
An Infinite Day Keeps the Doctor Away

It wasn’t everyday that someone gets sick in Infinite – most probably not Myungsoo anyways.

Yet here was the said guy, wrapping himself in dozens of blankets and trying to ignore his pounding headache and his labored breathing.

“Myungsoo-ah?” It took Myungsoo all his strength to turn towards the speaker. Sunggyu was there standing at his door with a worried expression and a glass of water at hand. “How are you feeling?”

Like was what Myungsoo was about to say but instead his body was wrecked with violent coughs – that made Sunggyu’s frown deepen and immediately ran to his side.

“Hey, hey take it easy.” Sunggyu said in a soft voice before handing Myungsoo the glass – to which he was really grateful because his throat has been killing his since the morning – and proceeded on taking gulps on it.

“I just wanted to say that I and the guys are going now.” Myungsoo nodded before giving the glass back to Sunggyu. “Are you sure you’re fine being alone? I could ask one of the guys to stay.” Myungsoo frowned before shaking his head in disagreement.

“I’m fine really. Just go and you might be late – Hyoan-hyung’s going to scold you all again.” Myungsoo said with much difficulty. Sunggyu looked doubtful at him for a moment before giving him a smile and ruffling his hair before walking out of the door.

It wasn’t until Myungsoo made sure everyone was out before he let darkness engulf him and collapse on the bed.

Myungsoo didn’t know what time it was. But it was probably already noon as Woohyun was standing in front of him holding a tray of food.

“Wake up sleepy head. Eat first before you take your medicine.” Woohyun said in an impossibly soft voice. Myungsoo almost forgot that Woohyun only becomes like if the one he’s talking to is sick or Sunggyu. (Until now the rest of the members are second guessing their relationship since they are impossibly close and – not to mention – it’s like they are different people around each other.)

Myungsoo didn’t say anything – but with much difficulty – tried to sit up. Woohyun only smiled at him before placing the tray at his lap and left after – probably to get his medicine and a glass of water.

By the time Woohyun was back (He was taking too long and Myungsoo didn’t know why), Myungsoo was already halfway finished with the porridge.

“The members called. They wanted to know if you’re already feeling better.” Myungsoo blinked stupidly at him. So that’s why he took so long…

“What do you think?” Myungsoo asked and this didn’t fail in making Woohyun snort.

“Based on that answer I deem you fine. Just take the damn medicine so that I can go – I still have a schedule in 20 minutes.” Myungsoo nodded and proceeded on gulping the pills. It’s already a miracle enough that Woohyun’s there to take care and cook for him and Myungsoo’s not about to cross that line.

Woohyun left a minute later and Myungsoo was back to the calming darkness of sleeping.

Myungsoo was once again woken up in the middle of the afternoon when he heard the familiar boisterous laugh of their one and only Dino-hyung.

“Are you awake Myungsoo-ah? I brought food!” Dongwoo shouted and it reverberated around the dorm before the slam of the door followed it. Myungsoo is now sure pretending to sleep wouldn’t work anymore.

“Well I am now, thanks to you hyung.” Myungsoo grumbled before scooting close to the wall – making space for Dongwoo to sit in on the bed. Dongwoo only laughed good naturally before sitting beside Myungsoo and taking out all the food he brought out of the plastic.

“I was having a photo shoot on a nearby studio and decided to check on you. I won’t be long – got to be back by fifteen minutes.” Dongwoo explained and Myungsoo nodded – accepting the opened sweet bread offered to him with a mumbled thanks.

Dongwoo brightened before patting Myungsoo’s head. “Woohyun was right. You’re already fine, just need more rest. Did you sleep the whole time?” Myungsoo nodded while munching on the bread. Dongwoo smiled one more time before picking another bread for himself.

He stayed for another five minutes before cleaning up and going back to the studio – of course not before making Myungsoo take his medicine once again before letting him go back to sleep.

Hoya didn’t have that much of schedules so naturally he was the first one to arrive back. The whole dorm was basked in darkness that had Hoya thinking Myungsoo was still asleep. He checked at Myungsoo’s room and sure enough – he found a huge lump on the bed.

“Myungsoo-yah,” Hoya softly called. A few seconds passed before he heard some shuffling and the large lump moved.

“Hoya-hyung?” Myungsoo groggily asked. Hoya turned the light on before nearing the bed and sitting on the edge. “You’re back early.” Myungsoo commented before sitting up and releasing a big yawn.

“Want some water?” Hoya offered but before Myungsoo could reply, Hoya was already out of the room. Myugnsoo sighed before waiting for Hoya to arrive – and he did seconds later with a glass of water.

“What is with people and making me drink water?” Myungsoo asked. Hoya laughed before taking the glass.

“It’s because you’re sick and need to drink water as much as you can – And also because it was Sunggyu-hyung’s orders.” Hoya answered and Myungsoo sighed (he’s been doing that a lot that day) once again – already had a feeling it was that way. Hoya ruffled Myungsoo’s hair (they’ve also been doing that to him today) before chuckling lightly.

“You know how that hyung of ours is – too damn overprotective.” Myungsoo chuckled because he damn knew that well – the maknae’s are usually the ones who are the end point of this. “How your feeling?” Hoya softly asked and Myungsoo can’t help but smile because for the rest of the day his hyungs had been really kind to him – well kinder than usual anyways.

“I’m fine already – although my head and throat is still killing me.” Hoya nodded and smiled back at him.

“That’s good enough. Go back to sleep and I’ll wake you up for dinner.”  Myungsoo nodded and waited for Hoya to turn the lights off and went out of the room before he went back to sleep.

It wasn’t Hoya who woke him up during dinner, it was Sungjong.

“HYUNG WAKE UP ITS TIME FOR DINNER!” and he sure was boisterous at doing it.

“Shut up, my head is killing me and your making it worst.” Myungsoo grumbled and Sungjong sheepishly placed his hand in front of his mouth like the girl he is in apology.

“Sunggyu-hyung said to wake you up.” Myungsoo nodded and stood up – making sure to stretch his body and listened to his bones cracking in satisfaction.

“Ah! By the way hyung,” Myungsoo hummed to tell Sungjong he is listening and he felt something hit his head.

“Yah! That hurt!” Myungsoo exclaimed as he rubbed the part where the thing hit his head and bent down to take it up. It was a pack of lemon candy. “… What is this?”

“Lemon candy! To make you feel better.” Sungjong exclaimed with childish glee and Myungsoo was second guessing if he should hit Sungjong or hug him in thanks. Because they all know Sungjong won’t share his precious candy.

“Why would it make me feel better?” Myungsoo asked with an eyebrow raised. Sungjong just laughed at him before walking towards the door.

“Because it’s lemon candy~” Sungjong said in a sing-sang voice and Myungsoo just chuckled – knowing full well that’s how their maknae shows his concern.

It was already in the middle of the night – and Myungsoo was at the kitchen getting a glass of water when the last member arrived back.

“Myung? You’re still awake?” Myungsoo turned to the door and saw Sungyeol taking his shoes off. Myungsoo filled another glass of water and offered it to Sungyeol – who accepted it gratefully before plopping himself at the couch.

“Tired?” Myungsoo asked. And Sungyeol could definitely hear the smile even though he had his back to him. Sungyeol turned to him and growled.

“No thanks to you bastard, I had to do some of your schedules.” Myungsoo smiled apologetically before sitting himself beside Sungyeol.

“Sorry about that. To make you feel better, I’m already fine.” Sungyeol rolled his eyes before grunting. And this didn’t fail in making Myungsoo smile – knowing too well he was already forgiven.

The both of them were surrounded in a comfortable silence as they are staring at nothingness – trying to enjoy each other’s presence after not being able to see each other during the day.

“Are you going back to work tomorrow?” Sungyeol asked while looking back at him. Myungsoo looked back and hummed in answer – while he swept a lock of hair from Sungyeol’s face.

“Don’t. You just got better.” Sungyeol protested and it made Myungsoo laugh.

“Why are you laughing?” Myungsoo could defiantly hear the pout in the voice and this made him laugh harder. He calmed down after a few moments and faced Sungyeol back – who as expected was pouting at him.

“You’re so cute.” Myungsoo exclaimed and pinching his cheeks. Sungyeol flailed his arms around like a octopus and Myungsoo laughed once again – finally letting go of Sungyeol’s cheeks and the said person was rubbing it softly while pouting once again.

Myungsoo smiled softly at the sight before cuddling at Sungyeol’s side. “Thanks for worrying but I’m really fine.” Sungyeol draped his arms at his shoulders and rubbed his head at Myungsoo’s shoulders.

“But still!” Sungyeol whined and Myungsoo chuckled once again before standing up. Sungyeol looked at him in confusion and Myungsoo only smiled – taking Sungyeol’s arms and pulling him up.

“Come on, we should go to sleep. I’m pretty sure you’re tired. We still have a long day tomorrow” Myungsoo said while he pulled Sungyeol to their room.

A/N: Sorry about the ending. I didn’t really know and had any idea how to end it. Despite that I still hope you enjoyed reading this! *^^*

And if your asking, I loved Sungjong's part :)

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Chapter 1: This was cute <3
Chapter 1: aww infinite is so adorable and caring!
MissSecretInspirit #3
Chapter 1: Myungsoo~! Oh the guys are so nice (its like for the first time!) Sungjong and Sungyeol's parts are the best for me! I enjoyed it! ^_^