Fun at the arcade.

Wait, He's My Teacher? [ DISCONTINUED ]

early A / N : AHEHEM. lemme just get this straight, to all subscribers of this story. sorry to disappoint, but this is a IU + YOSEOB fanfic. NOT a WooU fanfic. IU may be Wooyoung's girl and all, but this is a YOSEOB AND IU fanfic. got it? good. if you have to unsubscribe, i understand. especially if you're a WooU shipper. aha. again, i'm sorry. :(




"You're heavy, umph, how did you gain so much weight?" Wooyoung grunted. He was piggy backing IU down the street, as she was too tired to walk anymore.

"Shut up! I only ate 2 whole bags of chips this week." IU hit him on the head.

"Two bags is quite a lot, Ms Jieun." Wooyoung chuckled. IU put her hand over her eyes.

"Just shut up." She said wearily. The couple reached the mall and inside they walked to the mall's arcade, the place where IU and Wooyoung had their very first date. "Wow, haven't been here in a while have we?" 

"Yuup. Decided to come here again because y'know what? I haven't been to an arcade in FOREVER." Wooyoung laughed and let IU off his back. The eager boy grabbed hold of IU's hand and pulled her inside of the arcade. "Let's play racing!" And who would've known that the two would stay there for the next two hours.




After two hours, the two had played almost EVERY game in the whole arcade and weren't getting tired any time soon. The couple had just finished playing a shooting game, until they came across one of those claw machines. Y'know, the ones that have all those cute toys in them and then you have to use the claw to put it in the square.

Well, Wooyoung, like any other sweetheart boyfriend, just had to get IU a toy. "Uwaah, a claw machine!" Wooyoung chanted as he walked happily over to it. 

"Waah! Look at all the cute Silent Lamb plushies!" IU joined in. ( Silent Lamb is a plush toy from the anime Mayo Chiki, if you didn't know. ) Wooyoung stared at the girl who had diamonds sparkling in her eyes. 

"You want one?" Wooyoung asked while taking out a 50 won coin from his pocket.

"W- what? Me? Oh, n- no! I can't, I'm too old for these-" IU tried to cover it up while blushing. Too late. 

Wooyoung had already inserted the coin. "Which one?" He asked. IU lowered her head, flustered.

"The .. the blue one I suppose .." IU mumbled.

"Arasso." Wooyoung laughed and faced the clear glass. Okay .. steady .. Wooyoung thought while grabbing the plushie. And .. now .. !

"Plop!" The plushie fell back just as it was coming down.

"AW CRAP!" Wooyoung exclaimed with his hands on his head. IU stared at him. She was having a hard time, trying not to laugh that is.

"Wooyoung, it's okay!" IU patted his back. He swatted away her hand.

"I'm DETERMINED to get you one! Look," Wooyoung held out his pinky finger. "I'm promising. Yagsog?"

"No, really, I'm fine-"

"YAGSOG?" Wooyoung repeated loudly. IU stared at him for a few seconds with a slight frown on her face. She then sighed in defeat and held out her pinky.


"Arasso," Wooyoung grinned in victory. "let's do this!" And after a long 20 minutes, Wooyoung finally reined supreme.




"YES! YES, I AM FREAKING KING OF THIS CLAW MACHINE!" Wooyoung brought his arm up like a gorilla would do.

"Yes yes, Wooyoungie, your King and other things like that. Can we leave now? I swear, those workers by the prize counter have been staring at us for the past 5 minutes because you almost tried to bang your head on the glass." IU tucked her new plush toy under her arm and led Wooyoung to the exit of the arcade and brought him outside. 

"That was quite fun though." Wooyoung smiled at the short girl. 

"Yea .. yea, it was fun." IU smiled back and put her hand in his back pants pocket while Wooyoung put his arm around her shoulder. The passionate couple went shopping for another hour and then left the mall to go eat jajangmyun at a Chinese restaurant.

Wooyoung and IU took a seat at a table and the waiter brought tea shortly after. IU poured some for both of them and drank it greatly. "So, are you coming over to my place tonight or what?" IU asked.

"Oh, yea, I can't go back to my house. Noona must be with her boyfriend right now .." Wooyoung shivered, "Yea, mind if I sleep over?" 

"Aha, no problem." IU replied to Wooyoung with a small giggle. Soon, after about 2 minutes, their food came and the two hungry humans ate eagerly and joyfully.

"Ahh! Yummy! ♥" Wooyoung said with a happy voice.

"Agreed." IU wiped with her napkin. She missed a large spot on her cheek. Wooyoung immediately noticed and chuckled. IU soon realized that he was laughing at her. ".. What?"

"Oh nothing. But .. are you a messy eater?" Wooyoung joked.

"What? No, of course not." IU said with scrunched up eyebrows.

."You sure about that?" Wooyoung said with a smirk.

"Yes. Wait, if this is about something on me, what is it?" IU had finally caught on.

"Ahh. Okay. On your left cheek." Wooyoung caved in.

"My left or yours?"

"Yours." Wooyoung answered. IU quickly wiped it.


"No problem, haha." Wooyoung snickered and continued to eat his yummy jajangmyun. After finishing eating, the two headed back to IU's apartment to just pig out.




IU quickly unlocked the door and threw her backpack at the wall. She kicked off her shoes and ran towards the couch like it was heaven. "You're THAT tired?" Wooyoung asked, looking at the girl who now looked a bit like a monster with her messy hair and manmade double chin. 

"Yup. I'd rather just sit here and watch TV." IU replied with a boring tone.

"Ookay. Imma just grab this big tub of ice cream and I'll come over there." Wooyoung said while pulling out the ice cream from the freezer. 

"OH! I WANT SOME. GRAB ANOTHER SPOON." IU exclaimed. The innocent boy was startled by the awoken female. 

"Sure. You scared me a bit there." Wooyoung muttered quietly. IU giggled and sunk back into the couch. Wooyoung walked over and took a sleep next to IU. They began to eat and watch TV, ended up finishing the whole tub and then falling asleep. 

One busy day and one fun evening. They deserve the rest.




yay ! finished. aaand. now. i have to work on it all started with soccer. ( aw crap. ) it'll probably take me like a month guys. sorry. c'mon, readers, if you've been with me since the beginning or something, you KNOW i will take quite a long time. sorry. i can't help it. >-< anyways. yes. so, uh, hope you guys liked this chapter ! believe it or not, i actually had a lot of fun writing this chapter. anyways. marshmellow couple will be back next chapter hopefully. so yea. fighting ! to myself that is. o___o 

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Egg-yeols0911 #2
Chapter 1: You're writing skills is really good XO !! BUT PLEASE CONTINUE THIS FANFIC CUS I LOVE IT!
Chapter 16: I love this story:< Don't stahpppp~continue!""
Chapter 10: Exo are seducing people to enter their fandom~Likeeeeeeee author-nnim!
Chapter 16: I hope you continue with this storyy~
Chapter 16: awwwwwww :(((((((( please continue writing this story...
Chapter 16: We will be waiting for u :)))
NocturnalSparrow #8
Chapter 16: Thank You For Letting Your Readers Know. If It's Not Too Much I Would Like You To Post That Chapter Up.
Chapter 14: aww! they obviously like each other!
It's been a long time since the last update... I miss this story so much!
Chapter 14: Want them to be jelly and be couple already hehe ;)))