
The Move

Me: You are correct.

Z: Fo showed me where you'll be living. Trust me, I had to help clean it.

Me: Thanks.

Z: So, how do you like Seoul?

Me: It's big and I'm afraid to get lost here.

Z: HahaHa! Don't worry I'll be with you went I don't have school.

Me: So what school do you go to?

Z: I go to G.I.F.T.

Me: Gift?


Me: What are you majoring in?

Z: Musics, Arts, and Sports.

Me: Wow. That's a lot!

Z: Yeah, but the school's flexible.

Me: I'm sorry if I'm keeping you from you studies.

Z: It's fine. Better to have someone know than missing.

Me:(Well, Z seems nice, but I still feel like a bother. ><)

Z: Here's your room.

Me: Tha-...WHOA! IT'S HUGE!

Z: That's what I said.

Me: When I talked with Fo about having a big room, I didn't mean THIS big!

Z: You should see some of the other rooms.

Me: There's MORE?!

Z: Have you seen this building? She actually owns the whole lot.

Me: 0.0.

Z: Oh, before I forget.*Gestures For Me To Follow*


Z: This is your extra room.

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