The IT Hunter

Starry Dust Review Shop [OPEN] [HIRING]


Title: 5/5 

The title is short, eye-catching and original. No one else I've seen has that title and it makes readers want to know who is "IT". It's not too long or cliché​ and it completely relates to the story. 


Foreword: 19/20

I really liked how you spread out your description out and you emphasized "it" and "them". I really loved how you kept the description simple and mysterious at the same time, not many writers can do that. Just one tiny mistake I found in the description. 

Distracted by 12 dangerously handsome mysterious boys, you find yourself starting to enjoy living as a normal teen

Should be

Distracted by 12 dangerously handsome, mysterious boys, you find yourself starting to enjoy living as a normal teen


Plot: 19/20

This has to be one of the most interesting fanfics I've read in a really long time. Nowadays a lot of people write pretty mainstream things like arranged marriages and things like that. I like how the main character's not some princess waiting for her Prince Charming. I liked how there was descriptive text especially at the beginning which made the story seem really real to me. Your chapters are straightforward and dramatic at the same time, I just hate it when an author takes up two pages rambling on and on about something totally irrelevant. I didn't get the point of the profile thing about the EXO members, was Abi making a mental note to herself about them? 


Characters: 11/15 

I think Abi has a really cool personality, but like in the profile thing about Lay, Kai, Kris and Suho, how would Abi know that Kris can fly and Suho has water powers? The EXO members are too kind. It's strange that Xiumin offered Abi, --a huntress, someone trying to kill them-- to stay with them for the night with the rest of the EXO members agreeing to it. Tiffany has really good memory, she recognized that Abi's a new student when seeing her other for the first time. 


Spelling and Grammar: 15/20

There are many spelling errors. Before you publish your chapter, you should read and edit your work. I've seen this quite a few times near the beginning of the story but clothe should be clothes. 


Flow and Structure: 15/15

Your story is well structured and the chapters isn't going too fast or too slow, keep up the great work! 


Enjoyment: 5/5

Chapter 12 has to be my favorite chapter in the story! The mean girls are so retarded! I definitely loved the story, I finished it all in less than 20 minutes. Please update often, I've already subscribed. 


Thank you for requesting :) 

If you have any problems please send me a message @ _winter_ 

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Story Title: Temptation: Escape

Story Link:

Reviewer: you of course :)

Characters: Sungjong, Jessica, Exo

Genre: supernatural

Password: galaxysupernova

Thanks in advance and my story has more than 5 chapters so I hope you'll be able to accept my request but if not, I understand, thanks anyways :)
Chapter 3: Thank you very much! Okey, I’ll read over my story and do some editing! ^_^
Title: The IT Hunter


Riviewer: Idk, you?

Characters: OC, Exo

Genre: Undercover, supernatural, sci-fi (some parts maybe)

Passsword: (idk, cuz I can’t see it, accept my request anyways?)
Hey hey, my story is kind of more than 5 chapters (alot more actually 14) i’m sorry!!! But can you please still review it? I’ve gotten a couple other reviews done for that story so i hope you’ll still accept my request.