



Jonghyun sighed when he heard his stomach grumble for the third time. He got up from the couch he was sitting on and made his way to the kitchen.

He heard Taemin, his housemate, come in after him. He took out the milk cartridge from the fridge, the only thing in the fridge, and uncapped the cardboard box.

"Hey." Taemin said.

Jonghyun turned around and took a huge mouthful of milk directly from the bottle.

"That expired 2 days ago." Taemin said, and Jonghyun immediately spat out the huge mouthful he had drunk.

"Oh god! You should have told me before I drank that. I could have died!"

Taemin just shrugged his shoulders.

"Whatever. I'm going to Minho's place; he is bound to have some food." Jonghyun said, putting his coat on.

"I'm coming with you. I have something to tell you all."





"You know, Minho, if you weren't there, I am sure I would have been there somewhere starving on the streets." Jonghyun said between mouthfuls of the spaghetti Minho had cooked.

Taemin rolled his eyes at that. "So the main purpose for this little gathering is because of our sinking financials." he said as he pulled out his old and battered laptop from his back pack.

"What about it?" Kibum asked as he entered the living room with a glass of water and set it down in front of Jonghyun on the coffee table.

"As you can see, all of us are in desperate need of money." Taemin said slowly.

"No , Sherlock." Jonghyun said. "Even after three part time jobs my education loan isn't half covered."

"I need new cooking equipment too." Minho said thoughtfully. "I can't keep borrowing stuff from the others during classes."

"My point exactly. So..." Taemin said as he gritted his teeth and pressed the dysfunctional enter key on the laptop.

"So?" Kibum asked.

"So," Taemin looked up, "Wanna make some easy money?"

"Hell yeah!" Jonghyun said enthusiastically.

Minho raised an eyebrow at that, but nodded anyways.

"What's the catch?" Kibum asked. He knew Taemin was onto something the moment he had entered the apartment.

"It might be a bit difficult." Taemin said hesitatingly.

"And why is it gonna be difficult?" Minho asked.

"It...It involves robbing." Taemin said as he bit his lip nervously.

They were sounds of protests from both Minho and Kibum saying how it was bad and they shouldn't even be thinking about such things.

Jonghyun just stared at Taemin thinking deeply about the proposal.

"From whom?" Jonghyun finally asked, breaking the silence that had taken place after the little outburst.

"Lee Jinki."

"You mean the genius guy who was in the news for developing that popular anti-theft software?" Minho asked.

"Yup. That's our guy." Taemin nodded.

"Why him?" Jonghyun asked as he took a sip from the now warm glass of water.

"Because...because he ing refused to have an interview with me for the school paper. He ing turned me down, and I don't like that one bit." Taemin fumed.

"So this is all revenge?" Kibum asked disbelievingly.

"Yes and also if he even loses a few thousands it’s not going to affect him, he effing has so many businesses. And that software just turned him from rich to stinking rich. He donates so much to charity; we taking a million from him won't affect his financial state at all. And think about all the things you can do— Jonghyun Hyung, you can pay off your debts; Minho Hyung, you can buy all the equipment you need and Kibum Hyung, you can enroll yourself into the finest acting theatre." Taemin pleaded.

There was a silence, each thinking about the proposal deeply, contemplating their needs, wants and desires.

"Okay so how are you planning to steal from him?" Jonghyun asked an excited gleam in his eyes.

Taemin smirked. He had won Jonghyun over. "I would obviously need help.” He said, “Help from each one of you.” He straightened up. "A guy like him has got to keep some cash at home. We have to plan out how the heist takes place." Taemin said.

"What if we get caught?" Minho asked. “No one is going to hire a chef with a criminal record."

"We won't get caught. You can trust me on that."

"And how can we trust you on that?" Kibum asked as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"I...I know what do to. I know exactly how to steal from him. I have a plan."

"And what is that plan?" Jonghyun asked.

"Like I already said- we’ll be stealing from his house. He’s filthy rich, and to run a mansion he must have a large amount of bucks piled up in his wardrobe or some safety vault, right? That large amount is maybe nothing to him…but to us it can mean a lot.” Taemin explained. “I got to his doorstep easily by mentioning my interview; but I couldn’t go past the door. Using an excuse, we need to get inside and do what we are supposed to.” He concluded, smirking.

"So you want us to steal from him right under his nose?" Kibum asked with disbelief.

"Yes-I want you to steal from him, but not under his nose. From what his secretary told me this morning, he isn't in town and will only return after a week or so." Taemin clarified. "So are you all in? You won't regret it one bit, in fact you'll be happy at the end." Taemin said as he looked at the three blank faces staring up at him.

There was silence at first but then the three of them nodded slowly, and Taemin grinned triumphantly.

"Okay. So how do you want us to help you?" Minho asked.

"It seems they need a helper for the mansion. A domestic cleaner. So one of you could go under the guise of a cleaner and get us the details of the house."

"And why don't you do that yourself?" Jonghyun asked Taemin.

"Because they already know my face, name and address and everything because of the letter I had written to Jinki for the interview. And I have to write my thesis so I can't go."

Kibum gave him a pointed stare; he knew Taemin was hiding something.

Taemin smirked lightly before he continued, "And Jinki only hires women."

There was an outrage from Kibum. "OMG! Is he a sick ert or something!!"

Taemin shrugged. "So I need one of you to dress up as a cleaning lady and get me the details. And you can't back out now I have your consent recorded." and he waved his phone in front of them.

There were some disapproving grunts and groans and calling Taemin names.

"You can leave me out of this." Minho said after a while. "I'd give away the disguise the moment they see me. I mean no girl is this tall." He pointed to himself.

Taemin nodded, understanding Minho's point. He turned towards Kibum with expectant eyes.

"Don't look at me like that!! And no, I am not going to dress up as a girl." and he narrowed his eyes angrily at Taemin.

"Hey! I'm not going to let anyone else see Kibum dressed up as a girl!" Minho said angrily, which made Kibum blush.

"Anyone else?" Taemin asked taken aback. "I knew you people were into weird stuff."

Minho just glared at Taemin and he turned his attention to the last one remaining, Jonghyun.

"And you are our only hope." Taemin said using his best puppy eyes at Jonghyun.

"Get lost! Have you ever seen such a muscular girl?" and Jonghyun flexed his biceps to prove the point.

"He has the perfect height." Minho said in approval.

"And he has a small waist for a guy, just like a girl. And he is curvy!" Kibum said excitedly.

"Excuse me but I'm still here, and I do not agree with that." Jonghyun pouted angrily.

"Come on Hyung! You'll get extra money for that." Taemin pleaded.

Jonghyun's ears stood up at that. "Extra money?"

"Yes. It seems the pay for the workers is high. And hence they select very few of them."

Jonghyun chewed on his inner cheek in deep thought, contemplating the idea. He sighed; the extra money thing had won him over. "Okay, fine I'll do it."

There was a cheer in the room. Taemin turned around his laptop for the other three to look at the screen. "That's Lee Jinki."

"Seriously Tae?" Kibum asked as he looked at the picture of the back profile of a blonde.

"That’s the only picture of him available on the net. He doesn't make much media appearances. According to the site, this is the only recent photo of him." Taemin shrugged.

Kibum sighed. He turned to Jonghyun, "Come Hyung, let's get you dressed for tomorrow." he said as he jumped off the couch excitedly.

"Tomorrow?" Jonghyun blurted out.

"Well he is away for only a week, so we have to start preparing from today itself. And tomorrow I'll take you to his mansion." Taemin said.

Jonghyun sighed as he let himself get dragged by Kibum to his bedroom.

After a good whole 15 minutes or so Kibum walked out of the room, a triumphant smile fixed on his face. "I present to you Junghee." he said excitedly.

Taemin fell down from his chair while laughing after he saw Jonghyun walk in.

Jonghyun was wearing a wig, the hair tied up in a high ponytail. His lips were adorned with dark red lipstick, and pink blush highlighted his cheeks.

"Oh God, Hyung! You look like one of those hookers from behind the university." Taemin said in between fits of laughter.

Minho pulled Kibum towards himself, "That was my favorite wig. It looked so good on you."

Kibum blushed at that, and Taemin gagged. "TMI TMI." He screamed.

Jonghyun ran to the mirror that hung in the living room. Kibum had a mirror in every single room, even the kitchen. No one questioned him, fearing that it would scar their minds.

"What the Kibum!!!" He exclaimed. He should have known when Kibum refused him to look at himself after he was done with the makeup and brought him outside. "I seriously look like those hookers from behind the university!!"

Taemin snickered at that.

"How do you know about the hookers behind the university?" Kibum questioned Taemin, raising an eyebrow.

"It’s nothing." Taemin laughed nervously.

Kibum raised both his eyebrows at that. "Don't tell me Jonghyun is spoiling you."

"Who is spoiling who?" Jonghyun asked as he turned around, wiping the lipstick off with his sleeve. "He was the one who took me there." and he walked off to Kibum's room.

Kibum gave Taemin a pointed stare.

"Oh Man, what the hell! I'm human; I have needs too! You have Minho Hyung so you wouldn't understand!! Just leave it okay!!" Taemin fumed.

Their small banter was cut short when Jonghyun walked in again.

"Wow Hyung, I mean Noona." Taemin grinned.

Minho and Kibum were rendered speechless when they saw Jonghyun.

Jonghyun wore another wig; this one had long honey brown hair that matched his own hair color. He had wiped off the blush and lipstick, but the remnants of them give him a minimum make up look, making him look beautiful.

"Let the action begin." and Taemin winked at Jonghyun.




"We are here." Taemin said as he and Jonghyun stopped in front of the large black gates of the mansion.

"I'll definitely be caught the instant I open my mouth." Jonghyun said as he tucked his hair behind his ear, a nervous habit.

"No you won't." Taemin said as he squeezed his Hyung's shoulders. "All you have to do is talk in a higher pitch and everything will be fine."

"Don't blame me if I am not much of a help."

Taemin shook his head. "Now go." he said and pushed Jonghyun towards the gates not before squeezing his .

"Hey!" Jonghyun said as he narrowed his eyes at Taemin.

"Best of luck." Taemin winked at him and left for his afternoon class.

Jonghyun took a deep breath as he pushed the gates open. He looked around, seeing if any security guard would come running, stopping him from entering; but none came.
"Here goes nothing." and he entered.

After walking—stumbling would actually be right word considering that Jonghyun stumbled more than he walked in those heels—through the garden that led to the mansion, he came to a stop when he saw a man crouching down, cutting the bushes.

Seeing his muddy overalls and gloves and the various scissors/accessories that lay beside him, Jonghyun assumed that he was the gardener.

"I thought he only hired women.” Jonghyun thought to himself.

"Hmm?" the man said as he turned around, moving his hair from his eyes.

Jonghyun cursed inwardly, realizing he had just said that aloud. He cleared his throat and justified himself. "I-I was told that he only hired women, but you are here..."

The man got up from the ground he looked Jonghyun once over. "I guess I'm an exception then."

"So what brings such a beautiful lady here?" he asked as he removed his gloves.

"I heard a cleaner was needed." Jonghyun said as tucked his hair behind his ear.

"Ah, you'll have to talk to Mr. Shin then. He is the head butler."

"Where can I find him?" Jonghyun asked, trying to sound as girly as possible.

"He is inside. I can take you to him." he offered.

Jonghyun nodded and followed the gardener into the mansion.

It was a huge one, with white marble flooring and a huge chandelier hanging off the ceiling. The gardener led him up the staircase that was just opposite to the entrance.

After walking by a few rooms, four to be exact, they stopped in front of a door, the last door, and the man knocked on it twice.

An old man opened the door, dressed up in a black suit, a dusting cloth in his hand. He had a puzzled look upon his face when he saw who had knocked the door.

"She is here for the job, Sir." the gardener gestured towards Jonghyun.

The butler raised his eyebrows, as he slowly nodded.

"I'll leave her in your care. And now if you'll excuse me..." and he left not before smiling reassuringly at Jonghyun.

After the general procedure of asking the details and experience of Jonghyun—which were all lies—the butler said he could start from tomorrow. Today he would give him the round of the house and explain to him what he had to do.

Jonghyun couldn't believe his ears when the butler appointed him. He felt relief seep in after the butler's acceptance, but he still felt a bit uncomfortable around him.

The butler showed him around the house and Jonghyun made a mental note of everything.

After the explaining was done Jonghyun was dismissed.

On the way out he was stopped by the gardener.

"So did you get the Job?" he asked.

Jonghyun nodded.

"We should introduce ourselves now that we are colleagues." He ungloved his hand and held it out. "I'm Kang Maru."

"Junghee." Jonghyun said as he shook the warm hand of the gardener.

"It's a cute name." the gardener smiled, a smile that left Jonghyun speechless.

Jonghyun was taken aback; he looked at the man in front of him again. His brown hair looked lighter in color due to the sun and his milky skin got a glow due to the sun.

"So I'll see you tomorrow then." and Maru loosened his hold on Jonghyun's hand.

Jonghyun hadn't realized that they were still holding hands and immediately let go when he felt Maru squirm his hand.

He nodded back, embarrassment painting his cheeks a warm pink and he excused himself before he could embarrass himself further.




All of them were gathered in Minho's place again to discuss the plan further. Jonghyun had told them everything he had seen.

Taemin sat in a corner making a blue print of the mansion based on Jonghyun's rambling.

And Kibum kept staring at Jonghyun, "You are hiding something aren't you?"

"N-nothing." He blushed at the remembrance of the gardener.

"Spit it out right now, you over grown puppy!" Kibum exclaimed.

"It's just that, you know Tae said that he hired only women, but there only three other workers there apart from me… and they are guys."

"And who are these guys?"

"A butler, a cook and a gardener."

They heard Taemin snicker and immediately the attention was directed to Taemin.

"What happened?" Jonghyun asked.

"Nothing." Taemin hummed. He handed the blue prints to Jonghyun, "See if I’ve got them right." and he flopped down in between Jonghyun and Kibum.

"It's correct, only that there are total 8 rooms not 7 on the first landing and 6 on the second. Oh and there isn't a balcony in Jinki's room but the one next to it." and he handed the papers back to Taemin.

Taemin immediately corrected his mistakes. "Entering the mansion is easy, as there aren’t any security guards. Entering Jinki’s room would be a feat."

"Yeah, I'll try to get more information about that as soon as possible." Jonghyun said as he got up. "I'm tired. We'll talk tomorrow." and he left with Taemin.




The next day when Junghee walked into the garden she was greeted by Maru again.

The gardener stopped whatever he was doing and walked to her. "Where art though headed to my fair maiden?" he asked as he gave her a rose.

A blush spread across Jonghyun's face as he accepted the rose. "What?" he asked, not quite understanding the gardener’s words.

The gardener chuckled at that and replied, "Nothing I just asked where you were headed to?"

"Oh. I have to change into the uniform and then begin work." He looked at Maru and frowned. "You don't have one."

He shrugged, "It would get dirty and I didn't want to go under the hassle of washing it every day."

“Ah.” Jonghyun nodded in understanding. "So I'll see you around then." he said as he left the pleasantly uncomfortable company of the gardener.

Jonghyun had started cleaning from the second floor. He never knew cleaning and dusting things could be so tiring. But he had to keep going, Jinki's room was the last one on the 1st floor and he had just started cleaning the 1st floor.

After an hour or so, Jonghyun didn't understand how time fled by so fast, when he was about to enter Jinki's room, Maru stopped him.

"Hey." He called out to him as his hand was already on the doorknob, Jonghyun turned pale and he turned around immediately. "Mr. Shin is calling us down for lunch." He said.

"They give us lunch here?" Jonghyun asked, the mention of food making him realize how hungry he was.

The gardener chuckled at that. "Yeah they do. So are you coming? I do insist you come, you look famished."

"I..." Jonghyun stared longingly at the door in from of him. "Okay." he sighed and retreated from the door.

"You know you look beautiful with your hair tied up like that." Maru said as he glanced at the disheveled bun Jonghyun had tied up his (fake) hair in, while they walked down to the kitchen.

"The butler- I mean Mr. Shin said that my ‘hair must be tied up at all times as he does not want any stray hair fallen here and there’." Jonghyun said with a shrug.

"Hmm but I think when you leave your hair open you look the best." Maru said as he tucked her hair behind her ear for her.

Jonghyun blushed at. He didn't even know why. They weren't even his real hair anyway.

Lunch was a blissful affair for Jonghyun. He loved how the conversation flowed like water between him and Maru, and how Maru would laugh so heartily at every stupid-more along the lines of lame-jokes he made. He would be lying if he said he didn't like the attention Maru paid him. It had been a long time since he felt like this, and he liked it. Dressing up as a girl wasn't that bad after all, he thought.

After lunch he was about to go back to clean Jinki's room when Mr. Shin stopped and put him to work in the living room.

And hence the next few days nothing much productive was done apart from the fact that he got to spend some more time with Maru. They even exchanged numbers and would even talk to each other outside of work.

There was nothing much valuable lying around the house like ancient or Chinese jade vases nor any secret vaults behind the paintings that hung around the house. And hence he figured that everything valuable would most definitely be in Jinki's room.

Whenever he would try to enter the room, in some way or the other he would be stopped; and he would go home with no information resulting in a disappointed Taemin.

On the other hand, it looked like Kibum was more interested in finding out the relationship between the gardener and him, and kept shooting questions at Jonghyun and had tried to catch a glimpse of Maru by following Jonghyun, but to no avail.

Jonghyun was deep into work—today’s schedule being cleaning the first floor bathrooms. After he was done he did not leave but leaned on the sink, took out his wig for a breather and ruffled his hair angrily.

Another day wasted.

He was frustrated.

Not only because he hadn’t been able to get into Jinki’s room and hence the wealth; but also because he had been lying to Maru.

At first it didn’t matter…but now it did.

After a couple of sleepless nights, excited mornings and heart-fluttering days, he knew he had genuinely fallen for the kind gardener.

How would he react on knowing that the beautiful lady he smiled at and presented a flower with a cheesy line every day, was actually a not so very handsome guy?

He sighed, "You are so screwed aren't you, Kim Jonghyun?" he said to himself.

"Hey Junghee?"

Jonghyun froze at the voice. He so knew who it belonged to.

"Junghee?" the voice asked again, stepping in to reveal the kind face of the one Jonghyun fancied.

Jonghyun stood there dressed in his maid uniform, with his wig in hand, shocked. He saw the growing shock on Maru’s face and instantly blurted out. "I-I can explain. Please hear me out."

Maru blinked, and looked at Junghee for a while before nodding.

Jonghyun hesitated, but feeling Maru’s questionable gaze on him, he sighed and told him everything.

Every little thing.

About how his friends and him were in a financial crisis and how they were going to steal a not-so-large amount from the young entrepreneur Jinki.

All throughout Maru only nodded, absorbing every single thing Jonghyun was revealing to him.

"But Jinki is going to come back in two days and I haven't even done the main thing of the plan. I don't even have a clue about where in Jinki’s room is the stash."

"Jinki is going to come back tomorrow; I just over heard the cook and Mr. Shin talking." Maru said.

". That means we have only tonight-" Jonghyun stopped short, pursing his lips as he glanced nervously at Maru. Maru had been quite emotionless during his explanation and he did not know what he thought of it.

"You should have told me before." he said. "I know this place like the back of my hand, I've been working here since I was 5." he said.

"You've been working under Jinki for such a long time?" Jonghyun asked, taken aback.

"No," Maru chuckled and ruffled Jonghyun's hair, "Before Jinki, this mansion was owned by someone else; it seems Jinki worked here and was very close to the old man, after he passed away, Jinki inherited the place and it's workers— I took my father’s place as the gardener."

"Oh." Jonghyun said as he arranged his disheveled bangs. Over the few days that he had gotten to know Maru, he realized Maru was a straight headed person and very loyal; and hence may not support him because of that. "So, um, are you going to tell Jinki about me?" Jonghyun asked, fear and panic making his eyes go wide.

"Don't worry, I won't tell your little secret to anyone, in fact I will help you." he said as he pulled Jonghyun closer and kissed him gently on the lips, reassuring him that he meant no harm.

Jonghyun froze at the contact—blinked multiple times—trying to make out what, how and why it happened.

"What's your name though?" Maru’s voice broke his daze.

"J-Jonghyun.” He stuttered, feeling his cheeks go warm.

"So Jonghyun you don't need to worry I'll help you through this." Maru said, taking the wig from Jonghyun's hand and adjusting it back on Jonghyun’s head.

"By the way has anyone ever told you that you make a beautiful girl?" he smiled warmly. "Come let's go down for lunch." and he pulled a furiously blushing Jonghyun out with him.

After lunch it was decided that Maru would keep Mr. Shin busy in the garden, and Jonghyun would do whatever he had to do.

Jonghyun finally entered Jinki's room, took a few photos and searched for a vault or hidden locker, etc. He searched everywhere in the room and upon finding nothing he opened the cupboard.

And there in the last shelf was a vault, with a screen to type in the pass code. He took a few photos of the vault and shut the cupboard quietly.

He took one look at the mess he had made of the room and started clearing it up. After these few days of cleaning and dusting he couldn't stand if things were untidy and out of place;  and that was the reason why Taemin was happy whenever he came back home to find it neat and tidy.

After he was done he slipped back into the bathrooms he was cleaning before.

On the way to the station, Jonghyun told Maru that he would call him in a few hours and tell him the rest of the plan.




"You freaking told everything to Maru?" Kibum exclaimed.

"Couldn't help it! He caught me red handed. And those," he pointed to the phone on which Taemin was going through the photos, "are here only because of his help!"

"I can't believe that you are so blinded by this so called love to trust a stranger, what if he rats us out?"

"No he won't! Just trust me on that. He said he would even help us get inside." Jonghyun said in a defensive tone.

"Call him up." Taemin said as he passed on the phone to Minho. "And tell him we'll meet him outside the gates, and we'll need all the help he can give us." his eyes gleamed excitedly.

The four of them went to the mansion that night, talking excitedly to each other. If anyone would have seen them they wouldn't have believed that these four were out to rob someone.

They reached the gates to find a young man in unkempt clothes leaning at the wall, waiting. He looked up to find Jonghyun and the three that followed him.

“Um, guys, this is Maru.” Jonghyun shyly introduced him.

The three introduced themselves to Maru briefly.

Kibum smiled playfully as he looked from Maru to Jonghyun. He stepped closer to Jonghyun and whispered, “I approve of him.”

Jonghyun blushed at his statement. Kibum chuckled and stepped away. The one who had caught Jonghyun’s heart indeed was immensely charming. All his negative thoughts about Maru left him as he secretly observed the gardener and his smile grew slightly wider at seeing the obvious way they looked at each other.

Taemin took out gloves from his satchel and asked them to put them on. “Let’s try to leave as less evidence as possible…just in case Mr. Jinki is in a cranky mood and decides to alert the police about the loss of his not-so-important household funds.”

Maru led them through the garden to under the balcony beside Jinki's room. "Jinki is coming back tomorrow and the cook and butler must be roaming around busy with his arrival preparations." he said.

"So how are we going to get up there?" Kibum asked.

"By climbing this." Maru patted the mango tree beside him.

"Seriously?" Kibum asked.

"Yup seriously." Maru said as he climbed on to the nearest branch and held out his hand for Jonghyun.

"Won't it break under our weight?" Kibum asked, biting his lip in worry.

"It won't."

And they climbed up the tree with a lot of complains from Taemin and not Kibum.

"Oh god! I never imagined myself doing this! The hell! All this should be worth the little revenge I planned for you, Lee Jinki." Taemin kept muttering under his breath.

They all jumped into the balcony. "So how are we supposed to get in?" Kibum asked as he raised his eyebrows in the direction of the closed door in front of them.

Maru walked to it and turned the knob, "I told Jonghyun to leave the door open when he cleaned the room previously today."

Jinki’s room was very small in comparison to the mansion he lived in. Minho and Kibum stood guard at the door whereas Jonghyun and Taemin headed for the vault in the cupboard, Maru a step behind them.

“Don’t touch anything.” Taemin announced to everyone. “There might be an alarm in the most unexpected place.”

As Taemin opened the cupboard and started examining the vault, Minho turned, “I still don’t get it how we can rob the genius who is the maker of the number 1 anti-theft software.”

“I admit he is a genius, and indeed his software is the best out there. Even I use it on my laptop and phone, but it has small yet major flaw, hyung.” Taemin said, smirking. “It has a strong program behind it; it prevents overwriting of files and doesn’t allow any external device to connect or interfere with its processing. Ease of use, cheap, highly efficient…and blah blah blah. It’s perfect except for one aspect—the number of times you can type in the password. Usually on typing in the wrong password the device switches on self-destruct mode or blocks entries after a certain number of trials…but here, the number of trials are unlimited and no self-destruct mode exists. I can type in all combinations till I get it right.”

“Oh.” Minho said, understanding. “But we don’t have the time to type in every combination possible.”

“I know.” Taemin said thinking.

“Birthdate?” Jonghyun suggested.

“I don’t think a genius will go for such a lame password.” Kibum scoffed.

Taemin tried it nevertheless. A red cross flashed on the screen and he sighed.

“Hurry up!” Minho said. “I hear voices.”

“.” Taemin cursed. He looked at Maru. “Do any special digits come to your mind?”

Maru shook his head.

“He is a genius…” Jonghyun said, furrowing his eyebrows. He pushed Taemin away and typed in the numerical value of pi. The screen flashed a red cross and he sighed.

“Pi?” Taemin raised an eyebrow. “Seriously?”

“C’mon…he is a genius…someone obsessed with numbers and formulas—”

“Damn! Of course!” Taemin exclaimed, pushing Jonghyun away from the vault. He typed in a few digits and the screen flashed a green tick and the vault snapped open audibly.

“How did you know?” Jonghyun gasped.

“The Fibonacci sequence. I remember him mentioning in an interview that he was quite fascinated by that series and he used to jot it down for fun when bored. It was a minute question and all but it was—”

Jonghyun’s whistle cut Taemin’s gushing. “Look at all the love Jinki’s got in his vault.”

Taemin joined Jonghyun as well and a big grin came over his face. “Sweet.” He motioned Kibum to throw him the bag and soon the amount was secured inside it. Taemin threw the bag back at Kibum and he and Minho set off. Taemin spotted a watch in the vault and threw it at Jonghyun. “Extra payment since I dunno you’ll get your pay or not.” He winked. “Let’s go.”

Taemin ran out as well, leaving only Jonghyun and Maru in the room.

“Um…” Jonghyun started.

“I guess you don’t want to be caught red-handed, right?” Maru smiled, wrapping his hand around Jonghyun and dragging him out hurriedly.

Soon they joined the other three outside and walked to the station, excited.

“I can’t believe we pulled it off.” Taemin exclaimed.

“Me too. This changes a lot. For the good.” Kibum said, smiling, squeezing Minho’s hand.

“It does. Let’s just hope for the good.” Minho replied smiling, pulling Kibum closer.

The three headed stepped back a bit to let Jonghyun have his words with Maru.

“I think it would be better you show up tomorrow.” Maru said softly. “If you don’t, they might suspect you right away.”

Jonghyun nodded. “I will.”

Maru leaned in closer and pecked Jonghyun’s cheek. “Seeya tomorrow, then.” And he turned to go back.

“Maru!” Jonghyun called out, running to him.

Maru halted and turned to face him.

“This would suit you a lot.” Jonghyun said, taking the gold Rolex watch Taemin had thrown at him before, from his pocket. He carefully tied it around Maru’s wrist. “Wow. It does look good.” He smiled shyly.

Maru ruffled Jonghyun’s hair and smiled back.

“Hey!” Taemin called out. “Won’t you come with us? We are gonna divide the money.”

“I don’t need it. I was just tagging along after all.” Maru said. He lifted his hand, showing off the watch. “And anyway, I got all I wanted.” And he grabbed Jonghyun and kissed him softly on the lips before saying goodnight and hurrying away.




The others reached home, divided the stash equally amongst themselves and after a small celebration involving drinks and acting crazy, they called it a night.

But Jonghyun couldn’t sleep.

He had to go to work tomorrow and the quietness of the night filled his mind with every unpleasant possibility of him getting caught.

He closed his eyes and remembered Maru’s smile. A smile crept over his lips as well and he finally let slumber take him to his dreams.




When it was time to leave for work, Jonghyun was panicking around and Kibum had to literally kick him out.

Jonghyun walked to the mansion and got in fairly easy. There was no police and that relaxed him, but there was something else missing that made him fret even more.

Maru was nowhere to be seen.

Jonghyun busied himself in the day’s schedule of work, but his mind still remained in frenzy.

Had Maru been caught? Had he fled? Did he take the full blame and quit?

Where in hell was he?!

He was saved from his agonizing thoughts to only be crushed completely by Mr. Shin. "Sir wants to meet you. He is in his study."

Jonghyun followed Mr. Shin slowly; his panic and fear making him tremble.

"Knock before you enter." Mr. Shin instructed and left.

Jonghyun stared at the door. All kinds of crazy thoughts filled his head and if anything happens he decided to take the full blame and to keep his friends and Maru away from this trouble.

As soon as he entered the room, the big leather chair turned around, revealing a very familiar handsome young man, dressed up in the finest suit he had ever seen.

“Ma-Maru?” Jonghyun squeaked.

“The name’s Jinki, Ma’am.” Jinki smirked. He got up and walked to Jonghyun.

 Jonghyun drew back slowly and soon he was pinned to the wall with Jinki dangerously close to him.

“Like I said, you look prettiest with your hair open, Junghee.” Jinki whispered as he gently pulled out the rubber-band that was holding Junghee’s hair together.

“J-Jinki…” Jonghyun said softly, trying to break out from the overwhelming closeness of the man.

Jinki grabbed onto the struggling Jonghyun, nulling all his efforts. “It’s oppa for you.” He breathed and pulled him into a kiss.




Jonghyun walked home with a red face, cursing himself inwardly yet fanboying inside his head.


Maru Jinki had been so charming and gentle before; but the man that stood before him today was…just…y.

That suit; that smirk; the way he pushed him into a corner, and godammit…that kiss.

And when Jinki had finally excused him after their conversation, he called him back only to wave his hand slightly, showing off the gold Rolex Jonghyun had tied on his wrist the other day.

“Thanks, love.” He had winked.

Jonghyun was dying inside with all his feelings exploding as he remembered every aspect of the man who had changed overnight; and how much he liked it.

He had asked Jinki to help rob his own self, and had tied him the watch he had stolen from him.

Talk about embarrassing.

He shook his head frantically trying to brush off the heat that refused to leave his cheeks as he knocked on Minho’s door.

“How did it go?” Kibum asked him as soon as he was in, and Jonghyun just nodded, the warmness seeping into him again.

Kibum dragged him to the living room where everyone else had gathered.

“Was there any police?” Taemin asked.

“No.” Jonghyun replied.

“Did they ask about it? Is it bad? Are they going to report the robbery?”

“No. No. And no.” Jonghyun sighed. “I have to tell you something, guys.”


“Maru…is Jinki.”

“Yeah, and I am Bill Gates.” Kibum scoffed.

“I am saying the truth! Maru is Jinki!” Jonghyun exclaimed.

Kibum just stared at Jonghyun with disbelief.

“Are you sure?” Minho asked. “Jinki is blonde…and Maru’s hair is brown.”

“Yes. Jinki was blonde 3-4 months ago. Now he isn’t.”

“Really?” Taemin asked, his eyes widening. “Then why was he gardening?”

“It’s one of his hobbies.” Jonghyun sighed. “And he lied about his identity to check the intentions of his new employee.”

Kibum blinked. “You know…I still don’t believe it. Are you sure?”

“YES. Damn, how many times do I have to say it?!”

“.” Taemin cursed. “Then that means we took Jinki’s help to rob himself.”

“Is he…onto us?” Minho asked, seriously.

“No.” Jonghyun shook his head. “Lemme explain. He…He saw through my disguise the moment I entered his mansion.” He started. “He decided to play along…and he ing even took out some money from the bank to place in the vault for our little heist.”

“So…” Taemin furrowed his eyebrows. “He knew we were going to rob him, and he helped us to do so knowing that, and he is not even planning to report us. Why?”

Jonghyun blushed his brightest when Taemin asked him why. And oh, Kibum noticed it right away.

“I see.” Kibum said. “What else did he say?” He asked Jonghyun.

“He said that he knew about the flaw in the software. He could’ve fixed it even, but he decided to release the application just the way it was. He wanted to see who would be able to point it out.” Jonghyun said.


“He told me to tell my little gadget-freak friend,” He said looking at Taemin, “That he is invited to his office for an internship and a follow-up job.”

Taemin’s mouth fell open. “Are you ing serious?!”

“Yes.” Jonghyun smiled.

“Amazing.” Taemin breathed, a big grin spreading on his face.

“All that apart.” Kibum interrupted. “He is letting us off…and seeing how good a businessman he is…what is the deal?” He asked with a smirk.

Jonghyun fumbled with his fingers for a while, the color seeping into his face yet again. “He asked me to move in with him.”

Minho and Taemin’s eyes widened, whereas Kibum’s smirk grew more devious.

“He’s good.” Kibum hummed, “And you said?”

“Yes.” Jonghyun replied softly, turning away from the three.

“I guess you stole a lot more than intended, huh?” Kibum teased Jonghyun before suggesting another celebration.





Taemin had started with his internship, Minho had his new equipment and Kibum was off to his acting classes.

A week later, the three invited the ‘now’ live-in couple for a little get together.


“You know,” Jinki started, “If I ever get into the food business, you’ll be the first one I’ll call, Minho.” He smiled, “Delicious.”

“Thank you.” Minho smiled.

“And…this little genius out here…” Jinki pointed to Taemin who was still hogging down the noodles Minho had cooked, “Complains a lot more than needed.” He gave him a look of disapproval.

Taemin grimaced.

Kibum hit him on his head. “He’s your boss. Where in hell did your etiquette run off to?”

“I wasn’t born with any.” Taemin shrugged. “And anyway, my complaining is what makes the office lively.”

“Enough of all that office talk.” Jonghyun pouted.

Jinki pulled him closer into his arms. “As you wish, darling.” He said, pecking him on his cheek.

Jonghyun blushed but hit Jinki lightly before pushing him away. Jinki smirked, and turned back to Taemin.

I hire only women.” Jinki stated. “That was such a blatant lie.”

Jonghyun’s eyes widened. “Yeah! I totally forgot about that!” He turned to Taemin as well, fuming. “Why did you say that?!”

“I wanted to have some fun~” Taemin sang before running away into the kitchen for his nth helping.

Jonghyun folded his arms, fuming. “That kid.”

“Well, I am glad he lied to you.” Jinki said, getting closer to Jonghyun and wrapping his arms around him.

Minho and Kibum took that as a hint and too disappeared from the room.

Jonghyun saw them leaving and his eyes widened. Kibum winked and raised his hand in a thumbs-up before shutting the door quietly.

Jonghyun turned back to Jinki. “ert.” He whispered, embarrassed. “You played along even after knowing I wasn’t a woman.”

“I was tempted; after all, you were prettier than any woman I had ever seen.” He said, gently sliding his finger on Jonghyun’s cheek.

Jonghyun went crimson at his remark. “Liar.”

“Long open hair is pretty…” Jinki continued, as he drew closer to Jonghyun, “But your short hair with bangs is the iest.”

And before Jonghyun could react to his remark, Jinki had crashed his lips on Jonghyun’s.

They broke up after a heated kiss and a bit more.

“And Jonghyun,” Jinki smirked, as he pushed Jonghyun down onto the couch, “I am glad you robbed me.”


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Chapter 1: Ahhh I'm SCREAMING (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) The feels man! Jongyu never disappoint me!
Chapter 1: i'm also been robbed by your writing skills ^^
so good ><
taemin is such a sly boy..
minho and kibum doing some stuff..
jinki loves gardening and lets jonghyun robbed his heart and assets..
i need more jongyu >///<
aiista #3
Chapter 1: What the hell?! Oh my heart XD I was confused, yes. It's a OnJong story but Jonghyun ended up with this gardener named Kang Maru, and I DIDN'T EVEN SEE IT WILL END UP LIKE THIS. And this is too sweet oh my
Good job for you ehe

This is my way to deal with his death. I hope you dont mind, me commenting about how cute this is and how well you write this when all kpop fans around the world are mourning

Thank you for the story
Chapter 1: wow...this story amazing
love this very much
2030 streak #5
Chapter 1: Wow!!! This oneshot was really awesome author-nims... I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Keep up the good work :)
Chapter 1: Ok. Damn. I am completely and totally head over heels for this story. :)
Chapter 1: This has funny, fluffy, smart, and y rolled into one! Jinki's such a damn gorgeous, sly rascal and Jjong dressing up as a girl is just hilarious! Tho I kept on picturing him as fugly Dorothy rather than pretty Junghee. Lol Nice work, again! ^^
Chapter 1: Waaaaaaaaaaahhh my feeeeeelllllssssssss

This was reslly cute and all... maru wahahaha you sly little liar but they both lied and everything but ended up soooo well ^^

This was great... happy jongyu shipper ^^
ALT_angELF #9
Chapter 1: I know maru was jinki at once he appeared.
I don't know why, maybe because that tantei manga make me more sensitif.
Aaahhh, onew top? It' not bad at all. It's cuteee~!
Taemin is...what should i say?
Talkactive and somehow look manly here in my imagination.
The plot is nice and it melt my heart with each words.
Jinki seems so y in the end.
When he become Maru he is so cheesy.
And the ending is so happy.
They do robbery, but its end nicely.
Can i apply the plot in real life, please?