Words said...

Mission Makeover
Show and Selina called Jolin, Hebe and Ella, and they all agreed to have an all-day pyjamas party in Show’s house.
When Glenn heard about this, she immediately brought them about fifteen cakes from the bakery. And when Show saw this, his eyes twinkled, and he looked like he had come to heaven.
Hebe brought DVDs, Jolin brought snacks and Ella brought sodas. Too much of everything, but who cared.
When they all sat around the TV in the living room, which was the biggest, Ella started talking about Chun.
“…and he’s soooo nice and caring. Guess what, yesterday he…”
“I don’t want to guess,” Hebe mumbled.
“Hey, isn’t there anyone you like?” Ella asked her a bit offended.
“Oh, not really,” she answered.
“But who’re you gonna take to the Christmas ball?” Jolin asked.
“Hmm, I think I’ll take… Lee Wei,” Hebe blushed.
“Ooooooh,” Selina, Ella and Jolin said at the same time.
“WAH~!” Show suddenly shouted.
“What is it?!” Ella half-screamed.
“Didn’t you see that? Eeeew, that was SO disgusting.”
Turned out, Show had been carefully watching the movie while the girls had chatted. They were watching Sleepy Hollow.
“Seriously, Show, would you expect anything else from the Headless Horseman than to cut off people’s heads? What else should he be doing? Oh well, there’s a point where he cuts a man in two, but…”
“You’ve seen it before, Sel?” Jolin asked.
“Yeah, of course. My mom took me to see it when I was eleven. If you can’t take this, then wait for A Nightmare on Elm Street…”
“Is this going to be all horror-films?” Show asked anxiously.
“Uhm, I would definitely like that,” Selina hesitated. The others stared at her.
“What?” she asked.
“You like horror-movies? Then what about, like… more normal movies?” Hebe sat closer to her.
“Oh, I like those too. It’s just that horror-movies have that little extra,” she smiled. Ella gaped.
“Well, if you say it, then let’s watch on,” Show said jollily, and made himself comfortable in the pillows he had spread all over the floor.

They watched the movie to the end without further conversation – except a lot of screaming and “eeeeeww”-ing – before Jolin remembered what they were actually talking about.
“Wait, Hebe – what did you say about Lee Wei? Isn’t it that motorcycle-guy?” she asked.
“If you by ‘motorcycle-guy’ mean that he has a motorcycle, then yes,” Hebe unwillingly answered.
“Well then, have you asked him yet?” Ella demanded to know.
“Yes. I mean no, he asked me. Yesterday, actually.” She blushed again. Selina and Show were busy choosing the next movie.
“Did you answer?”
“Of course, I said yes,” Hebe smiled. Ella and Jolin lifted their eyebrows and smirked.
“Just because he had a motorbike?” Show suddenly broke in.
“My boyfriend has a car! Ha!” Selina .
“No, not because of that!” Hebe defended.
“Oh, I still think so…”
“Well-well, who do you bring then, Jo?” Hebe talked back.
“Seriously?” Ella dropped her jaw.
“Yeah. Why not? He’s a friend of the family, likes to sing too and so on.”
“Wauw,” Selina participated.
“…and the poor man went alone,” Show said in a dramatic voice.
“Oh shut up!” Jolin hit him with a pillow.
“Yeah, and you should talk! You don’t even know what ‘poor’ means,” Selina laughed, and pointed at the big wide-screen TV.
“Well, one can be poor in more ways…”
“I don’t care. You’re going to dance with the prom queen and all the nominees anyways,” she smiled, and picked up a DVD.
“Let’s watch this. It’s a long time since I saw it the last time…”

It was Monday. The school was getting decorated for Christmas, and everyone spoke about dresses.
As Jolin, Selina, Ella and Hebe already had bought theirs, they could relax.
“I just need to know how to do my hair. I want something special, as the dress is quite simple,” Hebe said.
“Your dress isn’t THAT simple!” Show pointed out. In the same moment, Jiro walked over.
“Hey sweetheart.” He hugged Selina.
“Hi Jiro.”
“Ready for the prom?”
“Well, almost.”
Jolin, Ella, Hebe and especially Show decided to ignore them and chat on.
“So, back to my hair…”
Jiro sat down next to Selina.
“Can I come by at your work today? My father’s company has some issues going on with Show’s father’s,” – he glanced coldly at Show without Selina noticing – “and I would love to see how you work. Is that ok?”
“Of course,” she smiled. “I can’t wait for the prom.”
“Great,” Jiro grinned, and walked away, after which Selina was pulled into the conversation again.
“How about your shoes, Sel? We still need to find some…”

Show walked home from school alone. He couldn’t be at work today, as he had too much homework. Leaving Selina at the company didn’t make him feel quite secure, but as she was pretty much independent already, he guessed it was alright.
While walking, he passed the café where he months ago had listened to Jiro’s conversation with his friends. When he passed by, he heard some familiar voices.
“When is he actually gonna do it? He’s been postponing it for a long time already…” he heard Aaron say. Show discreetly looked inside.
“Take it easy, he has to find the right time. When that Show-guy isn’t around the office.” Calvin took a sip of his coffee.
“He actually talked about doing it today. It has to be done before New Year, I think,” he thought it over.
Aaron snorted and drank some more of his liqueur. Show held his breath.
“I still don’t get why it has to be done this way. But it’s his choice, I guess. Selina and Show seem nice though. I don’t know why Jiro has so much against him.” Aaron called the waiter for a cup of coffee.
So the dislike was mutual, Show thought to himself. Well, he had somehow always known it. But still… what was it that Jiro was up to?
“Think, maybe he has made Selina sign the contract now already. Who knows? He looked so happy when he found the loophole in the law that allowed a secretary to sell a company…”
Show immediately got up from his squatting position and started running.

“Hey!” Jiro stuck his head inside of the door. Selina smiled.
“Working hard?” He placed a bag of snacks on her desk.
“Oh no, I can’t eat that.” Selina made a disappointed expression.
“Why not?”
“I have to be fit for the prom.”
“You can’t get fat in such a short time! You’re so thin already,” he smirked. Selina sighed.
“Have you bought clothes yet?” she asked.
“Yes, and I think you’ll like it.” He winked, and opened his backpack.
“Actually, I need your help for this. If you sign it, I don’t have to visit the chairman – to be frankly, I don’t really like him.” Jiro pulled a face and handed Selina some papers.
“What is it?” she asked.
“Just sign it, it isn’t that important,” he demanded.
“No! Don’t do it!”
Show had barged into the room and stood in the door opening. He breathed heavily, but walked directly to the table and ripped the bunch of papers from Selina.
“What are you doing?!” Jiro had gotten on his feet. He flexed his knuckles.
“I knew it. I knew it from the point where I saw you for the first time.” Show tore the papers to pieces and threw them in the trash can.
“Knew what?” Selina was completely confused. What the heck was going on?
The two boys both turned towards her. Show with a glance of sympathy. Jiro with a glance of scorn.
“Selina, this… stay out of it, okay?” Show’s voice turned soft when he talked to Selina. She frowned.
“What is going on?” she asked in a harsher voice. She caught a glimpse of a smirk around Jiro’s mouth, as he turned his head away to look at the ceiling.
Show was mute. His mouth was open like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t find the words for it.
Jiro went to pick up a piece of paper from the trash can.
“How did you find out?” he asked Show. Show looked angrily at him again.
“Like I didn’t know for how long your family has been planning to take over this company. I only needed to collect the last pieces of the puzzle, and two of your friends – unaware that I was listening – helped me solve it. I only didn’t expect you to be jerk enough to do such a thing.” His voice was cold and thick with anger.
Jiro stopped smirking.
“When I saw Selina together with you, I seized my opportunity. My only one. What would you’ve expected me to do?”
“Keep to normal moral, and spare an innocent and naive girl from being exploited. But a snake like you doesn’t think like that, right? Snakes don’t have spines. You suffer from the same problem.”
They stared at each other. Without a sound, Selina took the paper from Jiro.
“Sale contract… No,” she shook her head in deny. This couldn’t be true. He couldn’t do that. Not to her.
“From the start?” she looked at Jiro.
“All from the start. Why else would I have an interest in a poor girl like you?”
Selina could feel the tears take shape in her eyes.
“Just sad I used all my energy and money on this, when your little friend here ruined it anyway.” Jiro took the bag with snacks and threw it disappointed in the can. Selina stood as frozen. She couldn’t believe it.
Jiro had been with her all this time just because… he wanted to take advantage of her? He would have succeeded to make her sell the company if it hadn’t been for Show.
Show, always loyal Show, who now stood and looked at her, his eyes filled with empathy. Would he comfort her this time? Would he stay by her side, like he had done the last time her life had been shattered to pieces?
When she thought back, it had been obvious the whole time.
Jiro had taken her on dates, been nice and caring, but he had never been there when she needed it the most… like Show had.
Jiro had wanted her to get a job, not just any job, but a job at Show’s company.
Who knew what else he had done to make his plan work?
The tears ran down her cheeks. Show touched her arm to comfort her, but she broke loose and slapped Jiro’s cheek.
He looked surprised at her. She suddenly felt a deep anger, it felt good and it felt fair.
“What do you think you’re doing?!” Jiro shouted.
“What do you think YOU are doing? What rights do you have to speak to me? What rights do you have to look at me?!” Her voice became louder for each word she said.
“I trusted you! I thought you meant it. I loved you!” she screamed, and threw the paper at his face. It hit his eye.
“You’re the foolish one to do that. I never promised anything. And what made you think I ever loved you?” Jiro scorned.
“You said it!”
“Words said can never be proved. Contracts signed, however,” he picked up the paper, “tends to last forever. See, I made a rime.” He threw it back at her forehead. She looked down.
“What a shame. All this trouble for nothing. All do to that little mite,” he pointed at Show, who looked like he could at least kill someone.
“You just didn’t throw that,” Show said in a threatening voice.
“You just DIDN’T throw that!” He ran forward and punched Jiro using all of his power. Jiro fell to the floor.
“Show!” Selina held him back. Jiro sat up and touched the bleeding spot where he had been hit.
“He threw paper at you! He exploited you, let you down and taunted you!”
“And he is out of my life. Forever.” Selina’s voice was now cold and drained for feeling, as she looked at Jiro, who now had gotten onto his feet.
“That’s what you think. But it’s not like that,” Jiro suddenly grinned.
Show flexed his muscles again, but Selina stood in front of him.
“What do you mean?” she asked confused.
“You’re still my date for the Christmas ball.”
“Well, that’s what YOU think…”
“And that’s how it is. You’ve already agreed,” he smirked.
“Words said can never be proved.”
“Girls going to prom alone, however, are not popular. And that’s how YOUR plan works, right?”
“I can get somebody else to go with me,” she said insecurely. Her gaze wandered around the office.
“Not in ten days. Unless you take a nerd or your gay-friend here, which would certainly just be weird.”
She sank. He was right.
Show wanted to break in, but couldn’t find anything to say.
Selina looked up again.
“So be it. But I’ll let everyone know what a jerk you are,” Selina decided, and dragged Show with her out of the office after grabbing her bag.
“Snake,” Show whispered to Jiro when he passed him.

Woooooooooh~ ;) long chappie!
Now you know about Jiro’s plan. And it got ruined by… yeah? :b
Selina is sad :(
Please please please comment! Your comments are so amazing, they make me extremely happy :3
- Blitz

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Cecilia-lala #1
Chapter 33: Heeellooo!! I really really loove this story!! :3 It was soo funny to read it! You're such a food (haha I write "food" in place of "good" XD) wrtiter!! I already read one of your fic' Fall in love with my fake gilrfriend", it was such a good fic too!! (I don't write comment to this fic because I'm a lazy girl ^^" sorry, sorry (neaga neaga... Lol :Iknowwerethedooris:) aaah now I'll have this song in the head all
night OTL XD) Anyway, I'll keep read your other fic and (maybe) post comment on it XD

Ps: Show is sooo handsome! *0* I'm a new fan of him. I konw him since 1 month now and I'm like "how can I don't know him for so long, he is really too perfect!"
spring8655 #2
Chapter 21: loved it~
Is there a sequel?? :O