mini album ended. I was playing xbox with Eunkwang when a shout heard around the dorm. I paused the game, which gained a whine from the leader but I pulled him away from the console to our shared bedroom. I saw Changsub pulling the cover over his head to sleep a little more. Hyunsik was sitting on his bed, half (his usual sleeping attire) with an annoyed look on his face. Peniel, who had just finished showering, was drying his hair while looking at Ilhoon and Sungjae with worry. Ilhoon had his hands on his hair with frustration all over his face. Sungjae was cleaning the floor, which apparently, had milk all over it.

“I told you I wanted plain milk, not chocolate milk!”

Ilhoon fell to Eunkwang’s bed; face first, with fists hitting the bed.

“I-I’m sorry, hyung, I’ll buy you another one…”

Sungjae put the tissue papers and the milk box on the trash bin and ran outside the dorm, leaving me and Eunkwang dumbfounded.

“What the hell, Jung Ilhoon? He’s not your servant!”

I was the one to rise a voice and hit Ilhoon’s head with Eunkwang’s pillow.

“Whatever hyung.”


I was about to hit him for real when Hyunsik and Eunkwang pulled me and calmed me down. By then, I saw Changsub waking up from the corner of my eye and walked outside the room, avoiding the commotion.

“I was asking, and he said yes. I didn’t even force him to.”

I was about to rise my voice again when Eunkwang pushed me out of the room and left Ilhoon with Hyunsik and Peniel who seemed to be as mad as me. Seriously, does this kid even know what “respect” is?


Yook Sungjae was very polite.

It’s as if he knew his position in the group. No, I am not asking to be respected as an elder in the group, but Sungjae knew his limits. How he could play around with us, but also not trespassing the respect line. He was a good dongsaeng, and I loved him as if I loved my own brother.

I was cleaning the dishes when Sungjae came over and offering help. I refused, yet he insisted. I only chuckled as he started drying the dishes I had finished washing. We talked about a lot of things while cleaning the dishes. I realized it was time for dinner already, so I decided to cook something. I told Sungjae to take a shower, so he’d be fresh when the dinner was served. He said no, I wanted to help hyung~ I never could stop this guy from doing what he wanted to do. Oh well, it didn’t bother me though. He helped me cooking the dinner, curry. Even though in the middle of the process he burst into tears for cutting his finger and I had to put a bandaid on his finger. He pouted, but then muttered gomawo omma, which earned a hit on the head from me.

We continued making dinner, all while talking to each other and until certain someone came to pick a drink from the fridge. Sungjae stopped and turned to the said boy. He called him and told him with a lot of excitement that he’s making dinner with me. I only chuckled as I kept stirring the curry.


That was all he got. And an approving nod. And a thumb up. Wow, that was harsh. My eyes grew wide and I turned to face Sungjae as he got frozen on his spot. I was about to soothe him when suddenly his smile grew so wide that I was terrified it would tear his face in two. He bit his lower lip as held back an excited scream and he pulled, I meant gripped my left arm so hard that I knew it would leave marks (since I was only wearing a white sleeveless hoodie). He jumped on his spot and leaned in to wishper something on my ear.

“Ilhoon-hyung was encouraging me.”


Jung Ilhoon got angry a lot.

We just got home from our daily practice and we were all exhausted. We were all about to crash into our respective beds until Ilhoon screamed and I ran out of the bedroom with Sungjae and Hyunsik. We were about to ask him what’s wrong when he suddenly,

“Who the wore my jacket?”

Sungjae shrunk on his spot and I noticed. He was about to say something when I shook my head and pulled his arm.

“I did.”

“The hyung? I told you not to wear my stuffs!”

“Jung Ilhoon! Mind your language!”

Eunkwang shouted from the bedroom and I had to bite back my anger as I slowly explained to him that I only wore it for a few seconds. I was half in the morning when there’s a knock on the door. I wore the first thing that caught my eyes and it was this current jacket that Ilhoon owned. It was nothing special, really. Not expensive, not imported, not even bought by that special someone on a special occasion. I remember he bought it himself when we went shopping together some time ago. It was this kind of plain black jacket that you could find on any store you came across. Sungjae looked at me with guilty look and I only remained calm.

“Still, hyung! Argh, this is so annoying!”

Hyunsik walked over to him and calmed him down, trying to tell him that it was not a big deal. At least it’s still in a perfect condition. Ilhoon then stomped his way back to our bedroom angrily, throwing away the said jacket. Hyunsik followed suit, and told me he’s going to take a shower then headed to bed. I only nodded and I pulled my hair back.


“Hyung, I’m sorry he’s mad at you… I should have- “

“Let’s just go to sleep, shall we? We have vocal practice tomorrow.”

I smiled and left Sungjae alone in the livingroom. I peeked over my shoulder to see him pick Ilhoon’s jacket up, the one that he wore earlier and hugged it. I could still see a sad look on his face. I sighed, turning around to meet a questioning Eunkwang, but I told him to forget about it and let’s just go to sleep, and not so long Sungjae entered the room and climbed up to his bed.



First chapter is up!! ^^

Not sure if it's good enough, but I'm trying my best~~ please comment and subscribe.

Thank you :3



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lowithkey #1
Chapter 1: i need the next chapter:(
Chapter 1: Please update this. Don't just abandon it. :´(
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 1: Aww.. Ilhoon is such a meany.. but I'm loving it! XD
I'm also having some MinJae feels now, thanks.... wah! That last part just.. Minhyuk is the best!
I hope you'll update soon, really want to read more! :)
JongKeyTaoRisIlJae #4
Chapter 1: I love it!! <3 <3 <3
xoxogossipgoat #5
Chapter 1: I really like this story!
choi_rick #6
Chapter 1: Aigoo rude ilhoon is hot but i like cute ilhoon more
Please update soon ^^
nice story ^^
Chapter 1: Oh gosh,i hope ilhoon would be a little more polite to Sungjaee..
Maybe in the next chapters Sungjae oppa will melt his cold heart...:(