I'm gonna borrow.

Wait, He's My Teacher? [ DISCONTINUED ]

"BRRING! BRRING!" IU's alarm clock rang. She woke up with a jump. "U- uuuuuh," She groaned and slapped the button. "damn .. I forgot to turn off my alarm clock .." She mumbled into her pillow. Then suddenly, IU's phone began to vibrate. She grabbed it quickly. "Y- yebosayo?" 

"Yah! Lee Jieun, are you still sleeping?!" Wooyoung asked angrily.

"Why? Did we have plans today .. ?" IU asked sleepily.

"YEA! We were going to the mall today, remember?!" Wooyoung answered restlessly. IU immediately sat up.

"Oh my gosh, you're right! Sorry, I'll get ready right now!" IU hung up and quickly got out of her bed and ran out of her room to the bathroom. Geez, I totally forgot about our plans that we made yesterday! Yoseob and I played monopoly for too long last night .. 

IU then took a quick shower and while quickly drying her hair with my towel, she opened my window to check the temperature outside. It's hot .. She thought.

She threw on a green v neck with black ripped shorts and a white cardigan. While IU was putting everything that she needed into her backpack, she heard the doorbell ring. "IT'S OPEN!" She shouted. She heard the door open and a soft, yet deep voice.

"Yah! IU! Can I borrow some rice?" IU could hear Yoseob ask. IU stood up and went outside to check what Yoseob was doing. She found Yoseob wearing his pajama's still. Black shorts, a white beater and his hair was all messy.

"Ehh~ Where's your rice?!" IU complained.

"Mian! Ran out last night just after you left." Yoseob ruffled the back of his head. IU sighed. It's like he's younger than me! 

"Fine, but hurry up. I need to leave soon!" The younger angrily said and watched as Yoseob scooped rice into a large bowl. After 2 minutes, he was finished.

"Thanks! I'll pay you back, I promise." Yoseob bowed and left her apartment. IU sighed a sigh of relief and settled her back on top of a wall. She took out her phone and looked at the time. Her eyes widened. "Oh !" She screamed and grabbed her backpack. She quickly put on some random sneakers and ran out the door. After she reached the subway, IU dialed Wooyoung's phone to ask him where they're meeting.

"Put yo hands up, put put put put yo hands up~" Wooyoung's ringtone sounded into IU's ears. "Yebosayo?" 

"Yah, Wooyoung, where are we meeting?" IU asked while getting onto the subway and taking a seat.

"I'm here at the library. Meet me at the front desk." 

"Ne~ bye bye." IU hung up and stared at her phone. Then all of a sudden, her phone vibrated again. She stared at the ID. 'Babo.' Yoseob.

She pressed the middle button and looked at her text message.


  IU~ i'm going to borrow some kimchi, arasso? thanks ! ♥  ►


IU sighed. "Where did all of his food go?" She laughed and put away her phone. After doing so, IU sat there, staring at the window, waiting for her stop to come.




sorry it's so short ! i wanted to save the rest for the next chapter. :) minor Marshmellow moments and Milky / WooU moments next chapter at the mall ! see you all next time ! gotta get started on my next chapter of my first story. everybody's anxious. :)

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Egg-yeols0911 #2
Chapter 1: You're writing skills is really good XO !! BUT PLEASE CONTINUE THIS FANFIC CUS I LOVE IT!
Chapter 16: I love this story:< Don't stahpppp~continue!""
Chapter 10: Exo are seducing people to enter their fandom~Likeeeeeeee author-nnim!
Chapter 16: I hope you continue with this storyy~
Chapter 16: awwwwwww :(((((((( please continue writing this story...
Chapter 16: We will be waiting for u :)))
NocturnalSparrow #8
Chapter 16: Thank You For Letting Your Readers Know. If It's Not Too Much I Would Like You To Post That Chapter Up.
Chapter 14: aww! they obviously like each other!
It's been a long time since the last update... I miss this story so much!
Chapter 14: Want them to be jelly and be couple already hehe ;)))