How Did You End Up Here

A Match Made in Paint

I sat in Art History 101 dying for my class to end. Mr. Choi was a great teacher, don't get me wrong I just wanted to go to work to see Fabio. Suddenly, the students began packing their books away, which was when I realized I had been day dreaming so much I didn't hear Mr. Choi dismiss us all. 

"Hey," Kai stood across the hall waiting for me. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked pulling my phone out of my bag. "I thought you had class." 

"It was canceled," he shrugged. "Where are you headed now?" 

"I have to work..." 

"Aish, Jae why do you work so much?" Kai pouted. "I'm so bored without you." He stood in front of me in the hallway, blocking the way. 

Seriously? The guy I loved who didn't love me back was begging for my attention and I was turning him down? What luck! "This is my major...if this internship goes well I'll be set after college. Don't you have plans after graduation?"

"Yeah. I just have to dance my way through life," Kai leaned forward, barely leaving any space between us. Jerk! 

"Babo, that's not going to pay money. How are you planning on making a living?" 

Kai wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head. "I'll just live with Jae for the rest of my life." 

"Yah" I struggled out of his grasp. For reasons I didn't even know, tears were pooling in my eyes. "Do you think I'm just going to let you live off of me?" I gathered my emotions and continued forward. 

"Jae," Kai followed after me but I wouldn't stop. "Hey! Lee Jaeyi!" He forced me to turn around, and my temper didn't calm one bit. 

"I was just kidding back there..." He slipped his hands into his pockets and kicked the dirt around his feet. "I'm sorry..." 

"Whatever," I sighed. I was tired of Kai playing with my emotions. He wasn't stupid, he knew how I felt about him, but he refused to give me any feedback. Instead he egged it on and flustered the butterflies in my stomach. 

"Let me walk you to work?" He looked up at me with his puppy eyes. "Please?" 

"Sure," He got the best of me again. On our way to the museum he was messing with his phone, and kept laughing to himself. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing," he looked up at me and laughed again. 

"Kai!" I laughed too. "What is it?" 

"Look! We're here." He looked up at the museum in front of us. "See you," Kai winked at me and waved before leaving still completely absorbed in his phone. 

"Bye," Just like him, leaving me hanging. As I headed over to clock in I got a Kakao message.


"Funny right? Do you remember taking this?"


When I clicked the download button and saw the picture that popped up, my cheeks turned red. No! I didn't remember taking this picture at all, but I was sure I took it sometime in between my third and fourth shot last Friday. We were so cute natural. Why was I the only one to see us in this way?

"Lee Jaeyi! You're late!" My boss watched as I blushed over my text. 

"Oh! Ne, Sorry!" I bowed and tried to start focusing on my work.

"Stay on the first floor today and watch over the artifacts. You can leave by three today if things go smooth." He said checking through his clip board. 

"Is there nothing on the third floor for me? I can dust the paintings..." 

"No, it's alright. Just stay on the first floor today." It was a shame that I was willing to give up getting off three hours early just to see Fabio. 

"I hope you enjoyed your visit!" I smiled to the guests leaving. I hadn't been working for more than half an hour before I got a text. I had to sneak a look at my phone. 


​Yah!! work hard Jae~ Don't worry about your dark circles. We can wear cucumbers on our faces tonight and watch movies. 


​"Why is he being so nice to me all of a sudden?" I held my phone to my chest. "Did he do something wrong?" Suspicion suddenly took over. Maybe he was just being nice to make up for something. 

"Yah, Jaeyi why are you hugging your phone?" My co worker, Nicole, laughed. 

"Mwoh? Oh, nothing..." The rest of my day was filled with optimistic thoughts. Maybe Kai was finally seeing something in me. Maybe...

"Jae!" I was focused dusting off a sculpture and heard Kai behind me.

"What are you doing-" I turned around with a smile that quickly faded when seeing Kai's date. The same girl he was talking to at the bar last week.

"You look so happy dusting off a guy," Kai laughed looking at the sculpture. My face turned red and I couldn't look at the two of them. Being in my work clothes with messy hair while Kai was standing next to a cute girl in a pencil skirt just threw into my face how stupid I was to think he thought anything of me.

"Weren't you at the bar last week as well?" The girl smiled. "I think I saw you stumbling to the bathroom."

Damn! "Oh, was that me?" I rubbed the back of my neck trying to look anywhere but in her eyes.

"What time do you get off?" Kai asked. I looked up at the clock and saw that I was actually going to leave in ten minutes.

"Um, I'm closing today..." I lied.

"Seriously? Why did you sign up for so many hours when you have classes tomorrow?" 

"I don't know...why are you here?" 

"Well...." Kai rubbed the back of his head. "She's interested in this kind of stuff. Do you recommend anything?" Did Kai really have the nerve to bring over a girl to my job with the same interests as me, and ask what I suggested they do on their date? Really?

"I don't know...our cafe has some good bread." And I hope you choke on it! I turned back to the sculpture. "I'm really busy today so don't get me in trouble."

"Alright work hard," Kai ruffled my hair again and left with his date. 

"Jerk!" I cursed him as he walked away. Why did he love doing this to me? It was like Kai wanted to lead me on, just to crush me even worse later on. 

At the end of my shift I decided to throw myself a pitty party and drink my troubles away. Ignoring Kai's calls was an easy task seeing as I was too drunk to even figure out the touch screen on my phone. 

"Why do I even let a jerk like that affect me?" *hic* Either my mind was playing tricks on me, or the ahjussi serving me more beer grew three heads. "Yah! Stop doing that!" *hic* "you're scaring away the customers..." My head fell to the table with a loud bang. 

The next time my mind cleared and I could actually control my thoughts, I was in the elevator of the museum. The doors ring open and I found myself stumbling onto the third floor. "Aigoo, *hic* who sent me hear," A wry smile spreads across my lips. Drunk or sober it doesn't take me long to make my way over to Fabio. "Jagiya!," I hummed. "Your love has arrived." 

I stared up at the painting before me. He looked just as stunning with the tint of moonlight creeping through the windows shining on his physique. My fingers glided across the thick paint, I've never been able to stare this closely before. For some reason it set my mind at ease knowing that there wass someone or something that I could depend on. "Yah, Fabio-ssi," momentarily my drunken state was forgotten and my thoughts were as clear as day. "If you're really cupid then..." A lump rose in my throat and I took a deep breath to keep my words steady. "Just make Kai realize how perfect we can be together if he'd just..." My vision begins to fail me. Then nothing. 

The next morning I woke up to a searing headache and nausea. My last memory was of leaving the bar after work upset with Kai. I wasn’t quite sure how I managed to get home, but at least I did. There was a loud crash coming from the living room, and my heart dropped. Did I go home with someone last night?

“Aigoo! Yah, Lee Jaeyi why can’t you do anything right?!” It wasn’t easy forcing myself out of bed to see who it was in my living room making a mess. “Cheogiyeo-” My eyes focused on a tall boy with a head full of soft brown hair that stopped at his shoulders. If I didn’t know any better I would’ve thought it was the boy of my dreams who didn’t exist in this world. He was struggling to hold up my falling bookshelf. He turned around and I got a good look at his face, my mouth fell to the floor.It was him! The one from the painting! Fabio was standing in my living room. "W-what are you?!" I scrambled on the ground for a fallen book and held it above my head as a weapon. "How did you get into my living room?!"

Fabio tried to take a step closer but realized he was the only thing holding my bookshelf up. "Don't come near me!" I put my hand in front of me, and stepped back. "You just stay right there!" He tried again to move forward this time letting go of the bookshelf entirely. He didn't make it far before it came crashing down on the back of his head and he fumbled to the ground with it. A scream escaped me as I watched him get knocked out. "T-This can't be real..." A few slaps to my cheeks didn't do much but redden my skin. What exactly did I do last night?! How did this person end up in my apartment?! The first thing my brain decided to do was tell myself to look up the painting on my phone and compare it to the unconscious boy laying on my living room floor. 

Once reaching my phone, I crouched down next to the boy's head that poked out above the bookshelf. "I'm really sorry about this," I had no choice but to pull him by his long brown hair to lift his head up for a comparison. Just as I feared it was a perfect match, from the long hair down to the white collared shirt and back tie. "How could this be? Paintings don't just come to life!" My first thought was to call someone.

"Kai!" I jumped to my feet and started dialing his number. How pathetic was it that I memorized it when these days, there's really no need to do so. I held the phone to my ear as it rang, then suddenly felt a fire enlighten my chest. I hung up immediately and threw my phone to the ground. I didn't need Kai for anything. He was probably too busy being a jerk to pick up the phone anyway. 

I glanced over to the sleeping boy under my bookcase and felt guilty. If by some supernatural chance that he was my Fabio, and I wasn't just going crazy from stress, I wouldn't want to hurt him, and I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Somehow, I managed to lift the bookcase, and accidently knocked all of the books on top of him. My mind wandered to many places while I struggled to pull him onto the couch. There he laid peacefully...the closer I got to examine him, the more it started feeling like I was just looking at the painting everyday. His chest rose with slow and steady breathes.

"Fabio...I don't understand why, and how you're here but...let's hope things will go back to normal soon." I swept a strand of lose hair behind his ear, and brought out some sheets to keep him warm while he slept. Well...slept, knocked out, same thing!



















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Chapter 3: He is cuuteee xD
Infinitely4k #2
Chapter 2: Wouah... Kai really is a jerk. Thanks for the updates!!
GeneralPanda #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^