A winter romance [requested]


[I hope you like this.Im really bad at grammar and i hope you understand the whole plot.Enjoy!]


N.The guy at school that liked you.He was afraid,though,to tell you his true feelings that

he kept inside him all the time...

Christmass was coming... 

You liked him too but were afraid to reveal your feelings,too... 

Would you 2 ever confess to each other or... live your lives apart for Christmass...?


It was cold and snowy outside. Your mom had just commanded you to go outside and buy

her stuff from the mark. You were mad at her. She knew it was cold outside but didn't

respect you at all... You opened the cupboard and changed into your winter clothes.

"Don't forget to buy the bread~" Your mom said as you were wearing your shoes...

"Ok~I won't" I said as i left home...



It was chilling cold outside,your hands were shaking even if you had gloves on.

Everything was white outside because of the snow,you forgot how to go to the market.

The snow started falling even more and that got you worried. The wind was blowing 

hard too...



The market was still far from where you were. You had lost the way to go there. It was

confusing you a lot because of the snow... Maybe if you started running,the faster you

would reach the market... 


As you were running,all of a sudden,you feel like losing balance.The wind started blowing

even harder and the snow started getting more thick than before... 

You lose balance and accidentally fall on someone... you feel terrified... 

"Ahh... Im so sorry... im very sorry" You apologise to the person. 

Suddenly the person you fall onto turns to you. You don't believe in your eyes.

It's your classmate. N. The one who you liked very much... Suddenly,you freeze there.

And not from the cold actually...



"I'It's ok..." He says while getting up as fast as he can. You start to walk again as if

nothing happened,you feel a hand on your shoulder. 

"Wait..." N says. You turn your head to him again. 

"Do you want me to ... help you at anything?" N says while rubbing the back of his

head nervously.

"Ah...eh..." You were blank.You didn't know what to say actually.



"Ah.. no..no.. nothing" You mumble. He still doesn't move from his place and looks at


"Are you lost?" He asks you. "K-kinda..." You say. Trying to act naturall but fail.


He goes right next to you. You feel your cheeks burn. 

"Tell me where you want to go and i'll help you..." He says to you.

"...ah.. umm.. the market..." You say. 

Why would a guy like him help you? Why was he trying to help you? Maybe because

he was just a good person or... not..not even in a million days... Im not good enough

for anyone... why would i be for him? 



You both finally arive at the store. You look back at him again. "Thank you" You

say,lightly smiling at him. 



"Wait..." He says. He accidentally reaches for your hand and you feel petrified by

his touch. "I have something to tell you..." He says.

You just look at him without saying anything. Your eyes meet each other.

All of a sudden you feel a pair of lips on yours. Your eyes open wide from the shock.

He just kissed you. You didn't know what to do. ... The boy you liked...



He pulls off from you. "...I hope you feel the same..." He says while getting closer to you.

"...I-i didn't know you felt this way..." You mumbled. He was so close to you,your lips

were so close to each other you could feel his breath...

He kissed you again. This time you both closed your eyes. This time it was more than

just a simple kiss,it was a more passionate one... You placed your arms around his and

his on your waist... You didn't care about the snow and the cold that was around you...




All you could feel was the warmth and the love that was dominating in both of you...





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Negastyle #1
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^