




The first time she walked into my parlor, I had a bad feeling. People like her are nothing but trouble. She was extremely pretty, stunning even, her skin flawless, plump lips that might be able to rival Angelina’s but I didn’t like her. I guessed she was either a model or someone’s extra marital affair because the pretty ones who come here are either one. She strutted in, carrying a large Chanel purse and commanded everyone’s attention. No matter how much I didn’t like her, she was still a customer and my judgment might be wrong, though that rarely happens.


I got her to sit in front of me, on the cushioned mat I had placed. She took off her sunglasses and straightened her back. She had brown eyes that were fairly large, but I thought her beauty was just that, a pretty face.


“Hello,” she said, voice tinged with nervousness. “I’m here to ask about some things.”


She spoke really broken Korean, messing up sometimes with a few words of Japanese and English. She sat holding her bag against her, clutching the strap tightly. Her posture was so tensed and it just confirmed that she had something to hide.


“Hello,” I said in Japanese, if that’s the language she’s comfortable with. “You have some trouble in life and wish to seek for spiritual advice right?”


“Oh! You can speak Japanese!” she exclaimed, shock overcoming her clean features.


“Of course. Any language is the language of the gods. I presume that there are problems in your love life, maybe something you want to hide,” I said, wanting to get straight to the point. I gestured for her to get on with whatever she wanted to ask.


“I’ll speak in Japanese now since you understand. Sorry about my outburst, it’s just that it’s my first time doing this and I came here under the recommendation of someone. And how did you know what I wanted to ask you about! It’s so scary!” she said, finally smiling ever since stepping foot into my consultation room. Her body was unclenched, now that she knows I’m not a quack.


I shrugged and waved my hands about the air behind me.


“There, behind, the gods tell me. Now you can tell me what’s wrong so I can help you,” I said, getting impatient. There was a whole line of customers out there and even though I charge by the minute, I’ve never liked to see anyone for too long unless they’ve gotten a VIP card from me.


“My boyfriend, you can’t tell anyone, is a really popular celebrity. Recently I’ve been feeling so neglected by him because he’s so busy with his promotions and I don’t get to see him much. And I want us to go public but he won’t! He said it’d complicate things and I asked wasn’t our love enough to conquer anything? That’s why we ended up fighting. I just want to know if all this will affect our relationship. I love him so much and I want to see him everyday,” she said, lips going into a pout. I can see that she really loved her man. The way she speaks, with such vigor and sadness, and resignation. It’s gonna be hard for them to break up, near to impossible.


“There’s nothing much I can do about him and his work, Miss…” I trailed off. She didn’t tell me her name yet.


“Mizuhara. Kiko Mizuhara. Just call me Kiko.”


“Well Kiko, there’s nothing much I can do on his side but the gods told me the endless fighting and distance will just make you guys more separated. I have a charm here that might improve the situation a little, if you would like to see it,” I said, reaching under the table for a bracelet made of cheap string. I presented the thing to her.


“Is this it? Will it keep us from going apart? I’ll take it!” she said, face blooming into hope and hands reaching out for the bracelet.


“Of course, it’s been blessed by the gods. Wear this everyday; don’t take it off at all. It will prevent fights. Tell him to call you at least once everyday and he will. And under no circumstances do you talk about going public,” I warned her, passing over the charm.


“Okay, thank you. If there’s anything else can I come back? I can’t tell anyone else of our relationship,” she said, relief shown over her face. Her hand gripped the charm tightly as she stood up, her hair grazing the side of her face.


“Yes, please do update me on your situation. Payment is made over at the counter outside. Oh and can I have a name card or something to contact you by? In case the gods have a message to convey,” I smiled my best at her. People like her just need some encouragement here and there.


She passed me a slip of paper before thanking me again. I heard her boots click on the wooden floor of my consultation room as I scanned through the piece of paper she gave me. This woman was a joke. She handed me her complete resume with all the things she had done. I was right, she was mainly a model and an actress, known for her role in Norwegian Wood. All I wanted was her name and contact details. Still, I earned another 3400000 won from consultation and 80000 won from the bracelet. All beauty and no brains.




Over the course of the next few weeks, Kiko Mizuhara came a few more times. After her fifth time here, I decided to give the poor soul a VIP status. Basically, she can cut the queue and get a discount of ten percent. I run this business for charity anyway.


Her boyfriend indeed called her everyday and they did not fight once. So she bought a few more charms from me and I introduced her to the more exorbitant ones. She bought whatever I say and give. It isn’t hard though, to lie to her because I’ve seen so many relationships like theirs, and I know what’s going to happen next. But this time, I landed myself in a heap load of trouble without knowing. What I hadn’t seen coming would hit me so hard in the face and I’ll regret ever knowing Kiko Mizuhara. But I didn’t know, so on her her sixth visit, I told Kiko to bring him the next time she comes over. I said the gods wanted to meet him, and to determine if he was worth her time. She was upset when I said that, but promised she’d bring him. Oh how much she loved that man.


I waited and waited for her to come but there was no sign of her. It was like she was gone from the surface of the earth. For a whole month, I haven’t heard from her at all. I continued to serve other customers – a few VIPs and one-timers, mainly actresses. I almost forgot about her until she turned up on a Friday right before I was going to close up. I refused to see her, got my assistants to relay the message but right after I changed into my comfortable clothes, the door opened up, and she burst in.


“Fortune unni!” she called out. She had gotten used to calling me that and though I didn’t like it, I let it pass. I was really annoyed and irritated, it was a Friday night and all I want to do is go home and sleep. Not to mention, Yoona came today with more talk about her boyfriend. Yes, it’s the same Yoona from SNSD but she was treating me like a ing counselor instead of a fortune teller. Though all I say is gibberish, I’m here to feed you crap and not listen to how you are scared the whole ing world knows that you are dating Lee Seungi.


“Oh Kiko, I’m closing soon. Why are you here now?” I asked her as sweetly as I could.


“I brought him here finally! It’s so hard to find a time when my baby’s free so I got him here the moment he’s done for today. I’m not too late, am I? Are the gods angry?” she said. Her hair was tied up today in a short ponytail but somehow she still managed to look clean and pristine. After a whole day being stuck in a room, I wouldn’t dare say the same about my mob.


“No no, it’s fine. Bring him in,” I sighed, settling myself back on the ground as she gestured to the person waiting outside the door. Who was this busy celebrity who’s too damn busy?


I swear to Lord, when he walked in, I know why Kiko Mizuhara was so entrapped.  It’s not the way he walks, but rather the attitude he brought along with him. He was a man who loved himself and oozed confidence from his very fine pores. The tight black shirt, tight black leather pants, slickly gelled up purple hair did it for me. But the way he put his arms around Kiko, making sure every moment at least an inch of their skin is touching, he loved her as much as she loved him.


“This is Jiyong, my boyfriend. Jiyong, she’s the nice fortune unni I’m talking about,” she said, leaning up against him and pushing her s against his arms. Her nonexistent s.


Jiyong slowly removed his sunglasses and eyed me. His eyes told me he didn’t like me and much less trusted me. I raised my eyebrows and flashed him a smile. The mat was in front of the table and they sat themselves down.


“Kiko, your boyfriend seems a bit reluctant about this, maybe even doubting the gods,” I said, eyeing him the whole time. His right eye twitched just a little but you can’t really tell.


She was quick to react.


“No no! Of course not! Baby you promised you’ll behave for me, I’ll reward you later tonight,” she said seductively, running her hands up and down his arms.


I almost gagged when he smirked at me and placed his hands on her thighs, slowly trailing it up.


“Tonight, yes,” he whispered loudly into her ears as if I wasn’t there.


I coughed.


“The gods are watching. And the spirits around too.”


She pushed him off but he left his hand lingering on her thigh.


“Sorry! That was so rude of me. Let’s just start now?”


I looked at her stoically before picking up Jiyong’s palm. His hand was warm and nicely sized, and it was smooth and callused at the same time. Might as well hold it longer while it lasts. I closed my eyes and trailed my finger along the lines, enjoying how his skin felt against mine, and this is the kind of skin Kiko has touching her. To say I was jealous would be an understatement. I finally let go and opened my eyes. Jiyong was glaring at me, quite the opposite from Kiko who was looking at me expectantly.


“Well,” I started. “Here is his love line. See that break in the middle? That signifies an end to an important relationship and there’s the start of another, which is longer, and probably more loving. The question is, which one are you, Kiko? Or are you even important enough to be on his palm?”


Her discomfort was shown when she pushed Jiyong’s hand off her. She loved him and she knew he loved her too, but hearing that either of those two lines might not be her thoroughly left her unsettled. Jiyong immediately pulled her closer to him and held her hand.


“Baby, you know you’re the longer one right? We’re gonna be together forever!” he said, the back of her hand.


“But that means there’s someone else in front of me! And you said I was the first and only you’ll ever love,” she whimpered.


One day, I’ll sew that pretty little mouth of hers shut and cut out her voice box. She needed to shut the hell up.


“I can try seeing which line is yours?” I said, reaching out for her hand. Her hand was hesitant as she placed her palm in mine. I closed my eyes again felt around but this time quickly.


“Oh no, Kiko, you belong to his first line, the shorter one. It is true that you are important to him but when I held your hand, I had a vision. You were in a hospital but he wasn’t there. Maybe then, sometime in the future, this will end,” I told her seriously. “You see here, your love line ends here which is extremely short and there would be no continuation of what sort. I’m so sorry, Kiko.”


“That can’t happen! We love each other so much, maybe my hand is wrong!” she said in total disbelief. She held on to Jiyong hard as if he might leave her any moment.


“Maybe you are just wrong. Or possibly feeding us lies right now,” Jiyong said. This man sure is smart but I’m the one in control here.


“Orh ho! You dare doubt my vision and message from the god? Get out before the gods get angry!” I shouted, pointing to the door. Kiko had her eyebrows furrowed together and tugged on Jiyong who was already halfway up.


“Fortune unni, is there no way to help us? The charms that I buy, they always work, do you have any that are more powerful. I’ll pay no matter the price, please tell the gods I mean no offence and they need to help me,” she begged.


“I can’t change fate, Kiko. Even the gods can’t. But if you love him that much, I guess I have something that’s been passed down from generation to generation. Because I consider you a friend, I’ll sell it.”


I produced a bottle of flower wine from the cupboard behind me.


“This is a love potion that the a mighty shaman from the Joseon era passed to my family. You and him, drink a small cup each everyday. I can’t guarantee anything because love potions are tricky but that’s all I can do.”


I pushed the bottle towards her which she took gratefully.


“Thank you fortune unni! Thank you! Baby, stay here while I make the payment outside.”


She planted a kiss on his cheek before walking out of the room.


Finally, it’s just Jiyong and me.


“Fortune unni? Love lines? Love potion?” he scoffed. “Are you sure you even know what you are doing?”


“Jiyong, Jiyong, Jiyong. How can you say that? What if your girlfriend hears you, aren’t you scared. What if she takes back her offer of pleasure tonight? You have such a horrible personality you know, I wonder how you achieved so much success on your recent album,” I said. Kiko Mizuhara let that slip on one of her visits. My baby is so amazing! I’m a proud girlfriend!


“That’s our business and I’d rather you not meddle with us anymore. And stop cheating Kiko with your lies. Because you’re her… Friend.


I laughed.


“Because I’m her friend I’m helping her. But to be fair, she was the one who came here first, seeking a way for her baby to call her every night. Don’t you think you should be reflecting upon yourself?” I asked him, opening a bottle of flower wine for myself.


He looked at me questioningly while I chugged down the liquid.


“Do you want some? It’s good for quenching thirst too. I’m just drinking this so my love would come to me,” I said, when Kiko came back in.


“Fortune unni, thank you! I’ll drink this tonight,” she said, waving the bottle in the air. Jiyong stood up and held her hand. I sent them out together, preparing to leave too. I locked up the doors after them when Kiko came running back.


“Fortune unni! You’re going home now right? Do you want a ride?” she smiled at me, her hair out of her ponytail. Standing beside her, I realized she was pretty short for a model. Crazy people.


“Call me Yool now, we’re outside. But I have my car so I’ll go back myself,” I said, pointing to the red Mini Cooper I owned.


“It’s late, just collect your car tomorrow, come on!” she said, linking her arms through mine and pulling me with her. I was being ing dragged along to one hell of a ride filled with endless PDA and boy was I correct.


Throughout the whole journey, I feared for my life. Jiyong could barely take his eyes off her and focus on the road. His hands were everywhere on her, wondering inside her short skirt too, taking it like I’m transparent. His whispers of I love you were loud enough and her giggles escalate every time the car stops and he leaned over to smooch her. She too had her hands on his thighs, rubbing up and down the whole time, and sometimes dangerously near to his ing .


My god.


When we reached my house, I was so relieved when I realized I left the keys in my car. The gate won’t open up at all. I called up Byunchul, the ahjussi who worked for me so he could allow entry into the driveway.


“You live here?” Kiko asked. “It’s so grand, I’ve never been to a house this big!”


I thanked her, and of course Jiyong, for being such nice people and basically slammed the door in their faces without looking back. I opened the door to my own house and Byungchul was already waiting for me inside.


“Miss, you’re back. A rough day maybe?”


“Yes. And please, leave me alone for the night. I’m not going back to the parlor tomorrow so close that for a day,” I said, dismissing him as I climbed up the stairs to my own bedroom. Ah! My car!


“Byungchul! Send my car back from the parlor, I left it there,” I ordered.


“Yes, miss,” he shouted from downstairs.



Oh Byungchul, the trusty man my parents left for me.




A/N: Happy Lunar New Year from me! Thank you for your support! ^^





G-Dragon and Yoon Yu Ri, who will end up wrecking who?






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Chapter 3: I'm loving this story almost as much as I love "Wreck"!!!!
Stella112 #2
Chapter 3: I can't wait for next update ^^ this is cool !
JiYong_JaGi #3
Chapter 3: omg this is getting better~!! i love it!!
Ashleybswt #4
Chapter 3: I can't wait to see jiyongs reaction
gulserin00 #5
Chapter 3: update more
JiYong_JaGi #6
Chapter 2: i love this story~!! seems quite cool~!!
lovis89 #7
Chapter 2: wow this story is so cool
Mrsz_Ivy #8
Chapter 1: Just came across this story and your intro got me hooked! I can't wait to for the next update, as well as your future stories. Good luck!

Chapter 1: Nice start for a new storyline :) I love ur stories and this one is really starting off well. I wonder what her story is all about. The suspense is great! Thanks for sharing ^^